I know that all of you have had this conversation in the past, with friends, relatives or even enemies! Has science proved or disproved the existence of God? Generally, these topics, like sex and politics have been relegated to "DON'T DO IT"! Is there a Being of Great Mind, a Creator of all things? IS there an Intelligent Source or is there simply evolution? The argument has always been between Creationism and Evolution, one calling for blind faith and the other for scientific, empirical evidence. It is no wonder that most of us, the lay person, have been left to our own devices, trying to figure out a "truth" based upon what we are born into such as family and culture, or left to our curiosity through life's lessons and introductions. Curiosity, after all IS the nature of the Beast! A new survey shows that 17% of us are now being referred to as "NONES", those who have no belief systems at all.
I must say, somewhere between blind faith and scientific fact, IS an answer, depending upon your inner Truth. We are charged, from birth to study, by "WHOM" is the question. Is it the driving force of an Intelligent Design, religious theologies of mankind, or is it our basic, driving, "need to know". Having developed the five senses, we ARE driven to "know" a thing, in some form or another. How does it taste, what does it feel like and so on. This Force, moves us beyond rationale with an insatiable thirst for knowing things, hence Science as a religious outlet. Before the modern era, people understood that there was a difference between science and religion, FACT AND FICTION IF YOU WILL. The sciences were unattainable, left to the wealthy and scholars to ponder. The world was FLAT and that was that! Of course I am speaking to a time in the West, as throughout Asia and Egypt, ancient cultures had a different understanding of these things.
Clearly, the ancient cultures of the world had a completely different understanding of the sciences and religious theories. That so called Modern Age, exploded in the West and seems to have left behind the more advanced cultures of the ancients. Isn't it curious, that those advanced cultures, thousands of years ago, were way ahead of the west in technologies that had yet to be discovered? The ancient peoples of the world had advanced knowledge of astronomy, mathematics and language skills beyond the capabilities found at the breaking of the Modern age. Why is it or HOW is it that these advanced cultures didn't survive? The very fact that they were guided by the "GODS" of their time, shows me that they still had that "poop in ditch" mentality, which is prevalent today throughout the developing world. The simple truth is, that we ARE a Third World Planet. Clearly we have advanced beyond our past, but not everyone shares these advancements. The disparity can be seen daily on CNN or any other news outlet. Groups beseech us for donations to help out the poor and down trodden, either by tugging at our heart strings (emotions) or some theological (religious) plea.
Forgive me, this reads like the ranting of an old woman! I have written about the ties between science and religion many times as Cosmic Law and Physics are all tie ins to this writing. The answer to many of my questions lie in the HOW and Why of stuff and I have come to learn that, the How's are relative to Science and the Whys are relative to Religion or theology. It all leads back to Nature VS. Nurture. By Nature, I just smashed a fly that was bugging the crap out of me, by Nurture, I just let one go out of my front door. So then, what is a Moral Truth? Is it because God would like me to release the fly, a benevolent act of Faith and the reasoning behind the "right thing to do"? What is it about Morality, that makes it true?
In the 1960's, we had a saying, "If it feels good do it!", hence the sexual revolution was born. We described morality based on this emotional state of being; if it feels good then it has no moral downside, if it doesn't feel good, then it does. There were many scientific experiments going on back in the day, LSD and other psychotropics were being studied during and post World War II. However, science has no meaning at all to emotion, to Nurture. Science has a need for evidence while emotion need philosophy and theology, or Faith if you will. Science and religion are inharmonious, they are stand alone concepts. A great example is that the death of the fly has a foundation is science, a cause and effect, Nature. How I cope with the death of the fly and the release of the second one is emotional, dealing with Faith and Nurture.
Science has come a long way since the Dark Ages, yet still unable to explain many of the mysteries of life such as the building of the pyramids around the world, the how and why of it all still held closely to the breast of opposing sides. With all of the technology available to us today, there is still no actual evidence of how the pyramids could have been built back in the days before the wheel was invented. Having been able to decipher the codices left behind by the ancients, they will still NOT believe that the "STAR WALKERS" were there to teach and guide them. In the face of great evidence, science will still deny the possibility of ancient astronauts. Without hard evidence, such as an actual craft or a body, they will not admit to anything. And of course, many of us believe that there is such evidence, just being withheld from the public. So the smack down is on hold!
If there is ever a release of the truth about alien beings, then our entire system of religion would collapse. If we are Star Children, as we believed in the '60's, then where would our allegiances lie? How would we cope with this dilemma? Science would certainly have a deeper meaning to us all, religion, not so much. The Big Fight is yet to be fought, it is one, so far, of an internal process. What do you believe is the Truth, is it fact or fiction? Is it Evolution or Intelligent Design? Let me state clearly, that I am the inbetweener, absolutely, there is evolution and absolutely, something of Great Intelligence, has created our design. I believe in Star Walkers and in Earth Walkers with room for Intelligent Beings outside our understanding. Death, being the ultimate equalizer has the only answers to date. We will either know it all, or nothing at all, however both Nature and Nurture, in the human form, dictate that we somehow believe in our Soul's Immortality, why else would we have created religion in the first place? Our need to know, our curiosity, is embedded in our DNA and where did that DNA come from? Now there, perhaps is the answer to all things!
We are facing some very turbulent times and in fact are in the middle of some tough ones right now. I believe that all sentient beings are questioning the whys and wherefore's. We live in a time of expanding knowledge and technology like never, EVER seen before. There is no reason not to enquire and seek the answers to those burning questions sought by every human being since the beginning, WHO AM I AND WHY AM I HERE? Add to that, where did I come from and where am I going? In this era of an Arab Spring and Occupy Wall Street, emotional needs are coming to the forefront of consciousness. Human beings are tired of being oppressed by those that have the majority of the wealth in the world. While they all seek an emotional solution, the evidence shows that they will be unsuccessful. Sadly, out Intelligent Designers did not include a Morality in the Nature/Nurture of Greed. It has always been true, that those who KNOW, use those WHO DON'T, whether it was the ancient Star Walkers using the indigenous peoples as slaves, or the corporate world using consumers as chattel.
So much for the ranting of an old woman. I am sure that I may have confused rather than illuminated, but I hope that I inspired you as well. There is so much to learn and so much more than I will ever know. I find that the more I teach, the more I write, the more I understand about all that I do NOT know. Questions are SOOOOO welcomed here, often I find more about what I do know through those questions. Thank you for joining me in this exercise, I wish you Peace on your Journey! By the way, Science has discovered the God Particle, a minute thing which cost them billions of dollars to find, and no explanation of what it is or what it does, at least as yet. For once, Science is asking us to have FAITH that this discovery is an important one, hummmmmmm
Science has come a long way since the Dark Ages, yet still unable to explain many of the mysteries of life such as the building of the pyramids around the world, the how and why of it all still held closely to the breast of opposing sides. With all of the technology available to us today, there is still no actual evidence of how the pyramids could have been built back in the days before the wheel was invented. Having been able to decipher the codices left behind by the ancients, they will still NOT believe that the "STAR WALKERS" were there to teach and guide them. In the face of great evidence, science will still deny the possibility of ancient astronauts. Without hard evidence, such as an actual craft or a body, they will not admit to anything. And of course, many of us believe that there is such evidence, just being withheld from the public. So the smack down is on hold!
If there is ever a release of the truth about alien beings, then our entire system of religion would collapse. If we are Star Children, as we believed in the '60's, then where would our allegiances lie? How would we cope with this dilemma? Science would certainly have a deeper meaning to us all, religion, not so much. The Big Fight is yet to be fought, it is one, so far, of an internal process. What do you believe is the Truth, is it fact or fiction? Is it Evolution or Intelligent Design? Let me state clearly, that I am the inbetweener, absolutely, there is evolution and absolutely, something of Great Intelligence, has created our design. I believe in Star Walkers and in Earth Walkers with room for Intelligent Beings outside our understanding. Death, being the ultimate equalizer has the only answers to date. We will either know it all, or nothing at all, however both Nature and Nurture, in the human form, dictate that we somehow believe in our Soul's Immortality, why else would we have created religion in the first place? Our need to know, our curiosity, is embedded in our DNA and where did that DNA come from? Now there, perhaps is the answer to all things!
We are facing some very turbulent times and in fact are in the middle of some tough ones right now. I believe that all sentient beings are questioning the whys and wherefore's. We live in a time of expanding knowledge and technology like never, EVER seen before. There is no reason not to enquire and seek the answers to those burning questions sought by every human being since the beginning, WHO AM I AND WHY AM I HERE? Add to that, where did I come from and where am I going? In this era of an Arab Spring and Occupy Wall Street, emotional needs are coming to the forefront of consciousness. Human beings are tired of being oppressed by those that have the majority of the wealth in the world. While they all seek an emotional solution, the evidence shows that they will be unsuccessful. Sadly, out Intelligent Designers did not include a Morality in the Nature/Nurture of Greed. It has always been true, that those who KNOW, use those WHO DON'T, whether it was the ancient Star Walkers using the indigenous peoples as slaves, or the corporate world using consumers as chattel.
So much for the ranting of an old woman. I am sure that I may have confused rather than illuminated, but I hope that I inspired you as well. There is so much to learn and so much more than I will ever know. I find that the more I teach, the more I write, the more I understand about all that I do NOT know. Questions are SOOOOO welcomed here, often I find more about what I do know through those questions. Thank you for joining me in this exercise, I wish you Peace on your Journey! By the way, Science has discovered the God Particle, a minute thing which cost them billions of dollars to find, and no explanation of what it is or what it does, at least as yet. For once, Science is asking us to have FAITH that this discovery is an important one, hummmmmmm
I KNOW we are spiritual beings, and we HAVE a body. To me, (all specific religions aside) science and spirituality walk hand in hand concerning our evolution, both on the physical plane, and otherwise...besides, I am convinced more will be revealed soon, and for the most part, I'm just enjoying the hell out of ride, and learning as much as I'm capable of (for future use).
ReplyDeleteThat's not to say I don't hope & pray that we are currently just a third world world, and I also think there is evidence that some spirits are very much more advanced than others...so advanced it would be hard to learn all in just one human lifetime.
Isn't that just a wonderFull mystery!
You are so right Mary! It is all a delicious Mystery! Science and spirituality do walk hand in hand, it is religion that seems to stand alone, theoretically. In other posts here, I talk about the 1%. Not in the sense of Occupy Wall Street, but in the sense that today, only 1% of Souls on the planet are highly evolved beings, of which, you are one. 10% are of this higher evolution yet only the 1% are truly seeking the Path rather then just following. The other 90% are still trying to determine WHAT the Path is. Sadly, 50% of the 90% are newly evolving and struggling to find any purpose at all.
ReplyDeleteOur Third World Planet is coming to a point where destruction or major evolution is necessary. As you know, the FIFTH WORLD is about to begin, what was once legend or myth by the indigenous peoples is becoming fact and recognized for its wisdom. We must either coexist, or die, it is EVOLVE or completely DEVOLVE and I am afraid that organized religion is standing in the way of true evolution as it chooses to stand ALONE rather than be inclusive of others and this is evident in Christianity especially. The "one way or no way" theory has become redundant.
Thank you Mary for your posting and for your friendship! I love your facebook postings and share so much of what we learn together here. I wish you the Greatest Peace!
My dear friend, I thank you for your kind words, and the wisdom you freely share with those who are hungry...the fifth world, pure love, and how very exciting to be here in these times!!!
ReplyDeleteOrganized religion...I am a grateful recovering catholic, and my childhood spent there helped me a great deal in my journey toward my own spiritual path! 'Teachers' come in many forms! :)
Peace, Love, and many blessings, my precious friend!
Dearest Mary, you are so right! You are one of the finest teachers and sharers of Knowledge and Wisdom that I have ever seen. Daily, you post inspirational things that life the heart and steel the Soul.
ReplyDeleteWe are sooooo lucky to have chosen this time to be on earth, a time to COEXIST with all beliefs and find that True Self that lies within us all. Through many lifetimes of study, we pursue a deeper understanding of all faiths, many lifetimes have been based on the pure study of one ISM in or another to steel that foundation of Spirit that allows us to carry ourselves in the current one.
We choose to be born of this nation, of multiple ethnicity as another study of mankind and how it melds together, not to mention, the freedom to do so. Having said this, it is right to "remember" our past studies so there is no "ONE WAY OR NO WAY" ism to hold us. Our Native American ancestors, the Ancient Ones of all Peoples, gave us these Truths to live by. While their rituals or sacrifices may be in question, their intent is not. We are the living proof of this.
The "right thing to do", because it pleases God or just because it "feels good", will always be the right thing to do and the tenets laid down from the Ancient Star Walkers reduced to some as the Ten Commandments, are only guidelines as mankind has expanded into the 7 Billion we have today. I am grateful to find such Great Teachers as you along the way! Great Peace and Blessings to you!
Dear Lady, your words both honor and humble me. I have never considered myself to be a teacher other than to my children and grandchildren, and they do not always appreciate the lessons (at first). I thank you, and feel the same about what you have shared with me.
ReplyDeleteIt has always been interesting to me that as one reads the beginning of the new testament, the ten commandments are simplified to love 'God' above all else, and love your fellow man as you would love yourself. In these interesting times, it becomes more and more clear to me that man has a lot of trouble with love and respect for 'self', and therefore lost touch with Spirit, which is our true selves...how blessed are those who are able to do that! mwah <3
DEAREST MARY, IT IS THE TEACHER WHO DOEN'T KNOW THEY ARE ONE WHO TEACHES THE MOST! We can only offer our lives and wisdom as examples of courage to live our Truth. It seems that our children and grandchildren appear to learn the least, until we pass. I feel that it is our "chosen" family that learns the most, dear friends that cling to our Wisdom as they are the Seekers of Truth.
ReplyDeleteIt is certain that the commandments left by every cultural religion has "GOD" or "GODS" as its master, how better to control the masses than to have Power outside the Self. During the period of Enlightenment, at least in the West, Science became a new religious pursuit until it exceeded the ability to explain God.
Back in the day of Paganism and Shamanism, there was the addition of the Sacred or Divine Self which was then vehemently disputed by organized religion as heresy. Today, you and I KNOW that the True Power of Life lies within, NOT without. Mankind may never move to the understanding of Love, a concept that eludes most all of us as we have never been taught to love especially to Love our SELF!
The revolution, or rEvolution as I like to say, that occurred in the 1960's brought us closer to Love and Loving than we have ever been. We began to love and honor Nature and to question Nurture, it is the beginning of the end to organized religion as we all have had to question our own belief systems. One by one we are moving forward, thanks to teachers like you and I who have moved away from and are continuing to question fundamental beliefs.
After working in Japan for more than 20 years, I see that the whole world is changing, religion is trying to keep up, but we have outpaced the "blind faith" that is required to follow ANY of the organized religions today. BAck in the day, we would be punished as heretics, at least, be tapped as witches and burned! Through pastlife regression work and Higher Self Introduction, we can SEE that we are more than this body, this life and this existence. The real Joy is sharing the Journey with like minded souls! Thanks for being here now, with me! MUAH!!!