Wednesday, April 13, 2011

and The Buddha Said................


Not really a celebration I would add, in fact this anniversary is about the BEGINNING OF AMERICA'S FIRST WAR. A war of ideals,  to split America into two parts, the North and South. There is so much to know about this war, and I know so very little in comparison to what can be known, so I will not attempt to explain that here, suffice to say, it WAS about slavery and federal laws. This undercurrent of war has left its indelible mark on our culture and our politics. More than 600,000 people died in this war, more than all other wars combined, Patriots on both sides, fighting for what they believed was the path to Freedom. One such Freedom, was to OWN or NOT to own salves.

I dare say, that this has haunted our nation for the past 150 years and even though we have a great human being in the White House, that is a black man, little has changed in politics. For many who do not know, there was a "one drop of blood" legislative approach to defining a human being. As absurd as it sounds, if there was so much as ONE drop of African blood in any human being, there were considered to be a slave and LESS than human. Even the children of slave owners were put in the fields, however elevated they may be in the scope of slave servitude, they were still LESS than human.

Sorry, like religion, this is one of the Great Mysteries of America, a paradox without resolution, a Catch-22 that resonates throughout our modern history. From the first cannon volley at Fort Sumpter, to the echoes in the Halls of Congress, the reverberations are as clear today as ever. Being "culture-less", as a white Irish/Swedish American, this has always puzzled me as does the treatment of our indigenous peoples. The "others", that is other than WHITE, seem to have been the targets of the Christian forefathers since they left Europe to inhabit this land. However, my Irish ancestors who immigrated here, were considered to be lessor than the African, as they could not be sold, so as they stepped off the ships to their NEW land, they were handed rifles and sent off to fight the in the Civil War. Women and children were sent off to the ghettos to fend for themselves as their husbands and sons were ripped away from them, without choice.

So much for the semi-historical stuff, again, please google this stuff and educate yourself if you are so inclined. If you look for the spiritual information, you may discover how the battlefields are still haunted to this day. So many young people, a complete generation of them were wiped out long before they could know what Life truly was about, much less death and dying. It was a horrendous time in our history, in our Humanity, as every injury would more than likely lead to a terrible death. The lucky ones died quickly, but that was not the norm.

Sadly, humanity's evolution has us killing our own family. Back in the early days of this Journey, there was a bottleneck that found us all in one place, at one time. Science show us that we are all traced back to a single black woman in Africa. Think about this now, OUR ROOTS SHOW THAT WE ARE ALL TRACED BACK TO A SINGLE BLACK WOMAN! When you add this Knowing to the fact that the legislature has made it clear that even ONE DROP OF AFRICAN BLOOD, MAKES THAT HUMAN BEING BLACK, then I ask, who are we today? This is no farcical thinking, it is scientific fact. Within the DNA, the very Helix of genetic material that makes a human being, our Original Mother is BLACK. White folks don't like to hear this analogy, in fact they rail at the very idea.

Throughout modern history, we have been at war far longer than we have ever been at peace, there are stats on this and I don't recall them at the moment, however the stats here are not important, the fact remains, that we choose War over Peace. All of these wars are driven by ideals, basically, our God is the Superior God and YOU are Lessor beings because our God says so. Religious zealots seek the fervor of war, to believe in and die for something, in their opinion, is better than having nothing to fight about. These are all truly cultural wars, even within their own ethnic block as different sects of the same religion, is fueled by their leaders interpretation of what ever Holy Words they follow. No matter how you cut it, or whatever analogy, theology or pathology you follow, we are killing our cousins! Members of our own flesh and blood who share our genetic field of diversity. This is insanity, and the Great Buddha said;


Sadly, we choose to fight. We choose hate over Love as the Peace that Love can bring is not coveted, it is not financially beneficial. The great American Military Complex, and that of other nations has robbed its citizens of not only cash, but a Peaceful approach to living. We choose NOT to get along. Even though America is and has been, a leader in Human Rights and democracy, we still choose to go to war. Not chosen by the masses, but by the few. I see no resolution to this anytime soon.

The lessons are all around us, to educate ourselves by following the Intellectuals, Scientist and Seers. If we have no knowledge of the WITHOUT, then we have very little knowledge of the WITHIN. Your genetic code, the Helix of your very humanity, is also the Road Map of everything you have ever done, or ever will do. I will write more about this at another time. As for today, I wish you LOVE and PEACE, until next time my friends.

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