Well, it finally happened! For nearly 10 years, we have been waiting for this moment. Osama Bin Laden, is finally dead! What happens to the Soul of people like him, the terrorist, the "bad guy"? What happened to Hitler and the rest of his crew? How does the Universal God Source, deal with Good and Evil in the scheme of things?
I wrote about Sai Baba, a Holy Man whose message was Pure and progressive, yet the man himself, was flawed. Mother Theresa was beyond reproach, a life given to sacrifice and service. Bin Laden was completely bent on war and terrorism yet, if you ask his closest friends and family, I am sure that he had regular human kindness and compassion. After all, he had many wives and tons of children. He still was the mastermind of death and destruction, even for his "own" people. How do WE judge him? How will society judge him? How will God, ultimately, judge him?
This is what I KNOW about Spirit; Spirit is all equal. Humanity only learns by example, through trial and error. We have taken the rules of Rome and western style government to create our legal system and established a system by which we would put in place the judges and juries to determine the guilt or innocence of anyone accused of misdeeds. The rule of law has become the Rule of Man. These Laws of Man are unique to the country and states of their origins and without them, there would be complete chaos as Man cannot govern himself well.
The Universe on the other hand is ruled by Universal Principles, Cosmic Law, the Law of Relativity and the Law of Physics. Every planet and star falls under these Principles and every living thing falls under the laws of Nature. In Spirit, there is no such Law, only Guiding Principles. I was asked the other day if I had ever seen the Face of God. Sweet Hannah, just a young girl who has blooming psychic ability, wants to know it all!!!!! This perhaps is the most difficult question to answer. I have touched the Face of God through Near Death Experience and anyone who has had an NDE knows what I mean. Another is the Out of Body experience. In both cases, you can touch the Face of God and for that brief moment, actually BE a part of God.
All Beings, all living things, have Spirit in one form or another as an expression of Spirit but IN Spirit, we are all the same, yet unique unto ourselves, none worse or better, good or evil just Energy in its highest form. The God of our Great Universe, DOES NOT judge us. We, ourselves, are both judge and jury of deeds done or not done. We are Embraced by the All Knowing as part of It, perfect in form and function. So the Hitler's or Bin Laden's are not condemned to eternal Hell fire. The child molester, the murderer, the scum bag is held in no less esteem than that of Mother Theresa.
Evolution dictates that we are constantly moving forward and than in any lifetime, we may choose to be a Hitler type, or a Mother Theresa type or anything in between. The laws of man will judge our character, here and now. After a given lifetime, we then judge ourselves and determine if our life was well expressed, for good or bad. You have the right to be as bad, or as good, as you want to be and the Universal God Source, supports your decision completely. As we evolve spiritually, we test our own waters. We learn by experience what it means to be the molested, the murdered and YES, we also murder and molest. By living a life less fortunate, we learn how to achieve greatness. We LEARN how to be better human beings. Our evolutionary path also takes us through the lower animal kingdom as we need to Learn, what it feels like to even be in a body of any type. We have all experienced a favorite pet that was sooooo human like and we see in some creatures the love and compassion that exceeds our own.
We as humans, are governed by Human Nature as well as Karmic Nature. Whatever we have or have NOT done in a previous life will flavor our current one. Hitler has been known as the worst human being in modern history, however I would posit that he may well have been a Saint! The millions of people who died in his crazy scheme are part and parcel of the Larger Picture of mankind's inhumanity to man. How else could we learn to stop people of his ilk? That war, World War II, was a war of politics, one that is still being taught today. It's Karmic Nature is being played out in Israel and beyond. Clearly, it is a war that still, is NOT over as the lessons from it get repeated, over and over now to include Libya, Korea and throughout the Arab World as people are rising up against tyranny.
This time is known as the Arab Spring, a reference to the fact that most of the rebels are young people pushing for the democracy the want and deserve. Monarchy and dictatorships are not the future of our planet and an uprising has begun. This same principle applies to young people everywhere as we are facing some of the most difficult times ever on our planet. This newer generation of young people want western freedoms, and they deserve to have it however the revolution will be bloody!
Old Souls and New Souls are weighing in now, we have so many people on this planet and it is unsustainable. Wars and catastrophic conditions will be killing many as we go forward, all volunteers. My little friend Hannah, asked about dying as she was afraid t die, and of course, I told her that being afraid to die would cause her to be afraid to live. Death is only a transition point, nothing dies. So Bin Laden is NOT at rest, he is at trial! He is now facing all those he killed, to deal with his Karmic Nature as it is presented to him. There is no escaping this point of transition. He himself, will weigh out the good and bad, the souls of those who interacted with him will have their "say" in his doings. God will only be an observer in this exercise.
Hell is here on Earth, as is Heaven if you so choose it. There is nothing to stop us from having a heavenly Journey or a Hellatious one, it is all a matter of perception, of Nurture over Nature. Life is the illusion and Spirit is the reality, after all, we are Spiritual Beings having a Human Experience, not the other way around. Make good choices, enjoy your time on this Earth as the Acceleration has begun. Love more, Laugh MORE and tell those you love, that you DO love them. Over the coming months, our planet will look more Hell like as changes occur, get square with yourself, only you know the depth of your True Being. If you are struggling to be good, relax and let your Nature pull you out of it. If you are meant to BE bad this lifetime, then be as bad as you want to be just remember that there will be consequences, HERE AND NOW! And if you are good, let that be your Nurture to show others how its done, your rewards, will also be HERE AND NOW! And, until next time, dear friends, Be at Peace!
I wrote about Sai Baba, a Holy Man whose message was Pure and progressive, yet the man himself, was flawed. Mother Theresa was beyond reproach, a life given to sacrifice and service. Bin Laden was completely bent on war and terrorism yet, if you ask his closest friends and family, I am sure that he had regular human kindness and compassion. After all, he had many wives and tons of children. He still was the mastermind of death and destruction, even for his "own" people. How do WE judge him? How will society judge him? How will God, ultimately, judge him?
This is what I KNOW about Spirit; Spirit is all equal. Humanity only learns by example, through trial and error. We have taken the rules of Rome and western style government to create our legal system and established a system by which we would put in place the judges and juries to determine the guilt or innocence of anyone accused of misdeeds. The rule of law has become the Rule of Man. These Laws of Man are unique to the country and states of their origins and without them, there would be complete chaos as Man cannot govern himself well.
The Universe on the other hand is ruled by Universal Principles, Cosmic Law, the Law of Relativity and the Law of Physics. Every planet and star falls under these Principles and every living thing falls under the laws of Nature. In Spirit, there is no such Law, only Guiding Principles. I was asked the other day if I had ever seen the Face of God. Sweet Hannah, just a young girl who has blooming psychic ability, wants to know it all!!!!! This perhaps is the most difficult question to answer. I have touched the Face of God through Near Death Experience and anyone who has had an NDE knows what I mean. Another is the Out of Body experience. In both cases, you can touch the Face of God and for that brief moment, actually BE a part of God.
All Beings, all living things, have Spirit in one form or another as an expression of Spirit but IN Spirit, we are all the same, yet unique unto ourselves, none worse or better, good or evil just Energy in its highest form. The God of our Great Universe, DOES NOT judge us. We, ourselves, are both judge and jury of deeds done or not done. We are Embraced by the All Knowing as part of It, perfect in form and function. So the Hitler's or Bin Laden's are not condemned to eternal Hell fire. The child molester, the murderer, the scum bag is held in no less esteem than that of Mother Theresa.
Evolution dictates that we are constantly moving forward and than in any lifetime, we may choose to be a Hitler type, or a Mother Theresa type or anything in between. The laws of man will judge our character, here and now. After a given lifetime, we then judge ourselves and determine if our life was well expressed, for good or bad. You have the right to be as bad, or as good, as you want to be and the Universal God Source, supports your decision completely. As we evolve spiritually, we test our own waters. We learn by experience what it means to be the molested, the murdered and YES, we also murder and molest. By living a life less fortunate, we learn how to achieve greatness. We LEARN how to be better human beings. Our evolutionary path also takes us through the lower animal kingdom as we need to Learn, what it feels like to even be in a body of any type. We have all experienced a favorite pet that was sooooo human like and we see in some creatures the love and compassion that exceeds our own.
We as humans, are governed by Human Nature as well as Karmic Nature. Whatever we have or have NOT done in a previous life will flavor our current one. Hitler has been known as the worst human being in modern history, however I would posit that he may well have been a Saint! The millions of people who died in his crazy scheme are part and parcel of the Larger Picture of mankind's inhumanity to man. How else could we learn to stop people of his ilk? That war, World War II, was a war of politics, one that is still being taught today. It's Karmic Nature is being played out in Israel and beyond. Clearly, it is a war that still, is NOT over as the lessons from it get repeated, over and over now to include Libya, Korea and throughout the Arab World as people are rising up against tyranny.
This time is known as the Arab Spring, a reference to the fact that most of the rebels are young people pushing for the democracy the want and deserve. Monarchy and dictatorships are not the future of our planet and an uprising has begun. This same principle applies to young people everywhere as we are facing some of the most difficult times ever on our planet. This newer generation of young people want western freedoms, and they deserve to have it however the revolution will be bloody!
Old Souls and New Souls are weighing in now, we have so many people on this planet and it is unsustainable. Wars and catastrophic conditions will be killing many as we go forward, all volunteers. My little friend Hannah, asked about dying as she was afraid t die, and of course, I told her that being afraid to die would cause her to be afraid to live. Death is only a transition point, nothing dies. So Bin Laden is NOT at rest, he is at trial! He is now facing all those he killed, to deal with his Karmic Nature as it is presented to him. There is no escaping this point of transition. He himself, will weigh out the good and bad, the souls of those who interacted with him will have their "say" in his doings. God will only be an observer in this exercise.
Hell is here on Earth, as is Heaven if you so choose it. There is nothing to stop us from having a heavenly Journey or a Hellatious one, it is all a matter of perception, of Nurture over Nature. Life is the illusion and Spirit is the reality, after all, we are Spiritual Beings having a Human Experience, not the other way around. Make good choices, enjoy your time on this Earth as the Acceleration has begun. Love more, Laugh MORE and tell those you love, that you DO love them. Over the coming months, our planet will look more Hell like as changes occur, get square with yourself, only you know the depth of your True Being. If you are struggling to be good, relax and let your Nature pull you out of it. If you are meant to BE bad this lifetime, then be as bad as you want to be just remember that there will be consequences, HERE AND NOW! And if you are good, let that be your Nurture to show others how its done, your rewards, will also be HERE AND NOW! And, until next time, dear friends, Be at Peace!
Masterpiece...Masterpiece, Masterpiece!!!! You know where it is headed.
ReplyDeleteI bow to you, Great Pardu!!! From one who writes so brilliantly, this is High Praise! Thank you for your support, you soooo inspire me! MUAH! I love you Dear Friend!
ReplyDeleteFrom your writings I begin to know that inner peace is possible. Miss Hannah does ask the most interesting questions. I don't always know how to advise her. If I wrote here all that I would like to say/ask you it would take pages. Probably you already know that. I'll just leave it at Thank You for sharing yourself through this blog.
ReplyDeleteYou are so very welcome! Inner Peace is possible, it is Peace in Life that is difficult to attain. Going within and working through your personal STUFF in an effort to create Peace is half the Battle. I so encourage you to write anything you like here, questions or comments are always welcome and as we discuss, Life will open like the Lotus and so many will grow from your effort. Discovering your true Self, loving ALL that you are, is the other half of the Battle. Life is like a huge Cosmic Onion, layer upon layer and as you peel that away, especially in a public forum, you find that Loving yourself, is the other half of the Battle. When you do, finally, LOVE yourself then True Peace is possible for all. Please, feel free to share anytime, inspiring others is a cool thing to do! HUGZZZZ