Thursday, June 16, 2011



It has come to my attention again, that science and seers are merging. Currently in Japan, a few years behind the rest of the world, there is an interest in DNA as it relates to spirituality. This blog was started as a means of discussing Tools, Teachers and Time, those things critical to understanding the Larger Picture of Life and its meaning. I have been teaching about DNA's properties and its relations to being a spiritual as well as physical MAPPING of each human being. Science has shown that through the Helix of DNA, the mapping of the human genome, we can discover our very beginnings all the way back to a single, black female in Africa, ALL OF US ARE RELATED TO THAT ONE FEMALE! The human genome is fascinating, it details everything a human being is, has been and is likely to be. Within the Helix, that spiral thing that we are most familiar with, are the predispositions for attributes, for good or for bad, whether one will have or not have a cancer for instance, whether there are blue eyes or brown. It is so unique, that it comes down to one is several TRILLION in its unique ability to identify one person.

There is "MATTER" that holds these strings of genome together, it is a spiral "ladder" and I believe that within the empty space of this "ladder" is where the spiritual information is held. As with all spiritual information, it is the "unseen" that holds the "dark energy and dark matter" of the building blocks in the entire Universe, these areas are the most perplexing for both science and seers. I am clearly NOT a scientist BUT I am a seer who must "SEE" all things in order to discover the "ONE" thing I am seeking for human counseling. It is incumbent upon the seer to use any and all Tools in order to validate any "impression" of information given by the individual. It has become a HIP thing to do, to have your DNA mapped and printed out as art or even for self discovery at a physical level. I urge all to look deeper into this map as a way of understanding the Truth of Who we are.

No matter what Tool is used in the physical Universe, there will always be in the unseen or at least for any time soon. Perhaps we may get to the point where science and seers meet and all things will be satisfactorily explained. We haven't reached this point yet, but with the latest thinking that there was something BEFORE the big bang, that something, all that we are, came form NOTHING, is currently being worked out mathematically, then I believe that we are on the brink of discovering the EVERYTHING in the Universe. Quantum Physics, Cosmology and even simple Relativity are pushing for this "other" answer. The question: What is God? What intelligence created the ALL? In Buddhism, the "nothing" of it all is Nirvana, and therefore an acceptable state of being. In Christianity, God said "and let there be light" and the entire Universe was formed and created. Neither has an absolute explanation, at least not enough for science or seers.

There is so much we need to know in order to discover our True Self, that is the paradox of the statement "KNOW THYSELF", simple in its form yet nearly impossible to do. The prophets and Seers of the ages have dropped this simple phrase only with minor, esoteric explanations. It has always been my theory that in order to be a healer, you must study the human body, in order to be a seer, you first must be a seeker and in order to help others you MUST study the Humanities. I have taught lessons in everything I know, using whatever Tools I have studied and I must say, I am very proud of my students who have learned and now serve others. While these students have moved on from me, their learning will never end, as mine does not.

We are in a new field of study, beyond reading the studies of the ancients. We absolutely need to study, closely, science and society, cultures and nations, geology and geography and most of all, we must follow the physicists like Michio Kaku, Stephen Hawking and many others in the field who are seeking beyond the physical, three dimensional reality and are diligently showing us the way to Spirituality through the sciences. This may not be their intention, in fact, I would say it is not, yet their combined work shows us the Reality of an Intelligence in the Universe that is an Unseen Force, inexplicable and beyond our current comprehension.

I welcome your comments and questions, for now, I wish you great Peace!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011



Lately, it has been brought to my attention, by someone VERY close to me, that I have not been paying attention, close attention, to all those I love so deeply. We casually talk about how we should tell others how much we love them, and all the regrets we have for not participating in someones life after they have passed. With today's social media, it is so easy to "hang-out" with friends, pass along wonderful and loving emails and funnies and throw in that casual "love ya'" at the end.

It is soooo easy for someone else to get involved in conversations that tip the edge of light hearted banter and turn it into an all out war, all online, no longer face to face. We have all seen examples of the haters, the ones who troll the Internet just looking for place to cause hate and discontent, to vent their skewed view of life and living and make it intolerable for others. Just such an event happened within my own purview, words were said that made a loved one seriously consider suicide. One simple statement that began with "kiss my Ass" and soon devolved into the inevitable "f*#k you's", hateful, derogatory and inflammatory words get passed around and finally, one decides that suicide is an answer to it all. This thought, that "showing them all by taking my own life", is NO JOKE!

We have entered a new era my friends and I am sure that I don't have to tell you that. Technology has become our enemy AND our new BFF. This medium of communication takes no prisoners, it judges no one and allows our insanity to spill out in the Universe completely (except for spelling), unchecked! There are no guidelines for this BFF, juts sit and type and all is well. THERE ARE CONSEQUENCES!!! Words have as much, if not more power, than they ever have, our opinions have validity because we have written them down. In every workshop, I teach that we need to Journal, to write down our thoughts, hopes and dreams as it gives US the Power to make real our thoughts. THOUGHTS ARE THINGS! They have value and great power, and when loosed upon the public, they gain wings!

Many people today have struggled with these social issues. I am going to delve into just two today because they have touched me closely and I view everything as a "teachable" happenstance, an opportunity to share and discuss things that we all go through. One of these things is bullying, we all have had this experience in one form or another, either to be bullied or to be the bully. It is just part of being a human being. Being bullied is one of the most impotent feelings I have every personally experienced. Being taunted and tortured at any age is difficult, but especially for children who either can't or won't stand up for themselves. Bullies are raised, it is Nurture that creates them. When I was the bully, it was because I had such a domineering father, two older brothers who picked on me relentlessly and I can go on and on about the disadvantages that made me a terrorizer. When I was bullied, my parents had no compassion for me at all, I was to "deal with it" on my own so I became a fighter and deal with it I did!

It is too easy today, for children to pick on each other even though schools are trying harder than ever to deal with it. Parents are failing to teach their children the simplest issues of self respect and self restraint, neither of which were taught to me. We need to Nurture our children into confidence in themselves in order to stop the bully-cycle. When a child is confident in themselves, feels loved and honored, then there is no need to be a bully, however these lessons of life are left up to video games and teachers at school as parents seem too busy to attend to these early problems.

Dealing with societies ills is a crap shoot, no one can hit "the target" of what is happening today, it is discussed at every level, yet the key solution is never found. I don't have it either, I only have the disease and not the cure. I am charged with explaining the inexplicable, here is my attempt to do so as many of these "ills" lead some to consider suicide as an escape mechanism. Despair is the major emotion that leads to thoughts of suicide and this despair crosses all divides, rich, poor, fat, thin, just being human draws judgements from all quarters. Conditions of life can equally lead to the kind of despair of which I write. In every sense, we have all been through these emotions up to and including, the thought of taking our own life to end our perceived suffering.

I have had to counsel many who have lost loved ones to suicide, and talked many a person out of these thoughts as I have absolute Knowing of the consequences of such a choice. Currently, my adopted country of Japan is suffering suicide rates higher than they have ever seen as culturally, this has become a "way out" of despair, quickly and finally. We are seeing the devastation left behind by the major earthquake, tsunami and now the nuclear issues that will not be resolved before they have wreaked havoc on the whole world. Many of the Japanese use the term "shigataganai

 It is considered a Cardinal Sin to take ones own life and their Soul will be Damned to Hell. Most religions frown on suicide as a weakness, a sin against God. Most people on the planet know the story of Jesus and the Crucifixion. So my counsel is a simple one, if God could allow Jesus to make the decision to stop Him from smiting the Romans and preventing his death on the cross, then is this not a choice for suicide? If anyone chooses death over life, then it is suicide, plain and simple. I have had more than one conversation with religious theorist who deny this, however as with all things, the simplest answer is more than often the right one! The Universal God Source does NOT judge!!!!! Jesus was "allowed" his choice and it was to end his life. So, there is NO being damned to hell for that choice.

HOWEVER, let me tell you the rest of the story! Suicide is NOT a Sin against God, it is a SIN AGAINST YOU! All things being equal, we are "allowed" to experience all things in Humanity, Life and all of its choices are our to make. There is no judgement in any form, only lessons to learn and experiences to have. We have all ended our lives at some time in our evolution, just one of many human experiences for our own edification. BUT and this is a BIG BUT, you are destined to return to Earth and live out your experience once again and often even worse than before. Being a human being is quite a challenge, it may take several lifetimes just to learn to say "I'm sorry", or "I love you" and mean it! Nothing comes easy and only in the recent past are we able to openly discuss our Journeys and learn from each other. Suicide ends the Journey, it interrupts your growth and understanding of your Truth, as only YOU can define it. Once interrupted, a new cycle will begin and Spirit may choose to have similar, or worse circumstances in order to finally overcome that urge to kill yourself. Life is all about Resolution, there are so many ways to educate ourselves today and there are few reasons to give up unless, that giving up is merely and change of direction.

So YES, we are "allowed" to experience ALL things in humanity, you can be a molester, a murderer or a Saint, the Universe doesn't JUDGE your choices, YOU DO! But if you don't like this life, if everything is just too hard to handle, seek counsel! Look for your answers in loved ones, online or in any Source you can find, but do not, PLEASE do not, choose SUICIDE! I assure you that it can be worse and often is. Death is NOT death, it is only a transition back to the Beginning. There are counselors waiting to speak to you, systems are in place today that we have never had the chance to have before. Learning to Know Yourself is your most important goal this Lifetime and while Joy has great lessons to give you, the opposite of it gives you courage, strength of character and a belief in yourself that cannot be shaken.

I have lived with thoughts of suicide for most of my life as I do not fear death, but if I do, I know that I will have to endure even greater difficulty next time, I Know Myself that well and I am NO ONE TO MESS WITH (LOL)! My Spirit is my Guide and My Truth and YES she has made it very hard for me this time, but so what? I am sure that you or others have it so much worse than I, or at least as bad. So we go forward together, I help you, you help me and together we can discover anything not yet Known by either of us. I encourage you to write your comments or questions and until next time, I wish you Peace on this and ALL Journeys!

Monday, June 13, 2011



Thank you for being here! We have a few new members and I am delighted to say that with each new one, comes great Joining of Spirit and I encourage you all to comment, write a story of your Journey or post comments about them. Mary is our latest member and as I perused her facebook page, I saw Great Spirit in her and Who she is. It is easy to "recognize" one who is NOT a stranger, by the interests you share. Old Souls manage to find one another, as if a Feather, drifting in the Universe to reconnect to the Body of the Bird from which it came. 

We are ALL, birds of a Feather. We seek to find each other in our commonness and rely upon that quite Knowing, a complete lack of explanation of "what" we are, simply recognized by others for "where" we are in our Journey. There are no coincidences for Old Souls, only Great Happenstance, programmed, chosen before birth to find people, places and things that enlighten, guide and teach along the way. NAMASTE! I salute the Spirit in All, for there is no accident about anyone finding this page, it is their time to do so, just as it is mine to write.

It is your destiny to be here now, to read these words and Know something that perhaps, you did not know before. As I looked at Mary's page, I found a quote from my favorite physicist, Albert Einstein. There are so many but this is one of my favorites, "LOOK DEEP, DEEP, DEEP INTO NATURE THEN YOU WILL UNDERSTAND EVERYTHING". The other favorite and I have to paraphrase, when asked about God, he said "GOD DOESN'T CARE HOW FAST YOU'RE MOVING". Shame on me for not relating the entire story here as it sparked my interest so many years ago in physics, cosmic law and the principles of the unseen. Being unable to go further with my education, I turned to psychic nature rather than physics. However for me, the two are forever intertwined. One cannot be understood without the other. However, even or especially, recognized by the greatest physicist of all time, the search continues with the greatest physicist of our time, Steven Hawking. The observable Universe and the Unseen Universe are explicable but only as the two worlds of Science and Seers merge.

 As we begin to see ourselves as citizens of THIS physical universe, One World Theory applied, then we can begin to move away from the differences that divide and appreciate these as uniting. IF, and this is a BIG IF, we can move beyond our Ego's prejudicial propensities, cultural and religious antagonisms, then we can begin to seek real Peace. Until then, we are DOOOOMMMMED! Perhaps if science can finally categorize and explain Dark Energy and Dark Matter, fully recognizing the Light Energy and Light Matter, THEN and only THEN can we begin to comprehend WHAT GOD IS! In the meantime, we still must struggle to define our own simple Truth and that is, that everything in Nature is Natural, everything in Humanity is Nurture and therefore NOT natural. All that is Nurture, can be overcome, reconsidered, and reevaluated. This is our Journey this lifetime.

So welcome to this blog page! I look forward to many new friends, hopefully you will leave your comments, ask questions or just read if you like. You are welcome here and I assure you, you belong here! Until next time, I wish you Peace.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

AND THEN THERE IS THIS....................


Once again, theory and theology, inspiration and impressions collide. Recently, I was asked about the physical Universe and its relation to the Spiritual Universe.There is so much information available today and I am sure that it is confusing to most of us as each author has his or her own opinion of what the "TRUTH" really is, of course, this sells lots of books and there is the "inspiration" to put thoughts to paper. I am of the belief that NO ONE has all the answers, that you, yourself, can only determine what you are comfortable with as far as "your Truth" goes.

Evolution has not been kind to the human population, while we have a genetic record of all that we are, and I believe, all that we have ever been, it has no way of holding the "truth" of any lifetime as it relates to spirituality. This one link, the God Link, has been left out of physical manifestation. Even though aging is a natural part of that record, DEATH is also left out. All things living, must die and but for the human being, no THING knows of its impending doom. The ego of every human recognizes only Life and fears the thought of death yet it is as natural as birth.

We are living in Interesting Times my Friends, never before have we had such information psychically or scientifically, this unique pairing of science and seers is creating a new reality of Truth to be viewed for the first time in human history. Science has taught us that there are many explanations for spirituality in the physical Universe, it is called the "MULTIVERSE". Once the theory of Parallel Universe's was hatched, the scientific community was on the path of discovering the God Source.

In the late 1800's Sir William Crooks theorized that there was a connection between science and psychics. As the "new age" began and psychics blossomed, the theory of physics began to form with Sir Issac Newton and others who were "seeing" something more than just science emerge. For millennia, there have been prophets and seers, all a part of heretical sciences as the church gained its strength by crushing such sciences. However in the late 1800's, it had become more than fringe science, it had moved into the mainstream of thought. And then there was Einstein! The birth of Classical Physics, that there are particles we cannot see in full motion and waves of energy, equally unseen tempted scientist of the day to look for deeper answers. Einstein theorized that light breaks down into waves that can be measured and these waves would exert electricity. Mine is a very lame example of a complex study, however here is where Quantum Mechanics was born which set science on a path to discover all there is about a Parallel Universe.

In 1971, Hugh Everette attempted to prove how a parallel universe would work, or how a "many worlds" reality can be proved by taking pictures and causing the Universe to "split". Every choice he made, every photo he took, created a new "reality". Every time a split occurs, the changes multiply to infinity, and that one atom, or one choice made changes everything else. Here is where it gets a little difficult to explain, but in his theory, there are multiple worlds, where there are exact copies of us doing the alternative choices with different outcomes. For instance, in this alternative world, 9/11 didn't happen, that other choices were made, the terrorists were stopped form boarding the planes and you can imagine several different outcomes. In his examples, he theorizes that there are multiple worlds, just like ours with all the same stuff, all the same people, all with different choices.

Allen Guth, another physicist, states that our observable universe is actually very small and that the Big Bang sent out enough material to establish many such universes however, all those particles can only come together in a finite, or known arrangement hence, the repetition in other universes creating copies and clones. In this thinking, there are multiple "you's" in a Multiverse and that our universe is only one of many. He also theorizes that there may have been many Big Bangs and that each universe is a copy of the other. In this line of thinking, there is multiple "you's" who have many different choices to every outcome. Here is where science and I begin to part ways.

I believe that "choice" is a random event. When you choose to turn right instead of left, you produce and unpredictable outcome. You therefore, are in complete control of your choices, here and now. They, (and I will use this for every other physicist or scientist) believe that you live, as you are today, in the multiverse which they offer examples of about 11 other planes of reality. Here is where science and this seer part! even though there is a finite number of particles and atoms, I disagree that they would form in the exact same way every time. Random choice being the one unknowable thing in their hypothesis, then I can only assume that my parents never met, or their parents and random choice, being a random thing, disproves their thinking. If my parents never met, I would never have been born, and my Spirit would have never entered this body.

I can agree that there is so much more to our universe than we can explain, however the current level of science and physics is not a complete representation. Dark Matter and Dark Energy are still inexplicable, herein lies the Spirit or the God Source if you like. Here is where we all are From and will Return. Trying to explain Eternal Life and Infinite Reality is a fools job, but try we will. It is our nature to want to see all things, to know all things and to explain the inexplicable. They say that of the 11 knowable universes, each one living within its own "bubble" of reality, that they will collide by gravities pull, therefore creating another Big Bang, I still say, there will only be one me, only one you and that goes to infinity and beyond! I may reconstitute in another reality at another time, live a full and happy life, or a life of destruction cut short, it is my spirit that travels these dimensions, seen or unseen, to experience yet more of "who" and "what" I am. The scientific analogy of "bubbles" or circles of life is true, we follow within these circles, following each other from one bubble of life to the other. Occasionally, we cross into other bubbles, share some time and leave that bubble, or live within that bubble for awhile.

In the end, our bubble of Life bursts and we are no more, until the Breath of Life is breathed into us once again, and a new Life begins, with the same old Soul attached! History is written by its victims, not its survivors as no one survives it. Evolution has still, not yet prepared us for dying. Science still lingers on the living forms, the particles and atoms that make us "what" we are, seers and psychics are still working on the "who". At least the scientist are in some form of agreement as what you can "prove" is an acceptable form of proof. In my word, there is little proof as life is not written by its survivors and until it is, the Dark Energy and Dark Matter of it all remains a mystery to the KNOWABLE of it all and what can't be proven, it not recognizable in science.

In the field of the New Age are notable psychics and seers, famous and infamous. Since the late 1800's when they briefly merged, there has been more written about disproving them than proving their abilities due to some very unscrupulous individuals. Like any other belief system, it can be so abused and tons of money can be made so the fakes and charlatans ruined that relationship and today it is no longer considered to be a valid pursuit of wisdom. Having said that, it is still being used by global militaries in a effort to gather covert information in a very covert way. No one admits to anything and like UFO's, everything is sort of underground.

Now that we are approaching the famous Mayan calendar predictions for December 21, 2012 both science and seers are having at another explanation or interpretation of history. I had written about the preacher who predicted the Rapture recently who then recanted and said that he "miscalculated" again and that the real date is now October 21, 2011. Another author, or many I should say, write about the coming of a more sensible humanity around 2020, the enlightenment of mankind is NOT and I repeat, NOT a predictable thing. In these many scenarios, God will come down and make it happen, make us see the error of our ways and find Peace on Earth. We are only JUST NOW beginning to understand WHAT God might be and if we cannot agree on what that IS, how is that we can ever be saved by ONE that would appear.

There is no ONE God, only 6.7 billion interpretations of what IT might be. When you add in all the cultural differences, personal reflections of the Universe and the Source of every human being, I believe it is impossible or I should say implausible that any such Being exists. I am NOT a Godless person, I pray and meditate everyday knowing full well that there IS something Greater than I, something that IS I, part of me, part of you and part of all there is however, it is NOT dark energy  or dark matter, it is Light Energy and Light Matter all of which science has yet to recognize. It is the Unknowable at present and I believe that at some point, it will become KNOWN. Our first goal is to recognize that it is already within and without, nothing comes into being without It. We ARE so much more than our simple, cultural beliefs and God is so much more than any religious leader could articulate based upon ancient history books and teachings. Spirit is more than anyone can possibly understand an its Journey is not limited by that understanding. It is seen and unseen, documented in many ways, yet not believed by many. No way of proving, or disproving as it has no physical basis in reality. Either you believe or you do not. For those who believe there is no question for those who don't, there is no answer.

Well this has been lengthy, I hope that you were able to endure it! I haven't written lately, like most of us life has been moving rather slowly yet crammed with things to do. We are still watching all the earthquakes and changes on a daily basis and I can easily say that we are in for quite a summer, tornadoes, fires and just plain crazy weather. As I see more of the upcoming events, I will write about them. Please feel free to comment here or ask question and I apologize for getting a little more technical, or scientific about spirituality but the correlation is obvious to e and it would be a disservice to not advise about these connections. Please do your research! Remember that YOU are the most important person on this planet. What you know, what you think, is all true! Allow your Truth to expand as you do and in the meantime, until next time, be at Peace!