Even though this ancient Chinese curse of "may you live in interesting times", is a good one, it reminds me, that in fact, we ARE! I am moved to write this evening about the upcoming events on our planet. It doesn't take a Nostradamus, an Einstein, or a Michio Kaku to point out that we are in difficult straights. This week have been celebrating Earth Day and in the Western World, Easter. Many prayers went up today, some for Peace, some not. Mine is all about the calming of our Earth, this Ring of Fire.
We are approaching the most interesting time in many generations as the pressure builds here in the North Western United States. Being deeply involved with Japan, I have been following, through every known vehicle, the many Internet sites, to see if I can establish a pattern to perhaps get some idea of "WHEN" we are going to see the next BIG ONE. Predictions are not easy, especially timing. I have always said that "timing is God's Business". Well, while I still believe that this is so, I am pushed to write about preparedness.
We all must begin to prepare for the inevitable, that disaster that no one can see and the ones we can. Sever weather has always been one that we can, in some ways prepare for, but earthquakes and tsunami are a little more difficult. The best preparedness is having a "grab it and get out" bag and of course, some survival gear. Preparing at home with extra water and food will also be necessary. As a seer myself, I try NOT to put timing to things, but I can't help but see what is coming, and it IS coming.
Tonight, there is a program on the Discovery Channel, (one of my fav's), about the "Megaquake" that struck Japan. To date, the best full view of Nature in complete control of Humanity! I am saddened to the bone; this is happening to MY people and my "home" country. I could only cry as I say the devastation visited on these brave and stoic people knowing that they would handle this with such dignity and grace.
Recently, there have been many such programs about "Killer Nature", typhoons, hurricanes, floods and the like. Yes, we are living in VERY interesting times and the next one is coming. The Earth is in that cycle of destruction and rebirth. Nothing new, just a new beginning. How will we handle it when it is at our front steps? Are we prepared? I can only say that you must count on yourself first as governments can only follow up and clean up. The Japanese are teaching us once again. When we see the devastation in Indonesia or Bangladesh, for some reason, it isn't quite as alarming. However, a civilized country like Japan makes us pay a little closer attention. So let's not waste this lesson! Most of all, let's not waste NOW, the only timing we truly can control.
Prepare as you can, love your kids a little more. Be a better friend, forgive a lot quicker. The Acceleration has begun and we are moving into dangerous times. Over the next few weeks, we will see an increase in the earthquakes in Japan and the Ring of Fire in general. The Pacific Northwest is next! I know that others are looking at California and it may well be, however as of yesterday, the pressure here on the Oregon Coast has increased tremendously, and is about to pop! Where exactly, I do not know, but it comes as it will.
Enough for now, I am prepared as best I can be. I send you all great Love in these difficult times and thank you again, for taking your time to read my work. Until next time, I wish you Peace.
Thanks for posting this poignant piece, Mystyk
ReplyDeleteAnd I thank you, Dear Pardu, for taking the time to read it! We are in Strange times, indeed and I hope that more people get to your site and TUNE IN, no more dropping out! It is time to stand for what we believe, and have Faith in that Belief! Time is getting shorter every day and we should ALL be Yellow Dogs! We need to protect and to Serve our great country and wrestle it away from conservative, selfish, capitalist ways. We ARE our Brothers Keeper!