Friday, March 18, 2011




Do Your Best Japan

And now begins another day, another group of situations more tragedy, less understanding and more danger. It is a race against time, and time is the enemy. The pressure on the techtonic plates is increasing as the North American plate nudges ever further north. When Honshu lurched 8 feet closer to America, it pushed the North American plate under Honshu and created the pressure here in the North West at the Cascadian subduction zone. Of course, the entire plate moves and the danger increases more for Japan.

I will concentrate mostly on Japan, as here is where we will see the precursor of things to come for America. I will write more about what is going there, as my loved ones are there and I want them to know of coming events. So tune in for more predictions on America's plight. 

We have seen increase in quakes around Tokyo and Sagami Bay, these are critical to watch as are the new quakes around Mt. Fuji. Three hundred or so years ago, Mt.Fuji was brought awake by a series of earthquakes that lead to huge tsunami and has become an icon of Japanese Art as the Kagoshima Wave. We are seeing a repeat of this cycle now and I m currently watching one of the five lakes around Mt. Fuji called Lake Saiko. As the earth shifts, the lava tubes that fill these five lakes shift as lava begins to seep from the earth into the tubes. My interest in Saiko, is to watch for water levels to change as a fore warning. The quakes are happening so now, it will be the water levels that let us know more about the "when". What we know about "when" will be determined by the "how", and that is how Mt. Fuji will respond to the pressure currently building on the Phillipine Plate, the Eurasian Plate and ultimately, the North American plate. Here is where science and seers are beginning to merge in theory and practice.

There is also an Intergalactic component here. A UFO was captured LIVE on CNN's Piers Morgan show the night of March 11th. It sped in, hovered above the Tsunami for a few seconds, then veered off to the left of the screen disappearing in the blink of an eye. The video put up on YOU TUBE, captured the moment and it is indisputable. The interest globally, on what is happening and what WILL happen is fairly intense as we have NEVER, in the history of humanity, had this particular problem. Sure, there have been bigger catastrophic events, even global wipe outs, but NEVER have we had the nuclear issue as a part of it. This is part of what I have been teaching for the past twenty plus years.

This is that E-ticket ride we have all signed up for. These next few years will see havoc as never before seen! Every living thing on this planet and beyond, is part of the cycle of Humanity's Growth of Consciousness. There have been cultures before us, the Atlantians were a highly technological society and the Lemurians, theological. After the destruction on both continents, the repopulation of new geographical locations was not an easy thing, as everything had to be redeveloped. It is thought that about 10% of the populations from both societies survived, Atlantians becoming the Europeans and Lemurians populating Asia. Axial shifts and continental shifts have occurred, mega waves have wiped clean much of our surfaces, over and over land has risen and been recovered by the mighty oceans of the world.

Advancements of humanity and our beloved Einstein have presented the world with this E-ticket ride. Mr. Oppenheimer knew what he had created and of course, once known, no THING can be unknown. While science struggled and still struggles with this new discovery, the Genie can never be stuffed back in the bottle. From bombs to power plants, we are still working at taming the Beast within. Will our own innocence be our undoing? Did the naive nature of man in the 1940's set a course for destruction or enlightenment? Being a fatalist, I say that what will come, WILL come BUT we must understand the path or be doomed to repeat it.

We are still struggling with the lessons of Word War II however, the recent vote by the UN Security Council to construct a "no fly zone" over Libya shows that as a global culture, we are not going to stand by while a lunatic leader destroys his own people. We seem to be getting THAT lesson of freedom, democracy and standing for something in this world. Yet, the lessons of nuclear anything, seems to have fallen on deaf ears. The Japanese, as a culture and world leader, has given us this lesson about nuclear anythings before. All the global community seems to have gotten from that is "bombs are bad for people and good for a defense budget". Having to find a "good use" for a "bad thing", now that, took some doing!

So here we are, nuclear weapons are stockpiled in ever first world country, enough to blow up the world thousands of times over. What good are they? Do they stop others from starting wars? They have no real value, except for the capitalist societies that build them. Nuclear options, are NOT options. Peace time options are now coming around to bite us in the ass, using this stuff to heat water, to run a last Century steam turbine seems like a very weak answer. Perhaps the point of this lesson, once again offered up by the Japanese, is to NOT use nuclear ANYTHING! Wind, solar and oceans movements are free, natural and safe. It is time to move away from that which we cannot control!

Japan had been sending it's spent nuclear fuel to France for vitrification. Global watch dogs put a stop to that, both in France and Japan that ran flotillas on the boat carrying this stuff and blocked its arrival and departure. As always, governments and businesses win in the end, but this caused Japan to store their spent fuel onsite and now we see the danger of that decision. 

So, time is running out. No longer can they cool the ponds as water has boiled away in those cooling ponds and the rods are bare. With each explosion, the problem deepens. More damage to the water pipes and even with the restoration of power to Daiichi #5, all six plants are heating to the point of explosion on the scale of Russia's failure, and MUCH WORSE. At one point, TEPCO, the private owners of the Daiichi facilities beseeched the Japanese government to take over the plant, in conjunction with the Japanese and American military to control this insanity. Of course, the Prime Minister of Japan literally CURSED at them demanding that they get back in there and do what must be done, no matter what that entails.

At this point, all we can say is GAMBATE NIHON !!!!  Which mean: DO YOUR BEST JAPAN!!! We are all helping as much as we can, donate if you can, pray if you can and know that life is given to us just one moment at a time, therefore we can only do THIS moment, no other choice is available. Worry about the things we cannot control is futile and a waste of our time and energy. Do what you can for what you care about, and move on to the next moment.

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