Friday, May 20, 2011



Well my Dearest friends, tomorrow is Judgement Day, according to Rev. Harold Camping and several others, they have all the proof you need to believe if you are a Christian, that Jesus is coming to Earth tomorrow to begin the Rapture and the world will completely end on October 21, 2011. This 89 year old pastor has been a doomsday prophet for many years and originally predicted this in 1994, however, he made a "calculation error" then and says that he missed the reading of one particular book of the Bible, so now he has it. Since this stuff is all over the Internet, I will not delve into his writings, or that of others as you can simply look it up and get more of the story directly form the source.

Are we living in End Times? The simple answer is YES! What it means is bit longer than a one word answer. Approximately 25% of the world's population is Christian, of that only about 3% are this radical, evangelical "Rapture" believing, bible literalism's. Most of these groups are Christian Cults with a leader whose mission it is to terrify his followers into believing that he, or she, is the "anointed one" and therefore in direct communication with God. In fact, the word "MYSTIC" means, one who speaks to God. This is nothing new, throughout the history of mankind, there has been mysticism at many levels of Society, the most famous of these the Oracle At Delphi in ancient times.

The Rapture believers are a fairly new breed of Christians. They believe that Jesus will return to Earth (currently, this is tomorrow, May 21, 20011) and that the Earth will enter a destructive cycle that will "shake the dead from the ground". This who were solid Christians before dying will be brought up from the ground whole, young and alive to raise up into Heaven and stand at the Right Hand of God. Those who are not Christians, will be raised up in their "whatever" condition and head for the Hinges of Hell. Those of us still alive, will be left to suffer or repent on the spot! BULLSHIT I say, BULLSHIT!

2000 years of creating a religious belief, Christianity, is a very long time. I am not here to down any one  religion, but ALL of them and especially those who breed hate and discontent as a part of their inner Truth. The very idea that it is "ONE WAY OR NO WAY", is absurd. Not even my own beliefs are perfect for everyone, we ALL have to find that Path to Enlightenment and it is as unique as our fingerprints. The Christians ask if your are "RIGHT WITH GOD, HAVE YOU ACCEPTED JESUS CHRIST AS YOUR SAVIOR"? I would ask, are you right with yourself? To believe that you must be saved, assumes that you have been condemned, and I simply disagree with that assumption.

The Universe is quite clear about who is who and what is what. Defining the "who" and "what" is the hard part but you MUST consider the ALL of it all in order to have any clue whatsoever. We are on a crash course with Science and Seers! Which is which? Who will win the argument? Yes, we are living in interesting times, the old Chinese curse has come to pass. The world is in turmoil, wars are discontent are widespread. Here in the States, politics has become a laughing stock as more and more of the constituency are tuned in to the information at hand. We live in a 24 hour news cycle that shows the foibles and fakery of all politicians and they can no longer, hide behind what they said previously. They are all a bunch of flopping fish out of water! Politicians and religious leaders are a failure and thanks to this "new age" of information, we are all making better, more informed decisions. Where we stand as individuals, is based upon our inner beliefs. I am a Universalist, a believer in ALL things, not just one and a Yellow Dog Democrat, believing that as a nation, as a member of the Global community, it is our duty to take care of each other.

So, ask yourself this question, "IF THE PREACHER IS RIGHT, WHAT DO I DO NOW?" If tomorrow is the beginning of the end, and October 21, 2011 is the end of the world, what would you change? That preacher is sitting on top of a 70 million dollar empire, has he given it away? NO! But his followers have given theirs away, TO HIM! They have stopped paying their debts, long ago. I would think that they are all in deep prayer at the moment, terrified of the outcome. Sadly, this has happened before and the suicides that follow are tragic.

We should ALL live life as if today were our last day, to love hard, laugh often and never let past hurts stop us from moving forward. Our guiding principles must be to love and be loved, no matter how difficult times may be, these are the lessons we come to understand. Without the tough part, there would be no point to Life. Spiritual Life is all about the Love and Presence of Mind, human life is all about the struggles and the overbearing mind of the ego. Learning to love yourSelf, to accept that you are NOT perfect to society yet completely perfect and whole unto yourSelf is key to self-realization. If you can find that balance, one of Mind and Spirit then Life is fully realized. Human beings become a literal slave to the processes of Faith, to the dogma of Societies structures and herein lies the danger of loosing the self. We all have roles we must play and THAT is all they are, just roles.

So the question remains, if tomorrow is your last day, then what? We need to live everyday in this manner, not because some preacher or past predictor has said it is so. We face truly challenging times this year and next, our planet is under great stress, the alignments are coming, the Sun will flip its axis and we will see things that we have never seen before. No matter the outcome scientifically, or in actuality, we will still be in the same place we were before it started. We will all die, in due course, just as WE have chosen it to be and if we loose ourSelves in that fact, then we loose Life itSelf. So for me, I plan to have a regular week-end and I hope that yours is filled with loving friends, laughing moments and blessed SUNSHINE! Until next time, I wish you Peace.


  1. I agree with every word...MYSTYK...Every Word.....

  2. Thank you Great Pardu! These are strange times and "NUTS" are loosened from their Bolts! Even the most fervent hopes of the Evangelicals will NOT be met, their hope of Armagheddon in the Middle East is falling apart with the talks of possible Peace and the Universe is NOT listening!

    As with all false Prophets, their belief that they are the Chosen One, a one and only to receive messages is absurd. The only way to "read signs", is to listen to all quarters then Instinct will allow you to Know the Truth. There is no God of Destruction, only the Natural Rhythm of things that BE! The Bible, Koran and Talmud, the many books of Hinduism and Buddhism are all Guide Books, nothing more and should never be taken in a literal sense without the allowance of modern thinking and language. Things written by man are fallible, open to interpretation and therefore not of Whole Cloth.

    I don't know what Rev. Camping has to say today, or his followers for that matter. What a disappointment it must be too still be without Jesus to lead lead them. I pray it doesn't lead to mass suicide as it has in the past. Live on Great Earth, Live on Humanity..........another cup of coffee for me and perhaps a cigarette or two! Peace to all.......
