Thursday, April 14, 2011



And the is an 11th thing I will disclose later in this blog, SHIGATAGANAI. But first let us discuss the great things about the Japanese people. I simply fell head-over-heels in love with this country, the moment I stepped on that plane in February of 1989. I had no conscious "knowing" of this country other than they were our enemy in World War II, my Uncle had died during this war and there was great hatred within my family for a people we knew nothing about.

I had been contacted by my dear friend Richard Moe, to come to Japan, all expenses paid, to do Life readings for his friend's clients, who runs a Seitai dojo there. It took me no more than a nano second to agree to this Journey, Knowing deep within me that this WAS the next step in my Life. This was a huge leap of Faith, married with children and a normal life here in the states, it truly was a magical time and in retrospect, I see exactly why I chose this Journey. This is a story for another time.

These 10 things I am about to list here, came from an internet forward. I could have written this myself, but I did not. I will add to it where I can, but it pretty much stands alone in its observation of a great people. I have written before about culture and how America, truly hasn't got one! We do have several different styles of culture represented here in our Great Country, but our greatest asset, is that we ARE the Big Brother on this planet. If you need someone to come and kick some serious Ass, then you only need to ask, or have some dictator, push the margins of Human Rights. I will also write more about that later. Without further Adieu:


1. THE CALM: Not a single visual sign of wild grief. Sorrow, itself, has been elevated.
a.) Calm is a Natural state of Being for the Japanese, even grief is accepted as a Natural thing.

2. THE DIGNITY: Disciplined lines for water and groceries, not a rough word or crude gesture.
b.) Dignity is a Cultural anomaly here again, a Natural State of Being.

3. THE ABILITY: The incredible architecture, buildings swayed but didn't fall.
c.) The ingenuity of the Japanese is widely known, given a problem, the WILL solve it.

4. THE GRACE: People bought only what they needed for the present so everyone could get something
d.) Many cultures have a Natural State of Grace, here it has been perfected!.

5. THE ORDER: No looting in shops, no honking or overtaking on the roads, just understanding.
e.) Again, CULTURE! You do not keep, or take, what is not yours!

6. THE SACRIFICE: 50 workers stayed back to pump sea water into the reactors, no thought of wages.
f.) LOYALTY! Again, ingrained in the Culture to serve your employer, no matter the cost.

7. THE TENDERNESS: Restaurants cut prices, an unguarded ATM, the strong caring for the weak.
g.) Most Japanese do not openly emote, however their depth of tenderness is unequaled.

8. THE TRAINING: The old and the young, everyone knew what to do and did exactly that.
h.) From cradle to grave, the government has everyone practice safety, over and over!

9. THE MEDIA: Magnificent restraint in the bulletins. No panic, only calm reporting.
i.) This is a bit of a stretch. CALM is the issue and the government DEMANDS IT.

10. THE CONSCIENCE: When power went off in the markets, people put things back and left quietly.
j.) Again, CULTURE! One simply does NOT take what is not yours and to put it back saves the store owner/employees from having to do it. 


Here is a concept word, they often abbreviate this word to "shoganai". Even though I have had such upset and panic myself about the conditions in Japan, my Dearest Friend, Noriko put it all in perspective. The direct translation or at least, as close as I can make, is "there is nothing that can be done". We often say "oh well", but we don't mean it. We lament the happening, we worry about it, fret over it and generally drive ourselves crazy over anything, but especially such a tragedy as has struck Japan. 

Look back at any recent natural event, Katrina, Rita, the Haitian earthquake, even a perceived injustice and the rioting begins. The waling, fighting, looting and general insanity ensues. This has become our culture and the NRA and gun manufactures depend on it!  "When you live by the gun, you die by the gun", we have heard this phrase and never given it true thought. Words are power, and we seem to have too many of them to explain away everything, but NOT for the the simple, "OH WELL". In Japan, the culture is very simply, better than most. Our freedoms, have become a hindrance as we rely on ourselves to judge our actions NOT on the surrounding culture of events. If others are going wild, as in "mob mentality", then we are more likely to go along with the crowd, no matter how out-of-control it gets. We have no "mass consciousness", as we have no mass culture. Shigataganai. Until next time, I wish you Peace.


  1. I simply love this and am borrowing it despite the fact that your work is feature in my Blogs I Follow section!

  2. You Honor me Great Pardu and all those I love in Japan. Borrow away dear friend, keep some, use some, loose some, help yourself! Thanks for your visit and posting here. It is a Joy to have you!

  3. love it to aunt june :)

  4. Thank you Rachel, and thank you for taking time to post here. You honor me by reading and sharing, and I love you sooooooo much for it!
