Friday, May 20, 2011



Well my Dearest friends, tomorrow is Judgement Day, according to Rev. Harold Camping and several others, they have all the proof you need to believe if you are a Christian, that Jesus is coming to Earth tomorrow to begin the Rapture and the world will completely end on October 21, 2011. This 89 year old pastor has been a doomsday prophet for many years and originally predicted this in 1994, however, he made a "calculation error" then and says that he missed the reading of one particular book of the Bible, so now he has it. Since this stuff is all over the Internet, I will not delve into his writings, or that of others as you can simply look it up and get more of the story directly form the source.

Are we living in End Times? The simple answer is YES! What it means is bit longer than a one word answer. Approximately 25% of the world's population is Christian, of that only about 3% are this radical, evangelical "Rapture" believing, bible literalism's. Most of these groups are Christian Cults with a leader whose mission it is to terrify his followers into believing that he, or she, is the "anointed one" and therefore in direct communication with God. In fact, the word "MYSTIC" means, one who speaks to God. This is nothing new, throughout the history of mankind, there has been mysticism at many levels of Society, the most famous of these the Oracle At Delphi in ancient times.

The Rapture believers are a fairly new breed of Christians. They believe that Jesus will return to Earth (currently, this is tomorrow, May 21, 20011) and that the Earth will enter a destructive cycle that will "shake the dead from the ground". This who were solid Christians before dying will be brought up from the ground whole, young and alive to raise up into Heaven and stand at the Right Hand of God. Those who are not Christians, will be raised up in their "whatever" condition and head for the Hinges of Hell. Those of us still alive, will be left to suffer or repent on the spot! BULLSHIT I say, BULLSHIT!

2000 years of creating a religious belief, Christianity, is a very long time. I am not here to down any one  religion, but ALL of them and especially those who breed hate and discontent as a part of their inner Truth. The very idea that it is "ONE WAY OR NO WAY", is absurd. Not even my own beliefs are perfect for everyone, we ALL have to find that Path to Enlightenment and it is as unique as our fingerprints. The Christians ask if your are "RIGHT WITH GOD, HAVE YOU ACCEPTED JESUS CHRIST AS YOUR SAVIOR"? I would ask, are you right with yourself? To believe that you must be saved, assumes that you have been condemned, and I simply disagree with that assumption.

The Universe is quite clear about who is who and what is what. Defining the "who" and "what" is the hard part but you MUST consider the ALL of it all in order to have any clue whatsoever. We are on a crash course with Science and Seers! Which is which? Who will win the argument? Yes, we are living in interesting times, the old Chinese curse has come to pass. The world is in turmoil, wars are discontent are widespread. Here in the States, politics has become a laughing stock as more and more of the constituency are tuned in to the information at hand. We live in a 24 hour news cycle that shows the foibles and fakery of all politicians and they can no longer, hide behind what they said previously. They are all a bunch of flopping fish out of water! Politicians and religious leaders are a failure and thanks to this "new age" of information, we are all making better, more informed decisions. Where we stand as individuals, is based upon our inner beliefs. I am a Universalist, a believer in ALL things, not just one and a Yellow Dog Democrat, believing that as a nation, as a member of the Global community, it is our duty to take care of each other.

So, ask yourself this question, "IF THE PREACHER IS RIGHT, WHAT DO I DO NOW?" If tomorrow is the beginning of the end, and October 21, 2011 is the end of the world, what would you change? That preacher is sitting on top of a 70 million dollar empire, has he given it away? NO! But his followers have given theirs away, TO HIM! They have stopped paying their debts, long ago. I would think that they are all in deep prayer at the moment, terrified of the outcome. Sadly, this has happened before and the suicides that follow are tragic.

We should ALL live life as if today were our last day, to love hard, laugh often and never let past hurts stop us from moving forward. Our guiding principles must be to love and be loved, no matter how difficult times may be, these are the lessons we come to understand. Without the tough part, there would be no point to Life. Spiritual Life is all about the Love and Presence of Mind, human life is all about the struggles and the overbearing mind of the ego. Learning to love yourSelf, to accept that you are NOT perfect to society yet completely perfect and whole unto yourSelf is key to self-realization. If you can find that balance, one of Mind and Spirit then Life is fully realized. Human beings become a literal slave to the processes of Faith, to the dogma of Societies structures and herein lies the danger of loosing the self. We all have roles we must play and THAT is all they are, just roles.

So the question remains, if tomorrow is your last day, then what? We need to live everyday in this manner, not because some preacher or past predictor has said it is so. We face truly challenging times this year and next, our planet is under great stress, the alignments are coming, the Sun will flip its axis and we will see things that we have never seen before. No matter the outcome scientifically, or in actuality, we will still be in the same place we were before it started. We will all die, in due course, just as WE have chosen it to be and if we loose ourSelves in that fact, then we loose Life itSelf. So for me, I plan to have a regular week-end and I hope that yours is filled with loving friends, laughing moments and blessed SUNSHINE! Until next time, I wish you Peace.

Monday, May 16, 2011



The Universe in Its Wisdom, created Duality. From the initial BIG BANG, Cosmic Law, the Law of Relativity, Dark Energy and Dark Matter were created. All of the Natural Laws of Physics were laid down in a nanno second as the Universe began to expand into infinity. Dark Energy and Dark Matter being the last two real Mysteries. In that moment, the Law of Duality was also born.

In my thinking, Dark Matter became the "Stuff" of life and over billions of years attracted other matter to itself which became the first organisms of our Universe. In order to have Life and continue the Principles of Duality, from Dark Energy came the "Spirit" for Life. In the Principle of Duality, all things have an opposite or an equally opposing Force so that all things may be known. A singular thing has no real basis of understanding without its opposite or components of opposition by which to be understood.

Since I am not a scientist nor am I a physicist, it is the Spiritual Duality of which I write today. In the beginning, Spirit was a single Force. The Singularity of Spirit in its simplest form can still be viewed today in the lower animal and plant kingdom where Duality is insignificant however, within the Human Species, Singularity was a non-starter! As evolution would have it and as soon as man became Self Aware, the Duality occurred. Spirit, by Nature was One Thing, created of the Dark Energy and fully sufficient to serve Mankind but did not serve Evolution. It was at this time, that once again, The Universe in Its Wisdom, created Duality for Humankind. 

Spirit was, at this time, divided into two parts. This has been written about by many, so I will only touch on my beliefs here, but at the time of Creation we were whole and Singular, Evolution changed us to need an Opposite so Energy was split into two forms. Hence the concept of a "Soul Mate". IT is my understanding after years of study, that the Soul Mate is NOT our Lifetime Love! While this can happen, Its Opposite standing most often would end in tragedy! Our Soul Mate is an opposite entity of Self. Since the separation at the Spiritual Level, two different Journeys  begin in order to have a broader understanding of Life and Living. Upon return to Spirit, then there is a reunion of Singular lives and comparisons to experience shared. 

I know this will cause some confusion, as the New Age has done this to so many. There is NO Soul Mate that is your Life Mate, you are opposites and have completely differing view points, likes and dislikes. There is a reason that OPPOSITES attract and yet in Spirit, these opposites for learning would cause great dysfunction in a relationship. For instance, I married four times, each time thinking I had met the Soul Mate, LMAO! What a joke I pulled on myself! However, upon going to Japan I was given the great opportunity to finally meet my true Soul Mate, who happens to be a woman! Equally, I met several men there that I knew I had destiny to meet and finally was given to understanding the difference.

From the initial separation of Spirit, we have yearned to get back to our lost "partner", with the added attraction of mating and procreation, we continue to seek out our "opposite". I have learned that the affinity for attraction comes from this need to complete ourselves, to "hook up" with that attraction. This affinity is stronger in males than in females, but none-the-less necessary. These attractions can happen even casually, and stronger than ever. Since the late 1950's, these attractions have been acted upon more than ever. Perhaps because mankind is evolving rapidly towards these "end times", or merely because of our awareness of these attractions and the social freedoms to act upon them.

Every living being has felt that pull, that need to explore that attraction of another person. There are many factors that draw us but the strongest of these is that Spiritual attraction and I have found that having a past life relationship with someone, be it family, lovers or even friends, we are automatically attracted once again. It may take many lifetimes of sharing and caring that attract, or the draw of Karmic necessity, to complete or redo a situation in the past.

Let me get back to our Duality. The recent poll asked that I write about Higher Self and Ego with equal votes, so I would combine them here as they have causality. We would NOT have one without the other. From the moment that humans became "self aware", there has been Ego and then began the separation in Mind from Nature and Spirit as a Singular form. Self governing, self control, self determination all fell into place shortly after. So too, did the need to believe in the Gods as self awareness lead to self denial and lack of self confidence. Life became a struggle as Nurture overcame Nature and the Duality of Spirit, that of separation upon birth, left us "wanting" for something to fill the void. The creation of the Five Levels of Mind was borne out of necessity, no longer was communication with the Universe an absolute as Nature dictates, it was muddled and confused with Self Awareness, Language, Religious Beliefs, Cultural and Social Order. Complexity created Ego and vice versa.

The Higher Self, the Spirit of Self, is the energy of the All, all that you have ever done or ever been. Before birth, the Higher Self will choose location, ethnicity, parentage, siblings and conditions of Life. And if you are saying "OH NO, I WOULD NEVER CHOOSE THIS SHIT I AM LIVING THROUGH RIGHT NOW", think again! Every ability and disability is chosen before birth, to teach and to learn. THIS is your Guardian Angle, but NOT separate from you, it is YOU. Nothing of a Spiritual nature, can come to you except by this Guardian. If you are bothered by Spiritual "golly wobbles", those dark entities that love to disturb humans, you have attracted it in some way. If you are gifted with Spiritual things, it is by this Guardian. The Higher Self is your ticket to the Universe, your direct, wireless link to the God Source. It holds all things good for you and yes, occasionally, some very difficult lessons. We are after all, Spiritual Beings have a Human Experience, not the other way around.

The Higher Self knows everything that will happen in your life, it holds the Sacred Road Map of your Journey. If you have read the "FIVE LEVELS OF MIND", then you know that this is the second level in direct connection to the God Source and your Supra Conscious level. Through this connection, it sends its messages through impressions, inspirations and dreams to influence the subconscious and conscious level of mind, attempting to bypass the Ego. The difficulty lies in the Ego/Rational level of mind where all things are cussed and discussed and directly influenced by Nurture and socio/economic structures. To the chagrin of many, the Ego generally overrides any influence by the Higher Self as it doesn't recognize its existence at all. The Ego believes that it is all there is and nothing more, that is except the belief in the "GODS". I say GODS as multiples since there are nearly 7 billion people on the planet today and each has its own belief system.

The Ego has a sovereign, sole propriety idea of Self. Today, we have the information network by which to defeat this style of thinking, but even for me, it is an ongoing battle to keep the Ego in check. We cannot live without it, it is our survival tool and a means to an end, that being a self determined Life. A brilliant example of Ego out of Control is Donald Trump, self aggrandizing, self serving and self promoting. In most cases of Grand Egos, we find great talent as it takes a strong Ego to become a star, a leader of any kind. All of the celebrities that I have met, the politicians and business leaders all had a healthy endowment of Ego. Another group of people are teachers, but mostly in perfect balance as ALL that they are, is set out in classrooms to benefit others. Teachers KNOW that they have something special, but it is to GIVE, not to RECEIVE. They also have a special dose of attraction as students may be more attractive to them then they should be. This works in a multitude of directions as students and teachers, bosses and employees, superiors and inferiors always have an attraction issue, past life or this life. An ego out of balance will take advantage of these opportunities. 

The perfect example of Ego in balance was Mother Theresa and millions of people like her, who have sacrificed self interest to serve others. Wherever there is self-less-ness, the Ego is in balance. The struggle is no less, the Ego never gives UP but it does give IN to logic, reason, intuition, inspiration and aspiration. Nurture is all about training and retraining, it is never to late to being a new path. As we learn a better way of living, we do a better job of pushing ourselves forward. Nothing comes from nothing, "nothing ventured, nothing gained". We must educate ourselves, learn about all the things within us as well as without. Education is critical for all beings, not just academia but also our human Nature. While Donald Trump and Mother Theresa are polar opposites, they both have many great lessons for us to learn from since they are famous individuals. Fame is a choice of the Higher Self, you either will be or not be, you may come close and not succeed or you will push through the doubt and make it to your dreams.

The Ego and the Higher Self are also polar opposites, one has your back, the other has your mind. How you work to bring those two entities into balance depends on your awareness of them. I highly recommend Eckhart Tolle's books as he expounds on these subjects and how to use it in the now. Keep reading, keep looking and NEVER, EVER, GIVE UP! The Ego will never give up and it will fight to your dying breath, as it too, dies at that time, with the body. The Higher Self returns to Spirit, to the Oneness, the ALL there IS to share with the Soul Mate all that it has learned and experienced. The Soul Mate studies the opposites, Twin Souls share the Journey and herein lies the affinity to attractions. There can be many Twin Souls, countless numbers  of Spirits you have shared life and loving with that will drift towards you again. BFF's come from this pool of Spirits, as does family and even our favorite actors, singers and so on. Trust is built up through many life times and we have all met people that we just "knew them" the moment you met. There is no such thing as coincidence, only choreographed  happenstance.

I hope that I have sparked your interest in your SELF! Every lifetime is a new Journey, a new challenge to master the Human Condition and its disabilities and always, ALWAYS seek to KNOW THYSELF! If we can discover the mystery of Self and Higher Self, we may finally evolve BACK to Nature as our inspiration rather than Nurture, we can overcome the motivated reasoning of the Ego and live fully expressed, satisfying lives. I wish you Peace on your path to this discovery!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011



Well, it finally happened! For nearly 10 years, we have been waiting for this moment. Osama Bin Laden, is finally dead! What happens to the Soul of people like him, the terrorist, the "bad guy"? What happened to Hitler and the rest of his crew?  How does the Universal God Source, deal with Good and Evil in the scheme of things?

I wrote about Sai Baba, a Holy Man whose message was Pure and progressive, yet the man himself, was flawed. Mother Theresa was beyond reproach, a life given to sacrifice and service. Bin Laden was completely bent on war and terrorism yet, if you ask his closest friends and family, I am sure that he had regular human kindness and compassion. After all, he had many wives and tons of children. He still was the mastermind of death and destruction, even for his "own" people. How do WE judge him? How will society judge him? How will God, ultimately, judge him?

This is what I KNOW about Spirit; Spirit is all equal. Humanity only learns by example, through trial and error. We have taken the rules of Rome and western style government to create our legal system and established a system by which we would put in place the judges and juries to determine the guilt or innocence of anyone accused of misdeeds. The rule of law has become the Rule of Man. These Laws of Man are unique to the country and states of their origins and without them, there would be complete chaos as Man cannot govern himself well.

The Universe on the other hand is ruled by Universal Principles, Cosmic Law, the Law of Relativity and the Law of Physics. Every planet and star falls under these Principles and every living thing falls under the laws of Nature. In Spirit, there is no such Law, only Guiding Principles. I was asked the other day if I had ever seen the Face of God. Sweet Hannah, just a young girl who has blooming psychic ability, wants to know it all!!!!! This perhaps is the most difficult question to answer. I have touched the Face of God through Near Death Experience and anyone who has had an NDE knows what I mean. Another is the Out of Body experience. In both cases, you can touch the Face of God and for that brief moment, actually BE a part of God.

All Beings, all living things, have Spirit in one form or another as an expression of Spirit but IN Spirit, we are all the same, yet unique unto ourselves, none worse or better, good or evil just Energy in its highest form. The God of our Great Universe, DOES NOT judge us. We, ourselves, are both judge and jury of deeds done or not done. We are Embraced by the All Knowing as part of It, perfect in form and function. So the Hitler's or Bin Laden's are not condemned to eternal Hell fire. The child molester, the murderer, the scum bag is held in no less esteem than that of Mother Theresa.

Evolution dictates that we are constantly moving forward and than in any lifetime, we may choose to be a Hitler type, or a Mother Theresa type or anything in between. The laws of man will judge our character, here and now. After a given lifetime, we then judge ourselves and determine if our life was well expressed, for good or bad. You have the right to be as bad, or as good, as you want to be and the Universal God Source, supports your decision completely. As we evolve spiritually, we test our own waters. We learn by experience what it means to be the molested, the murdered and YES, we also murder and molest. By living a life less fortunate, we learn how to achieve greatness. We LEARN how to be better human beings. Our evolutionary path also takes us through the lower animal kingdom as we need to Learn, what it feels like to even be in a body of any type. We have all experienced a favorite pet that was sooooo human like and we see in some creatures the love and compassion that exceeds our own.

We as humans, are governed by Human Nature as well as Karmic Nature. Whatever we have or have NOT done in a previous life will flavor our current one. Hitler has been known as the worst human being in modern history, however I would posit that he may well have been a Saint! The millions of people who died in his crazy scheme are part and parcel of the Larger Picture of mankind's inhumanity to man. How else could we learn to stop people of his ilk? That war, World War II, was a war of politics, one that is still being taught today. It's Karmic Nature is being played out in Israel and beyond. Clearly, it is a war that still, is NOT over as the lessons from it get repeated, over and over now to include Libya, Korea and throughout the Arab World as people are rising up against tyranny.

This time is known as the Arab Spring, a reference to the fact that most of the rebels are young people pushing for the democracy the want and deserve. Monarchy and dictatorships are not the future of our planet and an uprising has begun. This same principle applies to young people everywhere as we are facing some of the most difficult times ever on our planet. This newer generation of young people want western freedoms, and they deserve to have it however the revolution will be bloody!

Old Souls and New Souls are weighing in now, we have so many people on this planet and it is unsustainable. Wars and catastrophic conditions will be killing many as we go forward, all volunteers. My little friend Hannah, asked about dying as she was afraid t die, and of course, I told her that being afraid to die would cause her to be afraid to live. Death is only a transition point, nothing dies. So Bin Laden is NOT at rest, he is at trial! He is now facing all those he killed, to deal with his Karmic Nature as it is presented to him. There is no escaping this point of transition. He himself, will weigh out the good and bad, the souls of those who interacted with him will have their "say" in his doings. God will only be an observer in this exercise.

Hell is here on Earth, as is Heaven if you so choose it. There is nothing to stop us from having a heavenly Journey or a Hellatious one, it is all a matter of perception, of Nurture over Nature. Life is the illusion and Spirit is the reality, after all, we are Spiritual Beings having a Human Experience, not the other way around. Make good choices, enjoy your time on this Earth as the Acceleration has begun. Love more, Laugh MORE and tell those you love, that you DO love them. Over the coming months, our planet will look more Hell like as changes occur, get square with yourself, only you know the depth of your True Being. If you are struggling to be good, relax and let your Nature pull you out of it. If you are meant to BE bad this lifetime, then be as bad as you want to be just remember that there will be consequences, HERE AND NOW! And if you are good, let that be your Nurture to show others how its done, your rewards, will also be HERE AND NOW! And, until next time, dear friends, Be at Peace!