Friday, March 11, 2011


It has come to pass. The big quake in my "Home Town" of Japan, has struck. I have been predicting this quake for many years, reading each new smaller one as it showed me the outcome. I was on the phone with my Dearest Friend Noriko as it happened, and continued for over an hour. The devastation of Sendai and Miagi Prefecture is overwhelming. I cannot describe to you, how my soul is aching at this moment.

Hundreds have now crossed over, many more to come as the Tsunami rolls though the country and beyond. I studied this until the wee hours of the morning to determine if the West Coast of America was going to be affected, or if there was just going to be a normal, small wave. Before I slept, I knew that we were safe, from Hawaii to our coastline.

The predictive value of being psychic is a double edged Sword. Knowing about something is one side, the other, being incapable of doing anything about it. I have never written predictions before, as once spoken, they have a "written in stone" quality that I do not like. However, as we approach December 21, 2012, I feel compelled to do so.

If there is interest shown here by the followers of Mystyk Writes, then I shall do so. Let me know if you wish to see more.


  1. The destruction in Japan is devastating, yet there is more unfolding as I write. The nuclear plants are heating up and one has already exploded. The worst is yet to come and the days turn ino weeks.

    The earth movement of my predictions over the past twenty years have been accurate. I have only shared these predictions with very close people in Japan as it is theirs to deal with. Now, the worm has turned as America becomes the next big event.

    Thank you Melisa for your prayers, we all need them my Love.

  2. love your writing aunt June! I send much love and prayers to you and Japan!
