Sunday, March 20, 2011

ANOTHER DAY, 3/20/11

Kurama Tengu
Japan's Robin Hood

Although we have made it to March 20, 2011, there is an eerie silence here today. I miswrote the date of the last maximum perigee full moon, it was actually in 1993. As my luck would have it, I missed it! DAMN! I really wanted to see this moon rise and will get another chance as she is still very close to the planet tonight. The glow in the evening clouds was magical, however.

I am including a before and after link to ABC news of the devastation to Japan. Go to this following link and realize how lucky we are
and how easily, it could be our west coast. As 2012 approaches, the perfect "storm" of events is falling into place and we can learn a great deal form what is happening now in Japan and many other locations. We have been forewarned by events sine the Christmas quake and tsunami in Indonesia. 

It is amazing to see the kind of technology and scientific material we have to draw from today, which only a few years ago was unseeable by anyone other than the military or scientists of great note. We can have anything at our finger tips, to "know" anything we wish and depending upon your own personal BS (belief system or bull shit), you can know the truth about EVERYTHING! Science fiction, is now science fact.

For instance, not too long ago, we had the major bird kill at the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve. It wasn't considered an omen by scientists, however they still could not explain what killed millions of them world wide. It happened in Arkansas, Georgia and as far away as Sweden. Dead fish washed up on the shores in northern Minnesota and elsewhere. More recently, another fish kill in Southern California. Weird happenstance? Scientific anomaly? Deadly omens? Has it happened before? Biblical events????? How about, all of the aforementioned. 

It seems that we can only process one major event at a time and perhaps, so it should be. Back in the day of Nostradamus and before him, seers were forbidden to speak or write, of anything outside the norm of Church doctrine and dogma. It was heretical to intimate that anything but God could be responsible for events of the day, much less the future! Everything is either a punishment or a blessing, thus establishing a sinner and savior mentality. Is it any wonder that we still, no matter what our personal BS, pray to be saved by everything from Tsunami's to ingrown toenails! 

Prayer has great value, it matters NOT to whom you direct your words, only the content of your heart as you do it. Intent is all that matters even with the obligatory "God Bless YOU" when someone sneezes. Meditation, for all intents and purposes is the same function and there are those who would argue that point as some spend hours in the process and others give only a passing thought. I say both are correct, as only YOU can judge the content of your intent. Half hearted anything is a waste of time, we all know that so if you put your heart into it, it is perfection!

I will stop for today, I ask that if you have questions or comments or even if you would merely like to add a few words, please do. I so look forward to a conversation about all things, until then, GOD BLESS YOU!!!!

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