Where are we going? I get these question often. Why am I here? What is my purpose? Will I get married? Will I be rich? WHY, WHY, WHY AND MORE WHY. Being Human is not for Sissies, it is hard work and depending upon your choices before birth, your challenges could be just getting enough food to eat every day. Why do we struggle? What is it all about? Well the answer is easy, actually. So easy that no one wants to hear it however, if I could name it, define it and bottle that answer, I could make a fortune! It is said that, "LIFE IS SUFFERING, THEREFORE I AM ALIVE"
We are moving toward 7 billion people on this planet and we all seek the answers to the same questions. We live in a time where the capitalists want to sell us that answer, from deodorant to super cars and beyond, if you can have it, they will sell it. Will it make you better? Happier? Stronger? More beautiful? Sexier? They tell us that IT will, whatever IT is.
What about those individuals living in tribal regions of our planet? They have questions, too. Not as in depth perhaps, but the same kinds of questions about happiness, marriage and wealth. Only health is added to that when it is lost. We in the modern world consider these people deprived, backwards in their beliefs and uncivilized. Isn't that a matter of opinion? I remember the first time I saw a black family in Africa on the cover of a National Geographic magazine. I was about 8 years old and found myself wondering if the parents loved their children. If their fathers beat them, as mine did. I thought of them as exotic animals like the African Lion, how odd a thought that is today. Now I see these tribal people as blessed. A life enriched with nature and driven by simple basics. A Life where Nature and Nurture meld together, seams unseen by outsiders and we, in the modern world, we view them as deprived.
Depravation is a term I would not use for Tribal peoples, "Third World" or any other World. No matter if you are from Mars, Pennsylvania or Mars the planet, no Being is deprived of the most important element known to any living thing and that is SELF! YOU CANNOT DEPRIVE YOURSELF OF SELF, nor can any other being deprive you of It. It is your very Being, like your breath you cannot be cleaved from it. You may cuss and discuss religion and philosophies, theories and ideals, but the Real YOU, is always YOU. No matter the ritual or ceremony, song or chant, Gods and Godettes you are still YOU. You may do a multitude of pilgrimages, sacrifice a whole bunch, help thousands of people like Mother Theresa and you still WILL be YOU! You cannot get away form the simple fact that you are YOU and that will never change and YOU have come to find your PATH!
Having been separated at the point of conception, when Duality was created, we have reached the final Frontier! THE REALIZATION OF ETERNAL SINGULARITY. Yes, we are ALONE, singular in body and mind yet, the five levels of mind, (which I will discuss at another time), would dictate that we are NOT alone and that someone is in there! This is the great ANSWER of all ANSWERS. We are on the Great Path of Discovery, to discover ourSelf! You know this is true, you would not have come this far, if you hadn't felt, somewhere, within and without, that you were looking for some answers. Please, let me be clear, I don't have all the answers, I have MINE and this is what I choose to share with you, the Journey. The more I learn, the less I know and so it is. Enough for today. Be at Peace.