Oh my! The full moon will be in maximum perigee! It's been twenty years since the last time she graced our world with such brightness. According to CNN it was March of 1991 the last time it was here and worth a look. No wonder we have a plus high tide! Being this close to the planet, it will pull at the subduction zones, QUAKE ALERT!!! This is more rare than the Blue Moon which is having a full moon twice in one month, it happens about every two and half years.
I am a moon NUT! I follow the moon and its phases as many do. It goes back to the days of Atlantis and the Sisterhood of the Moon, yes, us girls were once the Priestesses and in charge of it all! Many however today, feel attracted and drawn to her power. My nickname "JUNIE MOON" comes from this affinity I have. As well as a reference to the "JUNIVERSE" as my father called my representation along with Rainbow Stew. It still makes me smile.
Anyway, I hope you all get to see this amazing event and the outcome will have to observed from a distance.
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