Thursday, April 28, 2011



It is sad to think that all Great Men, are at the end of the day, JUST men. After I wrote the tribute to Sathya Sai Baba, I went back on the net to read about his funeral and the mourners. Mind you, it has been twenty years since my encounter with the great Mystic and my experience was similar to many at the time. In my initial research of him, word of mouth, books and magazines were all that was available as the net itself was in its infancy. There weren't many negative things about him and his manifestations of objects bordered on Magic more than Miracle. That said, I found that the things that had been given to me were inexplicable, no way they could have been anything BUT miraculous. 

At the time, the Dali Llama was becoming very popular to the Western world as well and there seemed to be some competition in Japan for the many Gurus of the day. As I said, there were so many New Age religions popping up that you could literally pick your poison! Being a skeptic, I chose not to follow anyone and just admire them all, especially as my clients were following and devoting tons of money, time and effort to sharing space with their own personal favorites. As a Life Counsellor, I felt it  more my job to guide them through their Journey rather than to beg them off one.

In my recent web search for Sai Baba's life and his passing, a completely new person has emerged. A story of a strange man whom I could find no hope of following or, even respecting. It seems that there are many questions about his sexuality, which in and of themselves, are simply none of our business. However, there is a trail of sexual abuse of children as often in the Hindu culture, children are "given" to study at the Guru's knee for enlightenment and aggrandisement for the parents. So it is in Tibetan Buddhism, and many other Eastern religions. Often these "schools" are very strict and rigid when it comes to training of young devotees, but I have a very hard time when it comes to physical or sexual abuse, all under the guise of "spiritual training". We have heard of it being rampant in the Catholic church and therefore, it is no surprise that it happens in other religions, it is juts a more rare occurrence.

Sai Baba not only groomed young children for the Journey, but he had favorites, one is a 33 year old young man that the reporters are calling his "boyfriend". Again, I make no judgement about his homosexuality, but the fact that he groomed this man from 6 years old, I have a problem with. It is reported that now this man want, of course, to take over the Ashram and all its fixtures, which now is HUGE! Sai Baba has amassed a huge fortune, creating hospitals, schools and villages for his devotees and Sai Baba's brother is now fighting for the right to take over himself.

Anyway, my point is not about Sai Baba's Life or Death, it is about the devotee. I firmly believe in a Universal God Source and NO MAN is that THING! To follow another human being, I feel, is a mistake as you must give "over" your control in order to have faith is something outside yourself. You may have many Teachers throughout your life, and perhaps even run upon a Master or two, but we should never give our lives to another individual who control any CULT of any KIND! And YES there are Christian Cults as well as others. Our goal is to discover the Divine, WITHIN. Here is the True Master as only YOU have the Power to Divine your own Life. Even though Sai Baba did some miraculous things his own Indian people called him a FAKIR, or a fake. Millions of his devotees will disagree as his message was Pure, yet the Messenger was NOT.

There are so many books today and the information we can gather is endless. TOOLS, TEACHERS AND TIME, are the three things we need to be successful if we are ever going to understand our UNIQUE approach to Life and Living. TOOLS, are the books, candles, implements of meditation or divination, TEACHERS are everyone around us and TIME is hat is required for us to look deep within our Self for the particular Road Map we brought into this Lifetime. Nothing else is required. I certainly don't have the answers, only the Quest. The more I Learn, the less I Know, that is KNOW for sure as the Truth keeps evolving as I do. 

So we will continue to Seek the Truth, that which is unique and uniquely ours. Let us follow no MAN, as man has no idea of what is right for all and ALL is not Right for each Being. The First shall be Last! Until next time, I wish you Peace on our continuing Journey!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011



I have just learned of the death of the Great Hindu Teacher, Sathya Sai Baba. He breathed his last this past Easter Sunday at 7:40 am, he was 86 years old. In 1940, after a scorpion sting, it is said that his entire being was altered and he himself proclaimed that he was the reincarnated being of a great Hindu Saint. From this point on, he was a teacher in the ways of Humanity, Servitude and respecting the Divine in every Being. He was able to manifest many things from the ether's, flowers, jewels, a powder know as Vibuthi, and had Devotees from all over the world. I actually know very little about this great man, suffice to say that he was one of the Great Masters to walk this way.

Many in India revered him as a God but as we all know, God is God and no matter who the Master may be, they are NOT God. IN the early 1990's, just as the New Age resurgence was catching hold, I was deeply entrenched in Japan and could be considered a "designer" psychic. I had met some very famous people in Japan and had been elevated to such status by their own. Without mentioning names, it was a whirl wind of famous and infamous who became my clients and many were deeply interested in Sai Baba and the Dali Llama. Eastern Mysticism was spreading through Asia and with Buddhist roots, it wasn't a stretch at all. A client came and spoke of this Great Man, brought me a picture of him and I found him quite delightful to look it. He was known to wear the Orange robes of Hinduism and had this huge Afro. Once I touch his photo, being a psychometrist, I could feel this tingling up my arm and through out my body. This guy was the real deal!

During this period in Japan, there was a rush of New Age religions and Gurus popping up everywhere. I had even been approached to base a religious belief from my own. I found this laughable since I ABSOLUTELY have no faith in any organized religion OF ANY KIND! Shoko Asahara has just perpetrated the largest terror attack EVER on Japan with the Sarin gas attack in a Tokyo subway station and I then discovered that Japan had gone from 20 organised religions to over 480 in the first two years I was in Japan. I had also been given his picture by clients and had out right stated that this guy was a fraud and an insane man. Being ever the seeker, I began to look into many of the gurus of the day and the more I looked at Sai Baba, the man and the Miracles, I was deeply impressed. I am not a follower or devotee of anyone, as I believe that as human beings, we are all the same, none above and none below, yet I was so drawn to this strange, small statured man with the HUGE hair.

Being in close proximity to India, I wanted to go see him but at every turn, there was always something that got in the way. Sadly, I never made that Journey. I put Sai Baba's picture on my "God Spot" and used it as focus for meditation and within a very short time, I was have this grey powder show up on his picture and the other instruments. I was soon to learn that this was the Vibuthi that he manifests all the time. I began to get a large, "pimple" on my forehead, in the area of the Third Eye, it later proved to be a small golden ball. About six months later, in my home in Sedona, Arizona during the Spring Festivals in India, I found a Lingham on my God Spot, an egg shaped stone that Sai Baba is known to produce at these festivals. Then, an old client had made the Journey to India to meet with Sai Baba and he, being a famous doctor, was able to have a personal audience with Sai Baba. He returned to Japan and having no idea how to contact me, he met with friends who just happened to be leaving THAT day to see me in the states and Sai Baba had given him a gift saying "give this to Josefina". It was a miraculous thing, and a miraculous time.

So, a man I had never met, who knew nothing about me, sent me many gifts over the course of about two years and all in Miraculous ways. I am still blown away when I think of these things. He was a true healer and humanitarian. He built many hospitals and clinics in India for the poor and his devotees have been doing wonderful things for mankind all over the planet. Of course there are detractors and skeptics, but I know what I know and like Mother Theresa, Sai Baba had a mission! Had he been a catholic, I am certain he would be on his way to sainthood. He was a man of Peace, not a God but God-like. We need more Heroes in this time of difficulty and there are few, his own people revered him and some hated him but he had millions of devotees worldwide who are in mourning today. He will be laid to rest on Wednesday, in fact, being Tuesday here, it is happening now. I wish him God's Speed on his Journey and hopefully, he will return again, to teach and do good works. Rest in Peace, OM SAI RAM.

Sunday, April 24, 2011



Even though this ancient Chinese curse of "may you live in interesting times", is a good one, it reminds me, that in fact, we ARE! I am moved to write this evening about the upcoming events on our planet. It doesn't take a Nostradamus, an Einstein, or a Michio Kaku to point out that we are in difficult straights. This week have been celebrating Earth Day and in the Western World, Easter. Many prayers went up today, some for Peace, some not. Mine is all about the calming of our Earth, this Ring of Fire.

We are approaching the most interesting time in many generations as the pressure builds here in the North Western United States. Being deeply involved with Japan, I have been following, through every known vehicle, the many Internet sites, to see if I can establish a pattern to perhaps get some idea of "WHEN" we are going to see the next BIG ONE. Predictions are not easy, especially timing. I have always said that "timing is God's Business". Well, while I still believe that this is so, I am pushed to write about preparedness. 

We all must begin to prepare for the inevitable, that disaster that no one can see and the ones we can. Sever weather has always been one that we can, in some ways prepare for, but earthquakes and tsunami are a little more difficult. The best preparedness is having a "grab it and get out" bag and of course, some survival gear. Preparing at home with extra water and food will also be necessary. As a seer myself, I try NOT to put timing to things, but I can't help but see what is coming, and it IS coming.

Tonight, there is a program on the Discovery Channel, (one of my fav's), about the "Megaquake" that struck Japan. To date, the best full view of Nature in complete control of Humanity! I am saddened to the bone; this is happening to MY people and my "home" country. I could only cry as I say the devastation visited on these brave and stoic people knowing that they would handle this with such dignity and grace. 

Recently, there have been many such programs about "Killer Nature", typhoons, hurricanes, floods and the like. Yes, we are living in VERY interesting times and the next one is coming. The Earth is in that cycle of destruction and rebirth. Nothing new, just a new beginning. How will we handle it when it is at our front steps? Are we prepared? I can only say that you must count on yourself first as governments can only follow up and clean up. The Japanese are teaching us once again. When we see the devastation in Indonesia or Bangladesh, for some reason, it isn't quite as alarming. However, a civilized country like Japan makes us pay a little closer attention. So let's not waste this lesson! Most of all, let's not waste NOW, the only timing we truly can control.

Prepare as you can, love your kids a little more. Be a better friend, forgive a lot quicker. The Acceleration has begun and we are moving into dangerous times. Over the next few weeks, we will see an increase in the earthquakes in Japan and the Ring of Fire in general. The Pacific Northwest is next! I know that others are looking at California and it may well be, however as of yesterday, the pressure here on the Oregon Coast has increased tremendously, and is about to pop! Where exactly, I do not know, but it comes as it will.

Enough for now, I am prepared as best I can be. I send you all great Love in these difficult times and thank you again, for taking your time to read my work. Until next time, I wish you Peace.



More to the middle of the discussion, but still just getting started! We are at the SUPRA-CONSCIOUS level of mind, one of the least accessible to human consciousness. From this level, we receive information in the way of inspiration, instinct and that "GUT FEELING" kind of stuff. We all have sensations of "knowing" something without ever having studied it, of taking the "right" instead of the "left" at a critical juncture. Of wishing or wanting something so badly and getting it. Premonitions reside here, de jevu is common place. However, when this things "pop up" into the conscious level of mind, the Ego quickly will try to dismiss them as nothing important, or "so what, everyone does that". The Ego will deny anything that it cannot rationally understand or accept it even when proven. This is why there is such a barrier to truly "KNOWING YOURSELF". If all you are is the Ego/Rational level of mind, then what are you? Well, you would be like all other living things on the planet, a Naturally Expressed Being. Currently, humans are NURTURALLY Expressed Beings, we project our Nurture, NOT our Nature.

The Data Bank holds all things, without judgement. When we choose Life, before we are born, we choose our ethnicity, location, culture and parentage. From all this would come our Nurture. We are TAUGHT hatred and intolerance, bigotry and "otherness". Our Nature would have us loving and accepting all things, but for rationality, this would be a lovely place to be! However, it would NOT be worth the effort of becoming a Human Being. The Journey is all about the Learning, about "who" we can become rather than the "what". Nearly 7 billion people are having a Human Experience, uniquely expressed, no two alike. Here is where the uniqueness of our Genetic Road Map, get itself expressed even in our finger and palm prints again, no two alike. Coincidence? I think NOT! The Ego would have us believe so, even science knows there is a connection to the way genetics expresses itself to create these prints. I believe that we need to evolve just a little more so that we are able to read our own prints for guidance. Palmist and finger print experts see a correlation and I do, too!

Have you ever seen something inexplicable? Perhaps a UFO? Have you had the experience of De Jevu, having just gone through something, said something that you KNOW you did before? Following that "gut feeling" and having these weird happenstance are all a part of Spirit trying to WAKE YOU UP!! You don't have to become a sitting Monk for the rest of your Life to find answers to the Greatest Puzzle of all time, but you DO have to participate in Life fully AWAKE! You have greater Powers than you can possibly imagine, but then, you do need to IMAGINE! Imaging, or imagining are the same function. Using the Supra-conscious to guide you can be a Natural Expression if you encourage it. Like a new muscle, it must first be found, then exercised.

I hope that you did as I asked and have started a journal for this Journey. As I begin to discuss the next two levels of Mind, you will discover the ways of communication that can help you most in understanding your true Nature and what you are doing here now. We all have that question, "WHY AM I HERE AND WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO"? There are many, clearly more than 90% who appear to be "HERE FOR THE BEER"! Just a joke of course, but then, take a look around many people do you know personally, that are seeking a Higher Understanding? Most are just falling through Life, with no obvious signs of intent. In order to live with Purpose, you first must HAVE a purpose. As Old Souls, the main purpose is UNDERSTANDING!  More of this Journey later, but back to the Levels of Mind.

Obviously, you have read this far for a reason and I hope that I am able to introduce you to that other level of thought that is critical to Knowing Who you are and what you are meant to Be. It is time to draw the line from the Higher Self level of Mind to the Supra-conscious. It is this connection from Spirit to Supra-conscious, that makes Life as Human Being have Purpose. There are several approaches to gaining access to this level, the Natural ones are dreams and intuition. In order for the Higher Self to contact the conscious level of mind, it must do so in the way of dreams as direct communication is altered by the Ego. In fact, the term "ALTER EGO" describes a condition where the Ego splits and more than one is present. With practice, we can "split" this area ourselves and have a regular communication with the Higher Self. Psychics and Seers have used this method forever and we all have the potential to do so. It is not unique to "GIFTED" individuals, it is simply that some are more aware than others. We all have "psychic" ability and experiences, the Ego will determine how they are viewed. The word "PSYCHIC" merely means "of the mind", and ALL Human Beings are OF THE MIND! We are all about it, but NOT "IN" it, and occasionally, we are OUT OF IT!

The modern study of psychology has made huge leaps toward understanding the psyche of Humanity, but the other areas of Thought have been relegated to something "outside" the realm of human mind. Since it is a bastion of "BELIEF SYSTEMS", something so non-scientific and difficult to quantify, it has never been considered to be a part of the human thought process. The Higher Self, that precious 21 grams, is ALL that we ARE and ever HAVE BEEN. Within this level of Mind, is the Wisdom of the Ages. It can be expressed as male, female, alien or animal and sometimes, it is merely energy. In my workshops where we actually do the guided past life regressions and progressions, the introduction to the Higher Self is one of my favorite things to do! Seeing your own Higher Self, meeting them like an old friend, learning their name and receiving those personal messages is a Life altering experience. Still, the Ego would have you believe that it isn't true and that by the end of a workshop, I still have people questioning what they, themselves saw! The workshops are a way to connect the Higher Self level of Mind to the conscious, but the Ego is a fighter! If the subconscious level has no data to reenforce the introduction, then it melts away much like a dream. So note taking is critical, writing your impressions and hunches down, becomes a part of data collection. Even after 22 years of teaching this method, I too, still struggle with the Ego's version of reality.

So NOW!!!!! ON to the God level of mind, which you may draw a line directly to the Higher Self level. If I could tell you exactly what GOD is, then it wouldn't exist as it has as many explanations as there are human beings on this planet. This goes from zero to 7 billion in a flash! There is the "Panspermia" theory, that all life began from being "seeded" with star dust from the Universal Complex and every religion has its own Genesis story of mankind's Journey. So I will ask you to simply PICK ONE! I personally believe that there is an Intelligent Source out there and that It and We are the same, that Spark of Divinity is within and without for every Living thing. While the Higher Self and God level of Mind are NOT within our conscious GRASP, it is within reach! It is absolute at birth, we have to LEARN to fear death, in fact we have to Learn FEAR! Our choice to become a human being, is in the full knowledge that there will be things to overcome. THIS is why we chose to become human, for all its up's and down's, for all its turmoil, tragedy and triumph, there is no better way to learn.

If we can begin to master the central three levels of mind, to journal our ideas, our fears, hopes and YES our dreams, we can begin to read the patterns of God's communication with our Self. From ancient times to modern day, we have clergy, priests and seers. There are those so dedicated to it, that we hang on their every word. For most Old Souls, this is a bit harder to follow as having past lives where we dedicated our whole lives to one religion or another, in the process of understanding the ALL of it all. I have memory of many Lives in pursuit of religious understanding, of following the Great Twelve Masters on this planet. It has NOT given me a greater understanding in this lifetime, it has given me the Freedom to seek newer Paths with respect for the Older Path. I am free to reject them all or embrace them all, but only through understanding them have I come to Embrace them for what they mean to MAnkind as a whole. Without the God Level of Mind, mankind would be whole different Animal, our Nature is to KILL, to overcome and to control. Religious Wars have ALWAYS been the reason for war and God has NOTHING to do with it!

Integration of the five levels of mind take practice and due diligence. This is merely the seed of a Thought and a new way of Thinking. You have an incredible Power, a THINKING BRAIN, yet learning NOT to think is another process. Learning how to just BE, to live fully in the Now, requires training and understanding. I highly recommend Eckhart Tolle's books, and especially, "THE POWER OF NOW". There are so many great books today as we are all trying to get what we need as the Acceleration has begun! We are facing terrible times, in fact we are living in them and if History is written by its victims, then let us begin to write! The Ego is a powerful tool and it would have us be "victim" most of the time as the "pity pot" is a great Throne from which to dictate. Balance is key in all things and if we can find the balance for communication within ourselves, then we HAVE the Key to Wisdom. Only the Ego can stop your forward evolution, but you do have a conscious choice in the matter. Choose wisely, but choose you must, for choosing NOT to choose, is a choice in itself!

I thank you for your time with me and I welcome questions and comments. There is so much more to say on this subject, but it IS subjective, so unless you post here, I will not have a say in your Journey. Enjoy this Journey, it is why you are here, for this moment. Until next time, I wish you Peace.

Saturday, April 23, 2011



I have been wrestling with just how I would begin this writing. Since this is usually done in a seminar format, I would ask that you get yourself a journal or notebook as it can be confusing if you are only reading or listening to this part of the explanation. My seminars are generally about 8 hours long which include introduction to the Higher Self, however that cannot be done in this format. None the less, it will be a long Journey as I explain my belief in how these levels of Mind function, one with the other.

So, I assume you now have your paper ready, on the first page, draw five circles in a vertical line.In the top circle, write God, in the next circle write Higher Self, the center circle write Ego/Rational, in the next write subconscious and finally in the last circle, write Supra Conscious. Each of these levels have their own particular function and stage of Being, so as I interrelate them, I would ask that you draw lines to each and take notes about their particular function as they relate to one another. This will be a very long process and I may break it at some point to finish at another time. My energy is finite and I apologize in advance.

I will begin with the Ego/Rational level of mind. There has been so much written about the ego and its true Nature that I will not delve too deeply as it can be a matter of opinion rather than a substantive fact suffice to say, it is our best friend and worst enemy. This level of mind is, so it thinks, in full control of the Being. The Ego is necessary as it is the seat of consciousness and rational thought. It has been fed with information since birth which through Natural process, get stored in the Data Bank, the subconscious. You may draw the first line of linkage from the Ego/Rational level to the Subconscious at this point. In fact, I would ask you to draw a larger circle at this point to encompass the lower three levels of mind to include the Supra Conscious level. These three levels are held within the human being's grasp.

The Ego has its own and only point of being, ITS SURVIVAL! Here is where all battles begin and end. It has a powerful job to do, it THINKS, THERE FOR IT IS! Well, that is partially true. This level of mind is the only place were we have rational thought, or reasoning ability. We cannot express Life without it, some are born without this level fully integrated and are considered mentally challenged in our society. They have an Angelic presence as the "I AM" doesn't get in the way of WHO they are. For the rest of us, here is the challenge. To be singularly significant, or the best of the best is the goal of the Ego. To be "on top" of thinking and thought, yet of itself, it has no power except to rule the conscious level of mind. Within the Ego, is our personality but again, not of itself but of Nurture.

We live life in cycles, for most it is cycles of 9 years and for others it is 7. I find that most Old Souls are on the 9 year cycle model. Of each full cycle, there are 3's, 3 full cycles equals a 9 year cycle. Everything in the Universe has a cycle, the Sun 11 years, the Moon 18 years, and that extrapolates out to every living thing, including star dust! Cosmic Mechanics as taught by Sir Issac Newton speaks to these cycles of stellar Life. We are just one of the many influenced by these same cycles. Our biggest stellar influence is the Moon. The Sun has a Life influence, without it, there would be no Life at all, but the Moon has an emotional influence. It rolls on 28 day cycle, just as the tides do as well as a woman's menstrual cycle. Far more than the physical, is the emotional and the Ego is influenced greatly!

In the first 9 year cycle of Life, the Ego is bombarded with facts and figures, it begins as a basic filter for the subconscious level. About 70% of everything we are EVER going to know, is loaded in by age 9. Becoming a human being is a difficult thing! We know what a chair is by association, what hot or cold, a table, a teacher, a policeman, THE BOGEYMAN, all these things we will know by age 9. The memories of past lives long gone by now, as they have left generally within the first three years. Even at this tender age, the Ego is struggling with memories it has no way of understanding, no Data Bank to draw from, therefore, it must not be real!

The Ancients new of the subconscious, in fact, I dare say that they understood the multiple layers better than we do today. Modern psychology began with Freud who I believe, got trapped up in the "ID" of it all and sexual expressions which evolved from it. In ancient times, there was a reference to a 360 degree spectrum of senses, which is now only credited with 5. Of these five senses, the Ego does not have a say in what they are but will recognize that they do exist as Nature cannot be fully understood by the Ego. Freud's representation of ego and id were revolutionary for the times and considered sacrilegious as they worked against the principles of religion. Here is where I also believe that psychology, science, religion and theology began to merge in our culture today. Carl Jung was a preeminent psychologist and to me, has made much more sense of the senses and how our known levels of mind communicate with each other.

So, more to my point today, the EGO/RATIONAL level of mind is simply the consciousness of a Being. It dies when the body dies and has no stake in future evolution. The subconscious is a data bank, it has no thought process of its own, it cannot describe a thing, it can only recall it and offer it up directly to the conscious level for rationing out what the thing is. Sadly, here is also the storage area for every good or bad thing that has ever happened to the Being in the current life time. All memory is stored here, for good or bad to be called up at the behest of the Ego for it's rational summoning. We can be about to start a new job, and the ego would have us recall our learning for this job. It would bring up guilt for having failed at something, teachers or parents negative reviews of our abilities. It would chip away at confidence in an effort to produce FEAR, as fear is its main control of the Being. It may also overdo confidence, remembering a great triumph of some sort and shield the Truth from you in an effort to control. The Ego is insidious in its attempt to control, again for good or for bad, it would have you up and down the scale of delusional thinking.

The Ego level and the Subconscious level are always in sync. One could not exist without the other. The SUPRA-CONSCIOUS is the lowest level in the physical realm of mind. Like the subconscious, it feeds directly upward into the data bank. Here is where, at birth is downloaded all we are meant to be, our likes, our dislikes and a veritable road map for our entire life. The ancients believed it was held in the Pineal gland, some the Hypothalamus, or the Thalamus and even the heart. I happen to believe that it goes much deeper than a mere gland, I believe that it is heal in the helix of our DNA. Since we have had such tremendous scientific study in the genetic structures of Human Beings, I feel that my beliefs have been justified. Just as the first human beings have been traced to a single African Woman, I too believe that we can follow that genetic material to uncover our "INNER" Journey to our current state of Being. All we have ever been physically, or ever will BE, IS RECORDED! This record is proven factual. How we will actually use it, or read, in the future remains to be seen, however I believe it is there for discovery.

The Supra-conscious material, supports the subconscious in many ways. It  holds the information of our past, present and future dreams, hope, influences and possibilities. There is nothing negative that can reside here. From birth, this level is active bringing in information of the Universe in its entirety, every Truth that can be known. Its power is Absolute, yet it cannot make you DO anything. It can only offer up the information in the sense of dreams, hunches, intuition and instinct. This is one level of mind that we can access through meditation and it is here that True Peace LIVES. Only the Ego has a rationale for judgement, for hatred and discontent. It may base these things on Nature or Nurture, culture and adaptation but never on pure Truth. We all have the capacity to reach this level of mind, but keeping the ego in its place is the hard part as the rational level of mind, is always active and as our Survival Tool, cannot and will not be turned off. The Ego in balance is key to discovering your True Self as it is represented at the Supra-conscious level of mind.

I will end this for today and post this first part of THE FIVE LEVELS OF MIND. Please keep your journal handy for the next installment and PLEASE write notes along the way. Once we begin these studies and recognize the other levels of mind, it is always astonishing how the mind will give out more information to the individual seeker. Your impressions of this information, good or bad, is critical if you are to understand "WHO" you truly are. Once understood, the Supra-conscious will begin to allow dreams and instinct to fuel your curiosity and deliver to you, information that is uniquely yours. I wish you VOLUMES of information and until next time, I wish you Peace.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011



The poll results are in! You chose the Five Levels of Mind as my next topic and so it shall be! I will be writing this tomorrow and I hope that you continue to enjoy my writing and participate in anyway you like. I so appreciate your visits here, your postings and invite your comments as well as anything you would like to write about, or read about. I certainly am not the smartest in the world but I am full of experience and opinions that I would love to share with you. Until tomorrow, Peace be with YOU!!


This is taking longer than I had planned, Life has a way of doing what it wants, while we Plan to do other things! This topic, is a deep one, so I may have to do it in installments. I will do my best, however the Information comes from the Universe and Flows Naturally. I will post the first part this afternoon. Thank you for your patience! Peace be with you and your Loved Ones during this Holy Season of Peace and Renewal. Peace be Local, but Pray for Global!

Saturday, April 16, 2011



TAKING LOVE SERIOUSLY. One of the most difficult things we attempt to do in Life, is to find Love. Love, of itself, truly defies description for only Love is like Love. To give an accurate description, one must be able to find a comparison by which it can be described. Love is simply Love. This is a subject we all wrestle with, we want it, we love it, we hate it and even when we have found it, it is rarely what we thought it would be.

When we are called to Love, it is impossible not to go into it with blind abandon. We release all rational thought for Love is NOT rational. Listening to a Love song will break your heart if you are lonely and melt it softly, if you are in Love.

Love can destroy you, leaving you confused and depressed. It will lay your soul bare and take you to the brink of suicide, yet Love has no driving force of its own. It is a double edged Sword yet it doesn't have two sides, it is merely Love.

Love can  lift you up to soar on high with the Eagles, to dissolve the everyday problems of Life like that of the wispy morning mists. Then, without warning, dash you to the ground to be split into a million little pieces. All of this Love would do to you so that you may find the true meaning of Love which lies within your own heart, to expand your knowledge of Love as well as its many feelings. However, it is not Love that gives this to you as it takes nothing from you. Love cannot control you as it cannot be controlled. 

Love has no other purpose than to be Itself. Find Joy in your heart for having it, look for it in unexpected places if you have not yet found it. Look for Love in the awakening of another beautiful day of Life, in the unrestrained laughter of children and in the Wisdom of the aged. For even in the sorrow of Love, seek NOT to find Love in the heart of Man, but seek for the Love of God in your Heart. Only the Universal God Source is Love and therefore the only Source of it.

Love IS a resource, yet not finite. It has its own energy and has been given to every living thing. It is an "emotion", not necessarily unique to Human Beings but for us, it is expressed in Sexual Passion. Things that relate to Nature and Nurture have a common root in Love and Its force in living things.

My next installment will be "SEX AND PASSION". Please feel free to leave comments or ask questions, I so look forward to any conversations on the blog. Until next time, I wish you Peace!

Thursday, April 14, 2011



And the is an 11th thing I will disclose later in this blog, SHIGATAGANAI. But first let us discuss the great things about the Japanese people. I simply fell head-over-heels in love with this country, the moment I stepped on that plane in February of 1989. I had no conscious "knowing" of this country other than they were our enemy in World War II, my Uncle had died during this war and there was great hatred within my family for a people we knew nothing about.

I had been contacted by my dear friend Richard Moe, to come to Japan, all expenses paid, to do Life readings for his friend's clients, who runs a Seitai dojo there. It took me no more than a nano second to agree to this Journey, Knowing deep within me that this WAS the next step in my Life. This was a huge leap of Faith, married with children and a normal life here in the states, it truly was a magical time and in retrospect, I see exactly why I chose this Journey. This is a story for another time.

These 10 things I am about to list here, came from an internet forward. I could have written this myself, but I did not. I will add to it where I can, but it pretty much stands alone in its observation of a great people. I have written before about culture and how America, truly hasn't got one! We do have several different styles of culture represented here in our Great Country, but our greatest asset, is that we ARE the Big Brother on this planet. If you need someone to come and kick some serious Ass, then you only need to ask, or have some dictator, push the margins of Human Rights. I will also write more about that later. Without further Adieu:


1. THE CALM: Not a single visual sign of wild grief. Sorrow, itself, has been elevated.
a.) Calm is a Natural state of Being for the Japanese, even grief is accepted as a Natural thing.

2. THE DIGNITY: Disciplined lines for water and groceries, not a rough word or crude gesture.
b.) Dignity is a Cultural anomaly here again, a Natural State of Being.

3. THE ABILITY: The incredible architecture, buildings swayed but didn't fall.
c.) The ingenuity of the Japanese is widely known, given a problem, the WILL solve it.

4. THE GRACE: People bought only what they needed for the present so everyone could get something
d.) Many cultures have a Natural State of Grace, here it has been perfected!.

5. THE ORDER: No looting in shops, no honking or overtaking on the roads, just understanding.
e.) Again, CULTURE! You do not keep, or take, what is not yours!

6. THE SACRIFICE: 50 workers stayed back to pump sea water into the reactors, no thought of wages.
f.) LOYALTY! Again, ingrained in the Culture to serve your employer, no matter the cost.

7. THE TENDERNESS: Restaurants cut prices, an unguarded ATM, the strong caring for the weak.
g.) Most Japanese do not openly emote, however their depth of tenderness is unequaled.

8. THE TRAINING: The old and the young, everyone knew what to do and did exactly that.
h.) From cradle to grave, the government has everyone practice safety, over and over!

9. THE MEDIA: Magnificent restraint in the bulletins. No panic, only calm reporting.
i.) This is a bit of a stretch. CALM is the issue and the government DEMANDS IT.

10. THE CONSCIENCE: When power went off in the markets, people put things back and left quietly.
j.) Again, CULTURE! One simply does NOT take what is not yours and to put it back saves the store owner/employees from having to do it. 


Here is a concept word, they often abbreviate this word to "shoganai". Even though I have had such upset and panic myself about the conditions in Japan, my Dearest Friend, Noriko put it all in perspective. The direct translation or at least, as close as I can make, is "there is nothing that can be done". We often say "oh well", but we don't mean it. We lament the happening, we worry about it, fret over it and generally drive ourselves crazy over anything, but especially such a tragedy as has struck Japan. 

Look back at any recent natural event, Katrina, Rita, the Haitian earthquake, even a perceived injustice and the rioting begins. The waling, fighting, looting and general insanity ensues. This has become our culture and the NRA and gun manufactures depend on it!  "When you live by the gun, you die by the gun", we have heard this phrase and never given it true thought. Words are power, and we seem to have too many of them to explain away everything, but NOT for the the simple, "OH WELL". In Japan, the culture is very simply, better than most. Our freedoms, have become a hindrance as we rely on ourselves to judge our actions NOT on the surrounding culture of events. If others are going wild, as in "mob mentality", then we are more likely to go along with the crowd, no matter how out-of-control it gets. We have no "mass consciousness", as we have no mass culture. Shigataganai. Until next time, I wish you Peace.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

and The Buddha Said................


Not really a celebration I would add, in fact this anniversary is about the BEGINNING OF AMERICA'S FIRST WAR. A war of ideals,  to split America into two parts, the North and South. There is so much to know about this war, and I know so very little in comparison to what can be known, so I will not attempt to explain that here, suffice to say, it WAS about slavery and federal laws. This undercurrent of war has left its indelible mark on our culture and our politics. More than 600,000 people died in this war, more than all other wars combined, Patriots on both sides, fighting for what they believed was the path to Freedom. One such Freedom, was to OWN or NOT to own salves.

I dare say, that this has haunted our nation for the past 150 years and even though we have a great human being in the White House, that is a black man, little has changed in politics. For many who do not know, there was a "one drop of blood" legislative approach to defining a human being. As absurd as it sounds, if there was so much as ONE drop of African blood in any human being, there were considered to be a slave and LESS than human. Even the children of slave owners were put in the fields, however elevated they may be in the scope of slave servitude, they were still LESS than human.

Sorry, like religion, this is one of the Great Mysteries of America, a paradox without resolution, a Catch-22 that resonates throughout our modern history. From the first cannon volley at Fort Sumpter, to the echoes in the Halls of Congress, the reverberations are as clear today as ever. Being "culture-less", as a white Irish/Swedish American, this has always puzzled me as does the treatment of our indigenous peoples. The "others", that is other than WHITE, seem to have been the targets of the Christian forefathers since they left Europe to inhabit this land. However, my Irish ancestors who immigrated here, were considered to be lessor than the African, as they could not be sold, so as they stepped off the ships to their NEW land, they were handed rifles and sent off to fight the in the Civil War. Women and children were sent off to the ghettos to fend for themselves as their husbands and sons were ripped away from them, without choice.

So much for the semi-historical stuff, again, please google this stuff and educate yourself if you are so inclined. If you look for the spiritual information, you may discover how the battlefields are still haunted to this day. So many young people, a complete generation of them were wiped out long before they could know what Life truly was about, much less death and dying. It was a horrendous time in our history, in our Humanity, as every injury would more than likely lead to a terrible death. The lucky ones died quickly, but that was not the norm.

Sadly, humanity's evolution has us killing our own family. Back in the early days of this Journey, there was a bottleneck that found us all in one place, at one time. Science show us that we are all traced back to a single black woman in Africa. Think about this now, OUR ROOTS SHOW THAT WE ARE ALL TRACED BACK TO A SINGLE BLACK WOMAN! When you add this Knowing to the fact that the legislature has made it clear that even ONE DROP OF AFRICAN BLOOD, MAKES THAT HUMAN BEING BLACK, then I ask, who are we today? This is no farcical thinking, it is scientific fact. Within the DNA, the very Helix of genetic material that makes a human being, our Original Mother is BLACK. White folks don't like to hear this analogy, in fact they rail at the very idea.

Throughout modern history, we have been at war far longer than we have ever been at peace, there are stats on this and I don't recall them at the moment, however the stats here are not important, the fact remains, that we choose War over Peace. All of these wars are driven by ideals, basically, our God is the Superior God and YOU are Lessor beings because our God says so. Religious zealots seek the fervor of war, to believe in and die for something, in their opinion, is better than having nothing to fight about. These are all truly cultural wars, even within their own ethnic block as different sects of the same religion, is fueled by their leaders interpretation of what ever Holy Words they follow. No matter how you cut it, or whatever analogy, theology or pathology you follow, we are killing our cousins! Members of our own flesh and blood who share our genetic field of diversity. This is insanity, and the Great Buddha said;


Sadly, we choose to fight. We choose hate over Love as the Peace that Love can bring is not coveted, it is not financially beneficial. The great American Military Complex, and that of other nations has robbed its citizens of not only cash, but a Peaceful approach to living. We choose NOT to get along. Even though America is and has been, a leader in Human Rights and democracy, we still choose to go to war. Not chosen by the masses, but by the few. I see no resolution to this anytime soon.

The lessons are all around us, to educate ourselves by following the Intellectuals, Scientist and Seers. If we have no knowledge of the WITHOUT, then we have very little knowledge of the WITHIN. Your genetic code, the Helix of your very humanity, is also the Road Map of everything you have ever done, or ever will do. I will write more about this at another time. As for today, I wish you LOVE and PEACE, until next time my friends.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011



I could ask, what is your True Worth? What are you Values? What do you Truly BELIEVE? Who are you realllllly? There are a lot of generic, "everybody feels this way", answers. Why do we spend so much time on WHAT we are, such as what we look like, what we have and what we can get next? Trust me, I too, ask these questions as I truly DO want the answers.

Again, we have to go back to Nature over Nurture. So many things depend on where we choose to be born and to whom we choose for our family. Ethnicity and gender are just two of the most important choices we have made. Before we can begin any Journey, we must make these two choices. Spirit, in Its Wisdom, will wait for the opportunity to have certain conditions met before Birth. This is the True Seed of our Beginning, total weight, 21 grams or that of about 5 american nickels. The weight has been measured scientifically, yes you can google this fact. Of course, the measurement was taken at the moment of death as within a very short time, our dead weight adjusts and as disconnection of Spirit takes place, BINGO, we are 21 grams lighter.

So, if we are only 21 grams, what then is our True Value? What is that indefinable THING that has just exited a dead body? Well, of course, if I could define it, rationally, then I surely would have ALL the answers we would ever need. So I can only offer what I believe to be true, yours may differ and I celebrate that difference. So eager am I to prove my belief that suicide often crosses my mind, the final Knowing! However, my Beliefs also include the fact that suicide is a great equalizer, instead of ending one's suffering, it actually forces your 21 Grams to make a choice next time, to make up for that inability to overcome or endure.

I have met many who suffer this fate, their Life so miserable again, this time, that they feel compelled to choose suicide one more time. The Course of Action by the Universal Principle, dictates that Spirit is "in to win it", we want to have maximum experience regardless of the pain and suffering. Many religions cover this aspect of humanity, and I say they fail to see it for what it is, just another choice. In Christianity, it is seen as a true failure, however I would posit that Jesus himself, chose Suicide in its full form. His choice, while hanging there, was "FORGIVE THEM FATHER, FOR THEY NOT NOT WHAT THEY DO", now, think about this dilemma. You could choose to SMITE them all, or get your Dad to do your Light Work and send them all packing. If you were truly a Miracle worker, could there have been another choice? NO! For Jesus, it was Public Suicide, Suicide by Cops! No matter how you theorize, it boils down to the simple fact that this HUMAN BEING had a choice and he made it! 

My point is NOT to drag religion into this, but rather to point out a Principle. At the end of our Day, it is our Principles that govern our transition back to Spirit. So what you believe about Who you are, will result in what happens to your 21 grams! In Japan, I learned so much about this very process and the 49 days, that govern the Buddhist's Journey back to Spirit. How they honor their ancestors and prepare for the transition is a beautiful tribute to loved ones. I believe they are unique in the world for this ritual of Life and Death.

So, for today, this is my belief. We have but one unit of weight to worry about, or to learn about I should say. Everything we undergo now, enriches that 21 grams in ways we are not to know in this lifetime. Living fully, not in fear of dying is key to that enrichment. Ichigo Ichie, a way of Life that leads to great Understanding. Until next time, Be at Peace.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Another Day in Paradise!


We all expect Life to give to us what we need and occasionally, what we want. In this New Age of Science  and Seers, the information is abundant and we STILL seek the unattainable. Well my Friends, DON'T GIVE UP!!! There is a new normal, we are all too busy to seek out our own answers so we "google it" and thanks to search engines, we can, and will find more than we need to know. 

How about YOU? Do you understand the Power you have within you? Can you accept that the World revolves around you? That the Sun rises each day to meet YOU? That oceans and fishes evolve to meet your Pleasure? NO???? Me, too! Why is it, that the more we know, the less we understand? It truly is a matter of Evolution, where we have been, directly correlates to where we are going. Yet, this bothersome thing, the Infinite NOW, seems to get in the way.

We spend so much time lamenting yesterday, the coulda', woulda', shoulda' stuff that we cannot see the CAN DO of it all. The old saying that the "Journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step", is so true, yet do we take it? Most often, not. Paralyzed by the past, the Path that we have chosen, compacts that issue into the NOW with huge force. The Ego is in full control of the conscious level of mind and so deep is its grasp, that we fail to see the future that lies in the very next second.

I have readers from around the world and the issues are always the same, it matters NOT where you chose to be born, or to whom you chose parentage, it matters only WHO you have evolved to BE! Do you have limitations???? I bet you do! We all do to one level or another and our values are the equalizer. Of the 1% of Old Souls, and yes, I suggest that you are, most are from meager beginnings and dysfunctional families. Of my generation, Drugs, Sex and Rock-n-Roll were a right of passage! We all did it! Today, these things might kill you rather than allow you to expand your horizons, YES, it is a New Normal!

Why you ask???? Well, let me tell you why! We are approaching seven BILLION people on this planet and we live in a most interesting age, one that will see us either make it through the difficulties that lie ahead or succumb to them. In my Journey, I have met the movers and shakers, the lowest of the low and the most Mighty! In all this time, I was the observer, connecting the dots, if you will, that make my Life hum! I have been close enough to meet the Illuminati, those who control things like the World Bank, the World Health Organization and much MUCH more. I have met the great Seers of our time, and of course, I will not name names suffice to say, they all had their own issues as well! And YES, I have seen alien beings and craft, all to illuminate my own Truth. Hope I didn't loose you there....follow along......

So, if only 10% are evolved beings and of that, only 1% are reaalllly old, then what about those OTHERS???? You know, those LESSOR beings??? Well, first of all, they are not lessor, NO ONE is lessor, just different. The newly evolving are jamming in a lot of information and party time in an effort to maximize experience, increase awareness and make sense of it all. Some have never learned that killing is a crime, in fact, crime and the law may well be why they are here this time. The Universe does NOT discriminate, we are ALL the same and YES, this is the NEW NORMAL!

Over the coming weeks, I will set forth more of the chapters in my book and eventually write about the Five Levels of Mind. Doing one chapter a month seemed a little wasted, so I will do it as often as I can. As for today, think about this new normal. You are the most Powerful Being on this planet and worthy of everything you have or have had, in fact, you can have what you want as well as what you need, just don't give up! Go get it! Until next time, Peace be With YOU!

Saturday, April 9, 2011


I have just added "LIFE" to the Universal Guidance Book, I thought that it would load at the top of the blog as a "New Post", but it did not. So those of you waiting for the latest installment, it is here but you will have to click on "UNIVERSAL GUIDANCE FOR EVERYDAY LIFE"  which is now under the March postings. Sorry, I am still getting used to this blog site! Peace to you all!

Thursday, April 7, 2011



I stumbled upon a story this morning while checking my email, it was on Rachel Maddow's blog, presented by Will Femia entitled, "FINDING FOREVER". This is a short story that was written in 1956 and while I was only 10 years old at the time, I later found this story, it was one of these, that set me on a Path of seeking more than I could Know. I will link it here so that you can read this story as it was presented in 1956. As a story waaaaayyyyy ahead of its time, it gathered dust for years, even for me, it lost its luster years ago. Having reread this story, it once again has relevance as we face new issues today. 

As I have said before, it is impossible for one person to track down ALL the information needed for those of us kinda' on the edge of discovery. We are trying to work out so much in our personal lives, to find our Place in the Universe and Know our own Truth. So, it is here that I say, FOLOW THE INTELLECTUALS! At no time in our current history, has there been a time of linked information such as we have today. Not in Atlantis, which was highly technological, nor in Lemuria, which was highly philosophical, could the pieces of our Puzzle be so broadly sought out.

I am a bleeding heart Liberal, I believe that every Old Soul is yet I haven't the time to truly follow through on the things I would like to say. The Universe is HER wisdom, brought me the Great Pardu! Actually, he is known as The Pardu, I added the GREAT part! The Pardu is an intellectual Patriot! So many in politics today, follow one flavor or another, yet The Pardu adds historical value to his words as well as bringing current affairs by way of the internet and posting of others to bare out his words. His link is and I urge you to delve in for the ride of your life! Of course, he is a Brother from another Mother! We think alike on everything he posts so I don't feel it so necessary for me to write on as I used to.

FOLLOW THE INTELLECTUALS! There are a few out there who really do know their stuff and with the technology we have today, there is no reason NOT to know what your Truth really is. Life is busy, we are living in Hyper times. The Acceleration has begun and we are living in the most amazing part of our Journey. It is time to understand that there are NO coincidences anymore, things are happening FOR you and not TO you. Regardless of our previous Lives, no matter what we Learned, we followed the Mystyks, the Intellectuals as we had farms to tend or wars to fight, dragons to slay and so on. No excuses anymore, we MUST begin to figure this stuff out as we ARE running out of time! If we know nothing more about ENTROPY than that all things will eventually die out, then LESSON LEARNED! So, let's go about living in a Powerful Way, to love and be LOVED, to know love in all its forms as sure as I write. Love has always been the answer to any major question about our own humanity, are we E-volving or D-volving? I say we are going forward and since entropy is absolute, that we will all die, then let's LIVE for a change! What could possibly be the point of finding Forever if we have yet to find the NOW!??? Live it, breathe it, love it and pay no attention to ENTROPY!

Be at Peace, until next time.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Unusual Creatures and Golly Wobbles


Is it just me or are we seeing more than usual amounts of UFO'S, strange creatures, wild weather and "end of days" reporting, world wide? Well, a visit to YOUTUBE will answer that question, and I assure you that it isn't just me.Can you feel the acceleration? Are you able to merge science with seers? If so, then as an Old Soul, it is your responsibility to seek out the answers you came for. 

I often write about "WHY" we are here, is it merely to observe? I think not. Are you worried about 2012? I hope so! Of the 1% of very Old Souls on this planet, it is our duty not only to observe but to do the very best we can to be a part of this Cycle of Mankind. One of my Spiritual Children asked today about what we are learning from this recent triple threat to Japan. Of course, what we should learn and what we will learn, may be two different things.

Most lessons are unique to the Student depending upon evolutionary growth. What have you learned so far? Are you still learning how to say "I'm sorry"? If so, you have a lot of crap to wade through yet! Have you reached the point of KNOWING that you are here for a Great Purpose? YEAAAAA! If you have come this far, then YOU are the ones who will change this world! You must Participate! In any and every way you can. Be it a small prayer or hours of meditation, all are as important. YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE! YOU MATTER, AND NOW MORE THAN EVER!

WE HAVE SO LITTLE TIME LEFT. There is so much to do and so few of us are doing what must be done. I am one to believe that we are on the precipice of Great Change, one that will find us accepting our Spiritual Path like never before. With today's technology and social networking, it is incumbent upon all Old Souls to do their part. First to live your Life with Value, to know that you are here for this Purpose and to accept the Challenges we choose before birth. No matter what crap might be in your daily life, it is your Life, writ large, that make it all worth doing.

Everyone has Spiritual Powers to some degree, the word "psychic", merely means "of the mind". That mind, is what we all have and what connects us one to the other, even the humble dandelion has MIND. There is noThing on this, or any other planet that is not linked to the Mind in all things. What you choose too Know in your Mind will depend on what you have chosen to Learn. These are things by Nature that make it so. It is Nurture, that which we have chosen to be born into that give us Value. Intellect, is a horse of another color, it too, has Value but not in an academic sense. I have met brilliant academics, who were dumber than a stick! Common sense is NOT common, it is RARE and again, must be acquired through experience. While all of us can have it, it must be earned and like respect cannot just be given. 

Recently, there has been a flood of UFO sightings, unusual animals, weird and archaic. Dragons and Demons are being posted up on YOUTUBE. Some seem to be quite believable and other, are soooo not! Here is where common and uncommon Sense play a huge part in what your Truth Standards are. If you have a great Bull Shit detector, as I do, then a skeptical eye should view these things. Skepticism is a healthy and necessary Tool for shaking out the Fact from Fiction. With the current events in Japan, science and fiction are coming together at the same time. While watching a live report from Japan on the Piers Morgan show, I saw what I thought was a UFO zoom in and out over the tsunami wave. I didn't play back that moment, but someone else caught it and did on YOUTUBE. Sure enough, there it was!!! I have seen them before, VERY close up, so I know that they exist.

Recent interest in our planet by a Galactic Brotherhood is no surprise. Since Oppenhiemer's little toy, the H-bomb was discovered and made useful, we have been closely watched. With the advent of great telescopic ability, now we are looking at them! There are huge amounts of scientific data on the solar flares accompanied by video of these events and anomalies of some kind of craft hovering in the danger fields. One person following such things as HAARP, earthquakes, UFO'S and the like, is a blogger named Dutchsinse, whose name you can Google for the link. Here is a man with Intelligence, the kind that matters to ALL beings as he links psychic sense, common sense and scientific data to pose his questions. I actually looked up the link for you, please check it out!

I am delighted to see so many who are dedicated to bring forth this information as we go into the unknown of the next few years. I admire their work and tenacity to wade through the bull shit to get at the facts, based in science yet pointed at our very survival as a species. No one person has the time, or inclination, to do it all but collectively, we can put our MINDS together and begin to see this pattern as something we CAN deal with. What would be your part? YOU do have a part and a BIG  one at that. If our planet is going to experience an axial shift, and it will, what will you do? What will you be doing before hand? How can YOU make a difference???? My oh my, I am full of questions today! Like you, I have my own answers to work through, knowing that the first and most important part of this paradigm shift is ME!!! And YOU, of course!

My next posting will be on the Five Levels of Mind and the next installment of my book which is "LIFE", until then, be well and Be at Peace.

Friday, April 1, 2011



This has been taken from my Hospice Newsletter, submitted by Chaplain John Sheese and tweaked to new meaning by Reverend Josefina (me). In discovering communications classes while attending a Junior College, I realized that the fabric of the Universe, the TWO MYSTERIES, which are DARK ENERGY and DARK MATTER  I actually discovered more about physics than communication. All valuable lessons, learned early and explained much, much later. This is how the Old Soul learns and it correlates in many ways, to life and living itself. Life, like a big juicy onion, has a multitude of layers that grow as the baby seed, makes it Journey from breaking its bulb casing to full size, fully expressed vegetable. When you consider that the common rice plant has more genetic material than we do, you begin to understand the complexity of communication in the natural world. Only human beings have to LEARN communication to be social creatures, by Nurture, not Nature. It is no wonder then, that we all communicate in unique ways by our own design, by Nature, then acquire the ability to speak to others through language and social skills, bound by Nurture.

Without going into the physics of things deeply, I would just say to imagine a square spider's web that covers the entire Universe, perhaps relative to String Theory, lines that attach to all other lines in some way or another where they intersect and "share" information to all other strings. The inner spaces of the web, are Dark Matter, that which is unseen and holding it all together is Dark Energy which allows all things to function. This is where Cosmic Law is Nature. All things, all communication follow principles of physics, the Law of Relativity and so on. These are things ALL Old Souls need to know about, you needn't be a scientist only an observer of the realities as they rule and govern our lives as sure as we breathe. 

Now that you have the Spider's Web as an analogy, I will write about the spaces in the Dark Matter. Imagine again, if you will, your own thought patterns. I believe in five levels of Mind and I will deal with only two of them here; conscious and subconscious. All that we are, our early layers of the onion to present, lies within the subconscious level of mind. This is true for all humans, we all know what a chair is based upon our early years so when we invite someone to "sit down", they will look for that chair or "seat" and won't automatically sit on the floor, desk or wherever. Within our personal web, most everyone else has that information stored as well so "sitting" has a common thread of knowing. In order to get more information from this person, we must ask a question. For instance, let's say that you have just met a stranger, asking their name and making small talk is a natural state of being. First you seek "common" information, introductions and so on, then come the more complex tasks, discovery of the strangers presence. Still, your subconscious is at work as you analyze things from tone of voice to their appearance. Only the subconscious remains in gear, full time. The conscious level begins as interpretation, logic and analytics meet with the strangers reasoning.

Now there is an explosion in the Dark Matter! In order for you and the stranger to understand each other and find a common link is through communication. The stranger is now talking about a big, soft, fluffy chair and you were thinking a rigid, wooden kitchen chair. HUMMMMM, where do you go from here? There is a great deal of back and forth talking and thinking in order to get you both on the same wave length of thinking, this is the process of communication. An "inside joke", is the perfect example of how commonality works in communication, when both people know the "back story", then only a word can trigger laughter, leaving everyone else in the dark. This is why people of "like mind" stick together, or "birds of a feather, flock together". These commonalities of mind, make us feel a certain level of acceptance and can even repulse us from those of a different persuasion. So for now, here are the Ten Commandments of Communication:

I.     In every communication, assume the responsibility for creating a GIVER-RECEIVER rhythm. Do not assume that others even know about such rhythms, as usually, they will not.

II.   Be self revealing. Share your thoughts and feelings throughout the conversation to establish a common ground. The more you know, the more THEY know, the more common the understanding.

III.  Small talk is important in any relationship. Again, find your common ground, those pieces of information that make you both feel at ease.

IV.  Compliments, praise and encouragement can bring your conversations to Life and make a relationship bloom.

V.   Always use non-sexist, non-biased language to maintain a sense of mutuality and equality in your relationships. This may take practice as language skills are acquired.

VI. While listening, slow down your inner thought process and continue to ask questions and seek data. The more you know, the closer the relationship and vice versa.

VII. The more information you have, the less interpretation you have to do. Your subconscious level of mind may be over active, being non-judgemental is critical.

VIII. Understand that the first few statements from another may not and are likely, not accurate reflections of their inner Truth. Make no judgement, be patient.

IX.   While listening, temporarily suspend your own belief system. What you believe to be true, or what in fact may be true, is not the truth of another.

Communication involves a great many Natural and Nurturing aspects of Life. You are a listener, a speaker and ever the Student. Men and women do things differently, NO SURPRISE HERE! However, these simply rules of communication are based on our Human Nature and will apply to all. If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to ask or post. I look forward to those! Be at Peace.