Tuesday, March 22, 2011



Where are we going? I get these question often. Why am I here? What is my purpose? Will I get married? Will I be rich? WHY, WHY, WHY AND MORE WHY. Being Human is not for Sissies, it is hard work and depending upon your choices before birth, your challenges could be just getting enough food to eat every day. Why do we struggle? What is it all about? Well the answer is easy, actually. So easy that no one wants to hear it however, if I could name it, define it and bottle that answer, I could make a fortune! It is said that, "LIFE IS SUFFERING, THEREFORE I AM ALIVE"

We are moving toward 7 billion people on this planet and we all seek the answers to the same questions. We live in a time where the capitalists want to sell us that answer, from deodorant to super cars and beyond, if you can have it, they will sell it. Will it make you better? Happier? Stronger? More beautiful? Sexier? They tell us that IT will, whatever IT is.

What about those individuals living in tribal regions of our planet? They have questions, too. Not as in depth perhaps, but the same kinds of questions about happiness, marriage and wealth. Only health is added to that when it is lost. We in the modern world consider these people deprived, backwards in their beliefs and uncivilized. Isn't that a matter of opinion? I remember the first time I saw a black family in Africa on the cover of a National Geographic magazine. I was about 8 years old and found myself wondering if the parents loved their children. If their fathers beat them, as mine did. I thought of them as exotic animals like the African Lion, how odd a thought that is today. Now I see these tribal people as blessed. A life enriched with nature and driven by simple basics. A Life where Nature and Nurture meld together, seams unseen by outsiders and we, in the modern world, we view them as deprived.

Depravation is a term I would not use for Tribal peoples, "Third World" or any other World. No matter if you are from Mars, Pennsylvania or Mars the planet, no Being is deprived of the most important element known to any living thing and that is SELF! YOU CANNOT DEPRIVE YOURSELF OF SELF, nor can any other being deprive you of It. It is your very Being, like your breath you cannot be cleaved from it. You may cuss and discuss religion and philosophies, theories and ideals, but the Real YOU, is always YOU. No matter the ritual or ceremony, song or chant, Gods and Godettes you are still YOU. You may do a multitude of pilgrimages, sacrifice a whole bunch, help thousands of people like Mother Theresa and you still WILL be YOU! You cannot get away form the simple fact that you are YOU and that will never change and YOU have come to find your PATH!

Having been separated at the point of conception, when Duality was created, we have reached the final Frontier! THE REALIZATION OF ETERNAL SINGULARITY. Yes, we are ALONE, singular in body and mind yet, the five levels of mind, (which I will discuss at another time), would dictate that we are NOT alone and that someone is in there! This is the great ANSWER of all ANSWERS. We are on the Great Path of Discovery, to discover ourSelf! You know this is true, you would not have come this far, if you hadn't felt, somewhere, within and without, that you were looking for some answers. Please, let me be clear, I don't have all the answers, I have MINE and this is what I choose to share with you, the Journey. The more I learn, the less I know and so it is. Enough for today. Be at Peace.


I will be posting chapters of my book "UNIVERSAL GUIDANCE FOR EVERYDAY LIFE". There are 30 chapters or subjects and I will be adding one per month. The following is the prelude to the chapters that follow.
















The next installation will be "LIFE"


LIFE is the greatest gift, of all Gifts and once given, it can never be taken away. Every creation in the Universe is given this Precious gift. Our entire Universe is made up of living "matter" in one form or another from the nucleus of an atom, the "extremophiles" that live in conditions so extreme, we cannot go to their habit with absolute protection. There is Life yet to be discovered and every other thing KNOWN, has an essence of Life that was created by the One who Knows All the is to Know.

Life does not begin with the seed of a thing, or even with the seed of Man. Long before there was a seed, long before the concept of male and female fertilization of any living Thing, Life was given. It was given to Spirit, Life Eternal and never ending. There is a Universal Continuum of Spirit, an uncountable number without limitation.

Life did not begin in the womb of our mothers, nor will it end in the grave. Only the ego/personality of any being will cease to exist at the time of death. The Essence of Spirit, only few grams will exist and return to Spirit with the experience and values gained in the Life of an individual. All of the gained Wisdom will be held forever in the Continuum of Spirit that was originally given.

The illusion of Life, in the human form, comes from our ability to be co-creators with the All Knowing. Plants and animals, do this Naturally, as they seek nor need guidance of any sort to procreate. Human, on the other hand, seek far more information to procreate, becoming co-creators based upon Nurture. Our inventions and technological triumphs come from the Source that grants us Evolution, as even our thought forms have Life as WE create it and so to, has death.

Life does not mean living, for living in form, must end in death. We DO live again, and again but Life itself, is Eternal. The "extremophile" doesn't "think" about what to do, the trees and grasses, every known and unknown animal form are the same, they do not THINK. They have evolved to such a level where Nature works without Nurture. They follow a genetic "pattern" without sub-consciousness, yet they are absolutely conscious! Science has proven that they are sentient beings lacking the "ego" or "self" level of mind that brings the understanding of death.

Think about it! If we had the blessing of living Life without the knowledge of Death, this moment would be so valuable. Consider the fish, whose memory is only three seconds long, its whole life in pursuit of one singular thing, always moving forward as backward is not a consideration. The higher you go in the level of the evolutionary chain, consciousness is expanding. As human beings, we are the only creatures with the ability to think on multiple levels, to invent and imagine our own futures. We are a creative bunch, enhancing our where-with-all with art, music, science and seers. But, I ask you, are you living you Life or are you simply existing?

I welcome your comments here for a lengthier conversation. There is so much more to say about Life, however my intention is to inspire you to THINK about that and come up with those unique answers to your own existence. As with my entire blog, all of this is simply my Truth and I am happy to share it with you. It is not THE Truth, it is only MY Truth. Come on in, let's discuss!!!! My next entry will be "LOVE", until then, be at Peace.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

ANOTHER DAY, 3/20/11

Kurama Tengu
Japan's Robin Hood

Although we have made it to March 20, 2011, there is an eerie silence here today. I miswrote the date of the last maximum perigee full moon, it was actually in 1993. As my luck would have it, I missed it! DAMN! I really wanted to see this moon rise and will get another chance as she is still very close to the planet tonight. The glow in the evening clouds was magical, however.

I am including a before and after link to ABC news of the devastation to Japan. Go to this following link and realize how lucky we are www.abc.net.au/news/events/japan-quake-2011/beforeafter.htm
and how easily, it could be our west coast. As 2012 approaches, the perfect "storm" of events is falling into place and we can learn a great deal form what is happening now in Japan and many other locations. We have been forewarned by events sine the Christmas quake and tsunami in Indonesia. 

It is amazing to see the kind of technology and scientific material we have to draw from today, which only a few years ago was unseeable by anyone other than the military or scientists of great note. We can have anything at our finger tips, to "know" anything we wish and depending upon your own personal BS (belief system or bull shit), you can know the truth about EVERYTHING! Science fiction, is now science fact.

For instance, not too long ago, we had the major bird kill at the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve. It wasn't considered an omen by scientists, however they still could not explain what killed millions of them world wide. It happened in Arkansas, Georgia and as far away as Sweden. Dead fish washed up on the shores in northern Minnesota and elsewhere. More recently, another fish kill in Southern California. Weird happenstance? Scientific anomaly? Deadly omens? Has it happened before? Biblical events????? How about, all of the aforementioned. 

It seems that we can only process one major event at a time and perhaps, so it should be. Back in the day of Nostradamus and before him, seers were forbidden to speak or write, of anything outside the norm of Church doctrine and dogma. It was heretical to intimate that anything but God could be responsible for events of the day, much less the future! Everything is either a punishment or a blessing, thus establishing a sinner and savior mentality. Is it any wonder that we still, no matter what our personal BS, pray to be saved by everything from Tsunami's to ingrown toenails! 

Prayer has great value, it matters NOT to whom you direct your words, only the content of your heart as you do it. Intent is all that matters even with the obligatory "God Bless YOU" when someone sneezes. Meditation, for all intents and purposes is the same function and there are those who would argue that point as some spend hours in the process and others give only a passing thought. I say both are correct, as only YOU can judge the content of your intent. Half hearted anything is a waste of time, we all know that so if you put your heart into it, it is perfection!

I will stop for today, I ask that if you have questions or comments or even if you would merely like to add a few words, please do. I so look forward to a conversation about all things, until then, GOD BLESS YOU!!!!

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Oh my! The full moon will be in maximum perigee! It's been twenty years since the last time she graced our world with such brightness. According to CNN it was March of 1991 the last time it was here and worth a look. No wonder we have a plus high tide! Being this close to the planet, it will pull at the subduction zones, QUAKE ALERT!!! This is more rare than the Blue Moon which is having a full moon twice in one month, it happens about every two and half years.

I am a moon NUT! I follow the moon and its phases as many do. It goes back to the days of Atlantis and the Sisterhood of the Moon, yes, us girls were once the Priestesses and in charge of it all! Many however today, feel attracted and drawn to her power. My nickname "JUNIE MOON" comes from this affinity I have. As well as a reference to the "JUNIVERSE" as my father called my representation along with Rainbow Stew. It still makes me smile.

Anyway, I hope you all get to see this amazing event and the outcome will have to observed from a distance.


How do I begin this one? There is so  much happening on our planet right now, the Libyan war has begun, the Spring Equinox has begun. We are on a high tide warning and as  I write the moon is getting ready to rise, full and beautiful, as always. I have packed the trunk of my car with food, water, medical supplies, blankets and extra clothes. Science and seers alike, are predicting a big quake on the Cascadian fault. The fault line breaks just about 120 miles off the coast of Coos Bay, very similar to the quake zone in Japan, off Sendai.

I am usually quite aware but must admit, this energy is slightly beyond my ability to see. As with most events of this nature, the timing is God's Business, nearly impossible to predict therefore, I don't even try. I am often more right than wrong and sometimes scare the crap out of myself! This time, I am concerned about the West Coast of America as the pressure builds and gets stronger as the moon rises.  Tomorrow is the predicted time so I ask all of you reading this to join me in saying NOT NOW! I am a fatalist however, if it is meant to be, SHIGATAGANANI, (nothing we can do), it is meant to be.

I received and email from a friend today with the following linkwww.abc.net.au/news/events/japan-quake-2011/beforeafter.htm and was especially disheartened, AGAIN! Our technology today is amazing, we are connected like never before in ways we couldn't have dreamed of just a few years ago. Even this blog is far beyond the monthly newsletter I used to do and my dear friend Noriko would lovingly translate, print and send by mail. Now, even this blog has the ability to translate. AMAZING!!!

Again, I ask you to prepare. We are all in this together and humanity has so much to learn. Will we make it? I don't think we are yet advanced enough psychologically. Our technology has outpaced our humanity, we have artificial intelligence and just about everything else artificial, but Spirit cannot be created artificially. There are no substitutes, no way to clone or split. In our original design, before the Universe was whole, our Spirit was divided and Duality began. Since then, our only way to Spirit, is from Within.

Each of us is unique, like no other. The Soul Mate, that which was created when we were originally divided may or may not, be in body today and may or may not be the opposite sex this time. I have met my Soul Mate and SHE is Japanese. Unlike most people believe, a Soul Mate is not that Love unlike any other. It does happen however it is rare. Our divided Self, is a direct opposite to WHAT we are, so getting along is quite difficult as we follow separate Paths so that we may experience Life in that opposite way. This is a lengthy subject, so I will not continue this now. If there is interest, please let me know and I will write more.

For now, I must continue to pray for the Earth, for Japan and for America. We are facing incredible odds, science and seers are perplexed. Calculations of events to come are stumping even the best of us, suffice to say we are all in for one hell of a ride! So buckle up, stay strong and pray hard!

Friday, March 18, 2011




Do Your Best Japan

And now begins another day, another group of situations more tragedy, less understanding and more danger. It is a race against time, and time is the enemy. The pressure on the techtonic plates is increasing as the North American plate nudges ever further north. When Honshu lurched 8 feet closer to America, it pushed the North American plate under Honshu and created the pressure here in the North West at the Cascadian subduction zone. Of course, the entire plate moves and the danger increases more for Japan.

I will concentrate mostly on Japan, as here is where we will see the precursor of things to come for America. I will write more about what is going there, as my loved ones are there and I want them to know of coming events. So tune in for more predictions on America's plight. 

We have seen increase in quakes around Tokyo and Sagami Bay, these are critical to watch as are the new quakes around Mt. Fuji. Three hundred or so years ago, Mt.Fuji was brought awake by a series of earthquakes that lead to huge tsunami and has become an icon of Japanese Art as the Kagoshima Wave. We are seeing a repeat of this cycle now and I m currently watching one of the five lakes around Mt. Fuji called Lake Saiko. As the earth shifts, the lava tubes that fill these five lakes shift as lava begins to seep from the earth into the tubes. My interest in Saiko, is to watch for water levels to change as a fore warning. The quakes are happening so now, it will be the water levels that let us know more about the "when". What we know about "when" will be determined by the "how", and that is how Mt. Fuji will respond to the pressure currently building on the Phillipine Plate, the Eurasian Plate and ultimately, the North American plate. Here is where science and seers are beginning to merge in theory and practice.

There is also an Intergalactic component here. A UFO was captured LIVE on CNN's Piers Morgan show the night of March 11th. It sped in, hovered above the Tsunami for a few seconds, then veered off to the left of the screen disappearing in the blink of an eye. The video put up on YOU TUBE, captured the moment and it is indisputable. The interest globally, on what is happening and what WILL happen is fairly intense as we have NEVER, in the history of humanity, had this particular problem. Sure, there have been bigger catastrophic events, even global wipe outs, but NEVER have we had the nuclear issue as a part of it. This is part of what I have been teaching for the past twenty plus years.

This is that E-ticket ride we have all signed up for. These next few years will see havoc as never before seen! Every living thing on this planet and beyond, is part of the cycle of Humanity's Growth of Consciousness. There have been cultures before us, the Atlantians were a highly technological society and the Lemurians, theological. After the destruction on both continents, the repopulation of new geographical locations was not an easy thing, as everything had to be redeveloped. It is thought that about 10% of the populations from both societies survived, Atlantians becoming the Europeans and Lemurians populating Asia. Axial shifts and continental shifts have occurred, mega waves have wiped clean much of our surfaces, over and over land has risen and been recovered by the mighty oceans of the world.

Advancements of humanity and our beloved Einstein have presented the world with this E-ticket ride. Mr. Oppenheimer knew what he had created and of course, once known, no THING can be unknown. While science struggled and still struggles with this new discovery, the Genie can never be stuffed back in the bottle. From bombs to power plants, we are still working at taming the Beast within. Will our own innocence be our undoing? Did the naive nature of man in the 1940's set a course for destruction or enlightenment? Being a fatalist, I say that what will come, WILL come BUT we must understand the path or be doomed to repeat it.

We are still struggling with the lessons of Word War II however, the recent vote by the UN Security Council to construct a "no fly zone" over Libya shows that as a global culture, we are not going to stand by while a lunatic leader destroys his own people. We seem to be getting THAT lesson of freedom, democracy and standing for something in this world. Yet, the lessons of nuclear anything, seems to have fallen on deaf ears. The Japanese, as a culture and world leader, has given us this lesson about nuclear anythings before. All the global community seems to have gotten from that is "bombs are bad for people and good for a defense budget". Having to find a "good use" for a "bad thing", now that, took some doing!

So here we are, nuclear weapons are stockpiled in ever first world country, enough to blow up the world thousands of times over. What good are they? Do they stop others from starting wars? They have no real value, except for the capitalist societies that build them. Nuclear options, are NOT options. Peace time options are now coming around to bite us in the ass, using this stuff to heat water, to run a last Century steam turbine seems like a very weak answer. Perhaps the point of this lesson, once again offered up by the Japanese, is to NOT use nuclear ANYTHING! Wind, solar and oceans movements are free, natural and safe. It is time to move away from that which we cannot control!

Japan had been sending it's spent nuclear fuel to France for vitrification. Global watch dogs put a stop to that, both in France and Japan that ran flotillas on the boat carrying this stuff and blocked its arrival and departure. As always, governments and businesses win in the end, but this caused Japan to store their spent fuel onsite and now we see the danger of that decision. 

So, time is running out. No longer can they cool the ponds as water has boiled away in those cooling ponds and the rods are bare. With each explosion, the problem deepens. More damage to the water pipes and even with the restoration of power to Daiichi #5, all six plants are heating to the point of explosion on the scale of Russia's failure, and MUCH WORSE. At one point, TEPCO, the private owners of the Daiichi facilities beseeched the Japanese government to take over the plant, in conjunction with the Japanese and American military to control this insanity. Of course, the Prime Minister of Japan literally CURSED at them demanding that they get back in there and do what must be done, no matter what that entails.

At this point, all we can say is GAMBATE NIHON !!!!  Which mean: DO YOUR BEST JAPAN!!! We are all helping as much as we can, donate if you can, pray if you can and know that life is given to us just one moment at a time, therefore we can only do THIS moment, no other choice is available. Worry about the things we cannot control is futile and a waste of our time and energy. Do what you can for what you care about, and move on to the next moment.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Ichigo Ichie

ONE DAY AT A TIME! Ichigo ichie, is a Japanese phrase that relates to traditional tea ceremony. Back in the day of Samurai and Warlords, tea ceremony was a traditional part of going off to war. The Tea Master would prepare the fire, gather the instruments of tea ceremony such as the special tea called MACHA, a very finely ground, hand selected, green tea powder, special cups and papers for serving. There are many things written on tea ceremony and I am far from knowing all there is to know. It is a tradition as old as Japan and it takes years to Master and become accredited.

The concept of "ICHIGO ICHIE" is much like our concept of "ONE DAY AT A TIME", only much more steeped in the practice of the ceremony. A master would spend hours selecting charcoal for the fire, using an almost meditative ritual of preparedness before the tea is served. As in the days of old, the Tea Master put 100% of themselves and their learning into that preparation, be it for one or one thousand, a pauper or a prince. It is lovingly practiced today, however the younger generations are not so keen to study the traditions of Japan like tea ceremony, dance, flower arranging and the like. So it is, in the New Age of the Internet!

One day at a time, such a simple phrase, but so hard to apply. The ego would have us living either in the past or tied to the future. Regret, failure, or the "GOOD OLE' DAYS" are stuck in our memories like a broken record. We find ourselves arguing with loved ones over past deeds, or romanticizing over the best of days. If not there, we are tied to future events, wishing and hoping for better choices, to win the lottery and sometimes, just to get the bills paid on time. Here is where we spend most all of our time.

Ichigo ichie, is a more complex phrase, of living fully in the moment. Everything that you know, everything that you are, brought to this moment in time to do the very best thing you have ever done for THIS moment. If you are a baker and if you love your job, you will make the most delicious bread as you put your skill, knowledge and passion into baking that loaf of bread. No matter what the example, the point is to be HERE NOW! To be fully present at each moment is more difficult than it sounds. We ARE all that we know and have learned. Experience becomes knowledge that with practice, becomes Wisdom. Once it becomes Wisdom, then like breathing, it can become that Natural movement, no longer the Nurture movement.

In the past week, we have seen a very stoic, resilient Japanese culture get hammered by a triple fold tragedy. Earthquake, tsunami and then the nuclear problem. All three of these events are not strangers to the Japanese people. While this may be the worst event EVER, they have been through all three before including Nuclear bombs! Amazingly and with Grace, they venture forth showing all humanity, what Nature and Nurture is all about. Their sense of community, the very fabric of the Japanese, is stronger than ever. Ichigo ichie, being shown as a matter of course, not a command. It is ingrained in them, as is "SHIGATAGANAI", meaning that nothing can be done about the situation. Whatever has happened, has happened and we must go on from here.

There is no looting in Japan, no need to rush out and take what others have. Even with incredible shortages, they will offer up to another, what little they have and wait in long lines to get whatever rations they can. They help each other like no other culture on this planet, there is no thought of "me" or "mine". The younger generations have been greatly westernized, just as American's did in the 50's and 60's. Recently, in the past ten years or so, there have even been the motorcycle gangs and groups called "chimpira" or "punks" that are following in the footsteps of the Great Yakuza but without the organization or guidance. Like with all mafia models, there was the "brotherhood" that was strictly planned and adhered to. Those days are gone everywhere now, no longer honor and pride being a central theme but rather money and status, a human life has no value.

This recent tragedy has turned our world into a new place. The Japanese have offered themselves up, once again, to teach Humanity valuable lessons. What will we take from them? At best, will we learn about Nuclear plants on fault lines and next to the Ocean?  Will we learn that nuclear is NOT the answer?  I am deeply saddened by the Japanese' latest lesson for Humanity and the problem is not over.

There WILL be further degradation of the nuclear facility, there will be further damage to the citizens of Northern Japan, there WILL be more big earthquakes, Honshu WILL rip apart and Mt. Fuji WILL wake up. But DEAR GOD, will WE learn the lessons? America is next in line for these events, will we say "SHIGATAGANAI"? No, we will NOT. There will be such hatred and discontent in this country from the top down. We will start the blame game, wherever there is destruction there will be culture vultures, picking the bones of the dead and dying for anything of value. The talking heads on TV will be all over it as they are now and thank God they are.

Ichigo ichie, be in the moment. To panic about what has happened, is happening, or will happen is a waste of your energy. Practice preparedness, over and over. Know your surroundings, be ready for any eventuality by knowing yourself and your own requirements. If you live fully in the now, only in the moment then you have the best chance of survival and living to another moment. Only after the event is there nothing to be done. Before hand, there are a ton of things to do, like being HERE now, 100% of you 100% of the time. This is ichigo ichie.

Monday, March 14, 2011


I can't say that I have ever, in any lifetime, seen such devastation. I have past life memories of great tragedies, however the nature of Spirit is to remember more specifically to the human being. By this, I mean that some may fear birds in this lifetime, and I have friends who were picked to death by them in a prior lifetime. This is "residual memory" and it can cause deep seated, unrealistic fear in the current lifetime. Understanding this, requires a bit of Faith and a basic acceptance of Life after Death, or a belief that Death is an illusion and Life is Eternal.

If you think about your own fears, the unnatural ones, they too, will have been generated elsewhere. I for one, have an unnatural fear of cockroaches, or any bug that has an exoskeleton. This is from another death where I was eaten while still alive.......ICKY POO! My neck has tremendous sensitivity, so much so that I cannot even wear a light necklace or a shirt of any kind with a tight collar. Turtle necks are out of the question! Speaking of questions, do you have any? I am delighted to go more in depth if you do.

Now we face the nuclear issues, not only for Japan, but for the world. The jet stream is a natural conveyor belt of our weather systems, be it good or bad. Russia's nuclear incident found radiation had travelled around the globe and incidence of cancer, still showing up. Accidents of the like, such as Three Mile Island have served to prepare us, somewhat for the eventualities we now face. The older reactors, like those in Japan now under threat, will certainly be a part of future events. There are four on the West coast of California that are poised to be the issue of the nest "big one" scheduled for Southern California, not if, but when it comes, it will be like Japan's current crisis.

Instead of passing out the iodine tablets AFTER an event, it should be passed out now, as a part of our "get it and get" bag. There are places on the web where these can be purchased and I highly recommend that they be a part of yours. The tablets load the thyroid with iodine so it cannot accept the radiation from exposure. We still aren't completely sure if this is preparation enough, however, better than none at all.

Japan has been a Source of Great Lessons, throughout her history. Not only for her Heroic acceptance of great lessons such as the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but also for her horrible aggression prior to and during, Word War II. As with Germany and Hitler, aggression and insanity is a wonderful form of teaching ALL human beings about the do's and don't's of Humanity and since we seem to still be at the "Humanity 101" stage, I am very hopeful that we, as Beings, use these lessons and understand our Mission here. Regardless of your particular BS, ( Belief System or Bull Shit), you Do have a Mission. First for your own growth and understanding of Life and Living and then for the broader scope of Humanity as a whole.

I will stop here for today, I pray you participate in the ongoing lessons of Life and Living.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Life, as we know it, is changing. This new direction will find us in chaos, pure and natural but definitely to be respected and taken VERY seriously. Fo more than 20 years, I have been teaching in Japan and having seminars in just how difficult these time will be.

The Pacific Plate is moving North. It has been for eons and so this is a very natural occurrence and in planetary terms, NO BIG DEAL! However, for us human, this is a Major Event! We have seen these events unfold since the Christmas quake in Indonesia, and like a Zipper, the Western edge of the Pacific Plate has begun to UN-zip. Even Haiti's quake had some pressure to add to the mix. Now, we have the pressure building on the Eastern edge of the Pacific Plate and our Zipper is about to pop.

It has always been my contention and that of many others, that the BIG ONE would see the complete rearrangement of continents, islands and oceans. It is with this understanding that I write today as never before, have we or will we face the challenges ahead?

To my West Coast followers, I say, prepare a "get it and go" bag. Have food and water supplies for at least three days. That also means having your medications, money and emergency medical supplies. Include things like important papers. Don't overload yourself, you may need to pick up another Being or two. Think of yourself and your family FIRST. Make sure to include season appropriate clothing. If you can plan a bag that will hold you for at least three days, you should be well prepared.

My predictions of current events have been quite accurate. Of course, there are only a few who have been privvy to that information so you will simply have to take my word for it. Japan's recent "big one", is merely the end of a beginning from the Christmas quake, however it heralds a New Age of Chaos, one that most have heard something about, like the Mayan Prophecy. Only now, do we see the relevance of science and seer, like never before.

The predictions for December 21, 2012 are everywhere, so I will not write about them here. What I will write about, is the Journey ahead. We know that the Sun is in a critical axial shift at the moment, which will peak in 2012. Already, the solar flares are reaching out to cause havoc in our communications. Over the next few months, that will increase and what the major affects will be is currently unknown to science, or unsaid, I should state. I am certain that when the Sun completes its axil shift, we will be unable to use most of our communications and that NASA and others are scrambling to protect military SATNETS and satellites that are critical for governing the planet.

As Japan's quake hit, it caused the main island of Honshu to move 2.3 meters or 8 feet, closer to America and pushed the global axis another 10 centimeters or 4 inches out of whack. Here is where things get sticky! The fault line that splits the Island of Honshu runs from Sagami Bay on the East Coast to Nagano and the Japan Sea on the West Coast. This fault line was only recently discovered, however I and others, have known about it for many years. The Northern part of Honshu moved 8 feet, but the Southern portion has NOT.

The Northern part of Honshu is on the North American plate which is butted up against the Eurasian plate and the Japan Sea. The Southern portion is on the Marianna plate, also butted up against the Eurasian Plate and the Chinese continental shelf. The fault line I spoke of runs West to East and here is where the next BIG ONE occurs and it will rip the island of Honshu in half. All along the island chain of Japan, is the Marianna Trench which is the deep subduction zone where the Pacific plate and the Asian continent come together. New Zealand's large quake last month, was the zipper's start and Honshu's quake, the zipper's end.

Now for the predictions. It is time for the True Journey and Adventure to begin. We will see the beginnings, the warnings if you will, begin in the midwest of America. The New Madrid fault has already begun to awaken in the past two years. The Haitian quake was the Zippers' start, and that added pressure to the New Madrid fault. The Earth's crust is a movable entity, a living and breathing organism just like our skin. Just this past week, the volcanic activity increased on the big island of Hawaii sending lava flows down the mountain side to the sea. You may imagine that Hawaii, where the Earth's crust is very thin, is like a belly button for the Pacific plate and it is in constant motion. As the planet spins, it bulges at the tropical zones and a 4 inch wobble on the axis is hugely magnified at the equator. That recent volcanic activity is another precursor to Japan's event.

Just as with Hawaii, so too, is the activity in Alaska part of this recent equation. Several volcanoes were active at the same time. We are seeing these events as separate, but they are not. Here is where science and seers tread lightly. Predictions of coming events are rarely welcomed and if wrong, ridiculed. I will also, not share in giving specific dates as Timing, is a Thing of the Universe, God's Business I always say. Mother Earth and the Universal God Source have a natural rhythm, we can only observe and deduce from this observation what the messages are. However, paying attention to them, watching and waiting, is a difficult assignment.

We have entered that dangerous Cycle of Mother Earth. Survival will depend upon our ability to read the signs and use Wisdom, good planning and common sense which by the way, is NOT common. There are many sources from which to choose and should you choose mine, I will write more. I encourage your comments here. There is no point to have a one way conversation, so join up, join in and let's discuss!

Friday, March 11, 2011


It has come to pass. The big quake in my "Home Town" of Japan, has struck. I have been predicting this quake for many years, reading each new smaller one as it showed me the outcome. I was on the phone with my Dearest Friend Noriko as it happened, and continued for over an hour. The devastation of Sendai and Miagi Prefecture is overwhelming. I cannot describe to you, how my soul is aching at this moment.

Hundreds have now crossed over, many more to come as the Tsunami rolls though the country and beyond. I studied this until the wee hours of the morning to determine if the West Coast of America was going to be affected, or if there was just going to be a normal, small wave. Before I slept, I knew that we were safe, from Hawaii to our coastline.

The predictive value of being psychic is a double edged Sword. Knowing about something is one side, the other, being incapable of doing anything about it. I have never written predictions before, as once spoken, they have a "written in stone" quality that I do not like. However, as we approach December 21, 2012, I feel compelled to do so.

If there is interest shown here by the followers of Mystyk Writes, then I shall do so. Let me know if you wish to see more.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011



Today is a tough one, for those of you that have animals, mine are not doing well and I am sure you know my pain. These are the days where prayers and meditation are of singular importance. Animals are of particular importance to Human Beings for what they add to our lives. Even for the Vegan, animals have that something special. If you have interest here, I will write more. Blessed is He.


He is not doing well today, he had another episode in the hospital. The first episode required a little CPR to bring him back around. I highly recommend that anyone who has a et learns proper animal CPR. I had only SEEN it once on the Animal Planet, and thank God I did! I am certain that it wasn't picture perfect, but I was able to reestablish heart beats and breathing. After the vet gave him blood products yesterday, we had hoped it would be enough to stimulate his own blood factory, it did not and this morning, another episode. 

So, now we have to request a Universal donor's blood from California and he will have a transfusion. My GOD!!! The prices for animal care are nearly as much as human care! There isn't enough money on Earth to buy him from me, but damn............

Anyway, prayers are requested for good health for Reggie and the money to pay for it! He has a fine and gentle Spirit, anything I can do to extend his life will be done! I will keep you all posted. 

Sunday, March 6, 2011

A day's work

Five years ago, I was fortunate enough to be sent to Shanghai and hang with some very interesting people. We stayed in a great hotel where you didn't have to worry about the food, but I still drank bottled water! I was returning to a pastlife home, so I was more than intrigued by the sights an sounds.

The new Shanghai airport, is about a two hour drive from downtown, so my friend Miko and I had to be picked up and driven to town by a professional.  The traffic was beyond hectic as we arrived at about 9:00 am and rush hour was on. I would later learn that rush hour is a constant in China. As a professional driver myself, I have driven all over America, found no problem driving on the OTHER side of the road in Japan, but all of a sudden, I had been dropped down the Rabbit Hole and discovered that I wasn't in Kansas anymore!

Our driver spoke very little English, and we spoke NO Chinese outside of "hello" and "thank you". We knew him by the sign he was carrying at the airport with our name on it! I was delighted about this later when we were dodging traffic as if we were on an E-ticket ride at Disneyland! It was a white knuckle ride the whole way and very little sight seeing was done until we actually reached the crawling traffic of downtown.

Our host for this working week end, is a very famous man, whose name I will not use as it may compromise him in someway suffice to say, he is married to the most famous female actress in China and a renowned painter. Miko knew him well and I found it to be a great honor to have him as our personal guide to Shanghai. 

After our first day of rest, we went to dinner and the Adventure began! The smells and sounds had me on overload! The pastlife memories were falling out, one by one then all at once I could see myself there eons ago.

to be continued................
The Dragon's Gate

Don't let Human Nurture be a barrier to Spiritual Nature

At Spirit Quest, we hope to invite you to your rEvolution! The small r is relevant as Spiritual Evolution is like a revolution, one that begins within. Like the Koi swimming hard against the tumultuous tide, you too, can learn how to make it through The Dragon's Gate and evolve back into the Dragon, from which you came. The Koi only has a three second memory. The only thing the Koi has ever known, is that upstream struggle that, by Nature is the only goal the Koi has. Eat, struggle and MOVE!

The power of Now and the power of You is all that this moment offers. The Universe is very clear about what is due you and that is everything under the Sun and beyond. If you can see it, you can have it is a simple phrase, but KNOWING THAT YOU ALREADY HAVE IT, is what makes it manifest in your life.

The most important thing you can ever do is to be HERE now. The True power of this moment is, what you will choose to do next. Only you have that power by Nature and the only thing holding you back is Nurture, where fear exists. Decisions delayed are decisions made. Now is the best time to start choosing. If you start with the easy ones, the rest will come naturally. Choosing NOT to choose, is also a choice.

Tools, Teachers and Time are the three things you much have to make this Journey. Spirit Quest will endeavor to provide you with the Tools and the Teachers, however only you can provide the Time. Sacred Tools and a Sacred Place are only the beginning, but the Sacred YOU must be in place. At this moment, You and I are in a Sacred Place, a place of learning and growth. If you can say, "the more I know the less I understand", then half the battle is won as this is a Natural state of Being. Like a child you must let your imagination run as it did then, only THEN will you see the Power of Nature over Nurture.

We will be pointing you in the direction of Tools and Teachers in the way of books and materials, amulets, candles, meditation materials and incense. There will be choices for you to make, as what is good for one is not for another. We will search out bargains and unique products that certainly, can be found anywhere but so far, not in one place, THIS Sacred Place.

Blogging by Josefina, The Mystyk, (also correct spelling of ancient origins), a rich life experience and thousands of friends and clients have honed a unique insight that will be blogged here and will bring some great conversations and I welcome yours. Everyone has questions and I just may have the answers, in general terms of course. Personal Life readings are a different format than this, so I apologize in advance for not being able to do them.

I will be blogging from my own books as well as adding general observations of a prophetic Nature, as I get them. The Journey will continue, let the Adventure to the Power of You begin, Right her, Right NOW. Your memory is longer than that of the beautiful Koi, however your goals are the same, becoming the Dragon is not the point, it is all about the JOURNEY!