Friday, July 29, 2011



Are you dancing in the Dark, or dancing in the Light? Are you dancing at all, or being a Wall Flower? What level of Participation do you enjoy? If you are sitting on the side lines, waiting for someone to ask you Dance, you are missing the Journey! Life is moving faster than ever, an acceleration is taking place no matter what stage of growth you are in. New Souls follow, Young Souls lead and Old Souls are completely happy to Dance their brains out all by themselves.

We all feel the music, it is in the wind, in our very breath. Life is NOT a spectator sport we all must Dance no matter how silly it may  look. How long has it been since you really enjoyed your life, or felt the simple emotion of gratitude? Are you so busy living in the past that you are missing your own future? Can you, will you, get out of your own way to BE happy? Do you need a partner to make your life make sense? You already have one, yourSELF! The Universe is your Partner and you are never alone.

Our Earth is in Peril, our governments are falling apart and tens of thousands of people are dying every day as well as hundreds of thousands more being born. We are overpopulated, most are underfed and we still have no compassion for our fellow human beings. In America, five children die everyday from child abuse, from CHILD ABUSE, not to mention the tens of thousands of abandoned pets euthanized. Where is God in all this?????? Well, the God Particle has finally been discovered at the super collider in Switzerland. Billions of dollars, maybe trillions, to discover the GOD PARTICLE! Well, now what???? In fact, SO WHAT????? In this case, science and seers couldn't be further apart. All of this research will bring us what? I have no clue! Has this discovery altered your view of the Universe? It certainly hasn't altered mine, in fact it brings back the analogy that Faith is the Article and Particle of importance.

The month of August will be very interesting, as all that is happening becomes clearer to us all. I have to say, it doesn't look very good. The weather patterns are stirring up trouble in Asia and America will see these patterns of Fall bring in more difficult for the midwest. The point is, what will you be doing during this period? Are you moving toward Dancing the Light? If not, you are dancing too slow! We are running out time and you need to be on your feet! Until next time, I wish you Peace and am open to questions! I know you have them, let me have them!

Saturday, July 23, 2011



How do we explain the inexplicable? Where do we go for answers about what just happened in Norway, or the daily suicide bombings being carried out in the Middle East? There are answers, who do we ask? Usually, we start by beseeching God, tuning into CNN or other news outlets for the pundits to tell us the gory details, dig for answers about the perpetrator and hopefully, to bring us some sort of understanding. As I followed this usual pattern myself today, I see that Amy Winehouse, that beautiful and troubled British rock-n-roller, has been found dead in her apartment. Just released from rehab so that she could go on tour, obviously had just "ONE MORE RIDE" that became her last. Only 27 years old, three cycles of 9 years that had she survived them, would have found her on a new path later this year. Suicide is suicide, she chose this and so it is. Thy have not yet, released the cause of death, but I am certain that this is a LIFESTYLE choice and yes, a sad one. Her fans will be devastated, but I hope that her death will have a resounding effect on them, a lesson about the dangers of drugs and the choices we make. Everything happens for a reason, there are NO accidents or coincidences, only happenstance, cause and reaction, INSTANT KARMA.

So, is the Norway terrorist or Amy Winehouse "HOME", are they truly in their "RIGHT" mind? Where IS the "RIGHT MIND"? How can we access that part of ourselves? Truly, you must be a SENTIENT BEING at all times, not just part of the time like most of us are, only aware of the small world that we inhabit. "THINK GLOBAL AND ACT LOCAL" was the mantra of the ecology movement and it is a good one! A dear friend of mine is a University Professor and upon asking his students if they had heard of the Murdoch scandal, they had no clue as I would not hesitate to say, that many of you are the same. Raising our awareness to include things that are happening on a global level, things that influence our lives, seen or unseen, is how you get to the "right mind" of thinking.

It was said years ago, "NEVER DISCUSS POLITICS, SEX OR RELIGION" if you want to avoid an argument. This is a mindless phrase as it precludes you from knowing things of yourself and your surroundings. The "dumbing down" of society has been a mass marketing ploy of capitalism for many years, "just give 'em what they want and don't let 'em ask questions". This has worked since the end of World War II so well, that now we are trapped by our own materialism. If we "want" it, we will "have" it without thought of where it came from or what it truly cost to produce it. We have become consumers without a conscience, never in our "right mind" and so easily drawn to depths of despair when we don't get it.

The Norwegian terrorist, is NOT a Muslim or foreign activist, he was a full blooded, home grown terrorist like our own Oklahoma bombers. What are we to learn form this event? The Oslo bombing killed 7 people and injured dozens more, but on the island of Utoya where a summer camp for youngsters aged from 13 to 20 years old was taking place, in his Police uniform, went on a shooting spree and killed over 80 children! What our take away message should be, is that in Norway, one of the most peaceful countries on this planet, it is not safe!  If Norway is not safe, then NOWHERE is safe! 

We have all become more isolationist, drawing down our gaze from others in order to avoid contact or even to exchange eye contact. We are withdrawing from society in order to minimize our responsibility to it, yet responsible we are, like it or not. It is as though we fear we will be asked to participate in this life, more than we want to. HELLLLOOOOOOO.........ARE YOU HOME??????

Recent events, the issues in our solar system and with our planet are enough to keep me sooooo busy, yet the Human Experience is why I am here and what develops in this sense is what I must study. It is not for all of us to do, just some of us but I urge you to be more aware of your life and those things that make up your life as these things and events matter. How deep you choose to delve into politics, sex and religion are up to you however I suggest that you do as these are the driving factors of our every waking moment. The more you understand of these three subjects, the more you will be able to access your "RIGHT MIND" as a thinking partner, we have a great gift in the size of our brains and its capacity for use. Please, let us find that level of right thinking.

I could write about our interconnectedness all day, but if you don't see it, or feel it, then it does not exist for you. Every decision you make, every left or right turn, will bring you another level of understanding, more experience and knowledge. This is the path to Wisdom, and it seems that fewer and fewer are choosing to take this Path and the path of least resistance requires less of us than the Path to Wisdom. Our planet is so very over populated, Newer Souls are arriving every day and few Older ones as well as we are in an incredibly difficult to explain and MOST interesting time. Science and Seers have never been closer in their studies of the Universe and I dare say, closer to their understanding of the ALL there is to KNOW!

I encourage you to ask more questions, challenge yourself and your "right mind" thinking until it makes sense to you, then push ever forward into the yet unchallenged areas of your life and settle for nothing less that YOUR Truth, demand it of yourself and if you have not found your Truth, than FIND IT! Ask yourself what you believe, get into your own politics and religion, ask hard questions then seek your answers. I am here if I can help you with those questions, there is no such thing as unanswered questions, only unasked ones! Until next time, I wish you Peace.

Monday, July 18, 2011



We have entered the most dangerous cycle ever seen by modern mankind. All indicators are showing us that next year will be a DOOOOOOZY!!!! If our recent difficulties are one of those indicators, then life is changing in ways we cannot imagine. There are so many websites today that sound so apocalyptic and most of them are based in the combination of science and seers that I have followed my entire life. While I am a seer, I can assure you that I am as skeptical as the scientist as intelligence dictates it to be so. I would want all of us to have that same sense of skepticism when it comes to any information that  may impact our lives. Having said this, the seers can no longer be ignored, we do so at our own peril.

We have recently seen the tragic devastation in Japan, all from a Natural Source however the most damaging factor, is the Human Source of tragedy, the Nuclear Power plants. The kinds of devastation we have seen in the past by way of earthquakes and volcanic activity have been tragic, but these natural events are somewhat recoverable. When Nature creates chaos, we bend and weep at her destruction, but we can get beyond it. Unfortunately, what mankind has created is our darkest nightmare. We have poisoned our environment, becoming an industrialized world has forced us all to pay the ultimate price for the few who, through capitalism, have had the biggest benefit. Recently, Ford Motor Company is being held responsible for poisoning tribal lands with toxic sludge, and there are many such sites here int he states as well as in the rest of the world.

There is little we can do about the past, the nuclear plants are in place, the damage done to our environment is done and the only way to understand our future IS to know our past. There are many groups actively pursuing law suits to bring those culpable to responsibility. So, for the most part, as individuals, all we can do is let them do their jobs. I could write volumes about these issue however, this is not my point today.

How do we prepare for the unexpected? There have been many programs recently on the Universe, about Science and Seers especially about Nostradamus, the Mayans and the predictions of many Seers of the past. My goal, has been to discuss Tools, Teachers and Time. Today's entry, is about Tools and Time, about decisive action. I have said before, that History is written by its Victims and this couldn't be more true than it is about Natural Disasters. We are running out of Time to prepare, so it has been my decision to offer as an outlet for preparedness. I have searched the net for the very best it has to offer, with the best companies I could find. I personally own this stuff and highly recommend that we all begin to expect and prepare for, the unexpected.

Living on the coast of Oregon, I am so aware of the Cascadian Fault line and what that represents. It is no longer a matter of "if" but "when". While I am not close to a nuclear plant, I still have the Iodine pills as the plants are not so far away as to not affect me and mine. We have seen the events and the damage created by these events and all of us are in harms way, in one form or another. Only you can judge your own degree of harm and act accordingly. As we move forward into MORE uncertainty, I would hope that ALL of us are as prepared as we can be. Pundits recommend at least a 3 to 5 day cushion of safety. No matter the disaster, it is critical in the first week to be self sufficient. Recent tornadoes in Joplin, Missouri found that it took three days to get the help they needed, moreover it seems that being prepared, even in some cases is nearly impossible.

Our weather and planet is changing, I try NOT to be one to lean toward the negative information out there today but it is hard to ignore anymore. We are facing some of the most devastating things we have ever seen. My friends in Japan are learning to live with disaster, but clearly, they faced that first week of no help at all. Some of the pundits are saying to buy gold as an overall "hard cash" safety net, but I don't see that as an absolutely necessary thing, but I do see having cash on hand as another form of preparedness, having your gas tank full at all times and/or a bicycle or motorcycle. In the emergency kits there are radios and flashlights, if you do not feel like buying them, then take a look at what is offered there and build your own emergency kits. No matter what you do, BE PREPARED!!! We are running out of TIME and it is time to have the TOOLS of preparedness.

The Universe is on schedule for the mystical alignment foretold by the Mayans and science is hard pressed to tell us what will be influenced by this other than it is beyond knowing. It has been more than 26,000 years since the last time this occurred. The Sun is getting ready to shift its axis and this too, will have its effect on planet Earth. If the worst of the worst happens, there is little anyone can do to prepare, however earthquakes, storms and other Natural disasters can be prepared for. Meteor strikes are expected, many things loom in the Universe that we cannot see but no matter the happenstance, if we prepare then at least, we can have some peace of mind.

I would recommend as a source of information about the changes we are facing today. The format of this site is to inform about weather, earthquakes and volcanic activity. This is a great source of information. Another site is where there are stories beyond stories about seers and science. There are tons of other portals to check out, but these two bring forward the information and you can decide what to believe. I have always believed in human intellect, integrity and curiosity. As an Old Soul, it is our obligation to sort through the bullshit and brilliance to define our own Truth. Until next time, I wish you Peace on your Journey!