And there's more! Recently, a dear friend of mine was touring Asia and posted photos of his journey through Thailand, Laos and Cambodia. My friend Jordan, is only in his early 30's and went with a group of young travelers from New Zealand as kind of a last Hurrah, before returning to the States. I followed his posting on Face Book, recalling memories of my own Journey and wishing him God's Speed on his own. Being a Spiritualist, I was checking photos for spirit and sure enough, found many spirit orbs in the places he visited. I was able to recognize one of thee orbs as Jordan's beloved grandmother, Geri who seemed to hover closely to him, as every journey has its dangerous spots.
For most us Baby Boomers, Viet Nam holds a particular set of memories, our country divided and a failed war. It was the turbulent '60's and '70's, drugs, sex, rock-n-roll and THE WAR were defining moments in our young lives. There was a draft instated and all young men were either going to war, going to college or going to Canada! It was a time when our country became divided over these issues in ways that may never happen again. America is a unique country, the World's Police Force is here and like it or not, this is what we have come to represent so any Journey abroad is met by a standard of mistrust and down right hatred that is hard to quantify.
I have often said that history is written by its victims and the reminders of this were in the pictures posted of the Killing Fields of Cambodia. Disturbing as they were to view, what was even more disturbing as a Spiritualist, is the absolute absence of Spirit in an abundance of remains. In the grave pits, the clothing, teeth and bones of victims planted there are breaking the surface of the earth, to be collected and placed in containers on display. The tower of skulls having equally disturbing displays of skulls with bullet holes, children's skulls and the denoted "Beating Tree" where children were beaten to death. From Paradise to Prison camp, and now to tourist destination. It boggles the mind!
There is a disturbing trend here, choices of man to "honor" the killing fields, the atrocities of war better left unnoticed in my opinion. "LEST WE FORGET" is the oft spoken phrase, are you kidding me???? How could anyone forget??? These wars raged all over the planet has their victims to speak for them, turning them into Disneyland Adventures is even more atrocious! We have all experienced war in one form or another, for me it was an Uncle killed in WWII, a father who served in the South Pacific and Japan, a brother who served in the Viet Nam war and numerous friends.
Jordan also posted wonderful pictures of the aged temples, the beautiful shots of Paradise Lost, sunsets and lush jungles, elephant rides and nasty little monkeys! This part of Asia is still locked in the past in spite of the latest technologies. Communism has locked these countries into a third world mindset that may never change. But what of its spiritual nature? How does it fit into the Global Spirit of Things? Why is there no Spirit at the Killing Fields?
Have you ever been to any of the locations where masses have dies? Germany for one, has a particular energy about it, yet it too, is noticeably empty. I have been to many such places, most recently in Japan's nuclear holocaust at Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Again, what strikes me is the ABSENCE of Spirit and the presence of tourism. So what's next, or I should say, WHERE IS NEXT? Will Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan become that next great destination? What does this say about our humanity?
Well, I am not so worried about our humanity, it is what it is and we seem to revel in our wars. What interests me, is what happens to the Spirit in these exchanges. Ever since there have been human beings, there has been murder and mayhem, not likely to change that! What is fascinating to me, is the fact that when masses of people die, especially in an atrocious act, Spirit seems to vanish quickly. Instead of being earth bound by the heinousness of the death, it seems that they all signed up for the situation and were quite prepared for the transition. Children are unique, they are innocent and transition easily. Their deaths are so terribly sad, but they teach by their short lives. Adults however are slightly different. When the masses die collectively, there is a spiritual "agreement" to teach by a common death. I suppose it is their collective "gift" that attracts the still living to look upon the madness, or it could be just plain, morbid curiosity as that is also part of our human nature.
In these current times, where the lessons of war abound and the vendors make money hand over fist, it is unlikely that we are going to meet the criteria for Peace. This is that New Age period where we are SUPPOSED to be stepping up to our Best, not appealing to our WORST. The Shift is upon us, 2012 is right around the corner and we still prefer war to Peace. Politicians haggle over absurd details of Life without considering Life itself. They talk Peace and nurture war, "it's good for business". In the meantime, people are signing up to die in these battles over "my God is better than your God". As the full Harvest Moon rose on the day of America's greatest terrorist act, 9/11, I prayed for that Peace and felt the emptiness of Spirit as only a few people on the planet were praying for the same thing. And on a lighter note, they just opened the NEW Ground Zero Memorial, another destination Park.
While I haven't been to Japan since the big earthquake of March 11th and the following tsunami, I have seen the pictures and have been in touch with many of my friends still there. It seems that Japan has once again, chosen to teach us about Nuclear stuff. Their suffering form the quake and tsunami could have been overcome, tragic as it is, it is not the worst that happened. The melting of the nuclear reactors and the subsequent lack of ability to deal with that has crippled the country once again. Certainly not as bad as the bombs America dropped on her, but potentially, like Chernobyl, it will poison many and destroy much needed farm land. Already, Chernobyl is a tourist destination again, proving my theory that we are a sickly, curious bunch.
EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY! Are we as empty as the photos of these horrific places? Is there no one HOME? I meet so many newly evolving souls, the kind you see everyday in life, Walmart is a magnet for them! Please, I will rescind that, as I do not make judgements of Walmart, but talk about making money off the curious! I shop there too, so I speak of what I see. People who beg for money at Walmart's crossroads, stating that they are poor Veterans and haven't been even close to a recruiters office much less served in the military are a perfect example. Our citizens have become pride-less, preferring the bliss of ignorance, wanting more than their share and unwilling to participate to earn it. It has become curiously obvious, many people today are Spirit-less, may as well be zombies.
If mankind"s charity and spirituality is necessary to save us from the unseen destruction of 2012, then my friends, WE ARE DOOOOOMED! While there are many Old Souls today, our planet is overloaded with the Newly Evolving and while this is not a judgement, they have no clue how to evolve into what COULD be their saving Grace. Suicide is rampant as they struggle with simple life choices and here is the real sadness as they are doomed to repeat that difficulty in another life in order to overcome the urge to stop the progress.
And so it is, all failed wars, all of man's failures will be honored in some very strange ways. It is said that if we do not learn from our past, we are doomed to repeat it, and so it is! We keep moving through the same circles, jumping through the same political HOOPS and expecting a different outcome. One only needs to look at a countries political structure to understand how truly, spiritually empty a nation is. "ONE NATION UNDER GOD", hummmmm, actually it is one nation under MANY Gods and fighting that all the way, contrary to what politicians say.
Well this has been more political than spiritual so I will stop this train of thought. I would hope that your life is Spirit-FULL, we all need to be more aware of our lives and our consequences and most of all to appreciate the evolution that we do have, to learn and grow with every beat of the heart as no matter what, soon your body will be empty too. What will your legacy be? Will people be curious about your life? Will they have no questions about WHO or WHAT you were? Will you have answered your own questions about who you are? Will you become a destination????? I wish for you everything you want for yourself and much, much more! Peace!
Jordan also posted wonderful pictures of the aged temples, the beautiful shots of Paradise Lost, sunsets and lush jungles, elephant rides and nasty little monkeys! This part of Asia is still locked in the past in spite of the latest technologies. Communism has locked these countries into a third world mindset that may never change. But what of its spiritual nature? How does it fit into the Global Spirit of Things? Why is there no Spirit at the Killing Fields?
Have you ever been to any of the locations where masses have dies? Germany for one, has a particular energy about it, yet it too, is noticeably empty. I have been to many such places, most recently in Japan's nuclear holocaust at Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Again, what strikes me is the ABSENCE of Spirit and the presence of tourism. So what's next, or I should say, WHERE IS NEXT? Will Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan become that next great destination? What does this say about our humanity?
Well, I am not so worried about our humanity, it is what it is and we seem to revel in our wars. What interests me, is what happens to the Spirit in these exchanges. Ever since there have been human beings, there has been murder and mayhem, not likely to change that! What is fascinating to me, is the fact that when masses of people die, especially in an atrocious act, Spirit seems to vanish quickly. Instead of being earth bound by the heinousness of the death, it seems that they all signed up for the situation and were quite prepared for the transition. Children are unique, they are innocent and transition easily. Their deaths are so terribly sad, but they teach by their short lives. Adults however are slightly different. When the masses die collectively, there is a spiritual "agreement" to teach by a common death. I suppose it is their collective "gift" that attracts the still living to look upon the madness, or it could be just plain, morbid curiosity as that is also part of our human nature.
In these current times, where the lessons of war abound and the vendors make money hand over fist, it is unlikely that we are going to meet the criteria for Peace. This is that New Age period where we are SUPPOSED to be stepping up to our Best, not appealing to our WORST. The Shift is upon us, 2012 is right around the corner and we still prefer war to Peace. Politicians haggle over absurd details of Life without considering Life itself. They talk Peace and nurture war, "it's good for business". In the meantime, people are signing up to die in these battles over "my God is better than your God". As the full Harvest Moon rose on the day of America's greatest terrorist act, 9/11, I prayed for that Peace and felt the emptiness of Spirit as only a few people on the planet were praying for the same thing. And on a lighter note, they just opened the NEW Ground Zero Memorial, another destination Park.
While I haven't been to Japan since the big earthquake of March 11th and the following tsunami, I have seen the pictures and have been in touch with many of my friends still there. It seems that Japan has once again, chosen to teach us about Nuclear stuff. Their suffering form the quake and tsunami could have been overcome, tragic as it is, it is not the worst that happened. The melting of the nuclear reactors and the subsequent lack of ability to deal with that has crippled the country once again. Certainly not as bad as the bombs America dropped on her, but potentially, like Chernobyl, it will poison many and destroy much needed farm land. Already, Chernobyl is a tourist destination again, proving my theory that we are a sickly, curious bunch.
EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY! Are we as empty as the photos of these horrific places? Is there no one HOME? I meet so many newly evolving souls, the kind you see everyday in life, Walmart is a magnet for them! Please, I will rescind that, as I do not make judgements of Walmart, but talk about making money off the curious! I shop there too, so I speak of what I see. People who beg for money at Walmart's crossroads, stating that they are poor Veterans and haven't been even close to a recruiters office much less served in the military are a perfect example. Our citizens have become pride-less, preferring the bliss of ignorance, wanting more than their share and unwilling to participate to earn it. It has become curiously obvious, many people today are Spirit-less, may as well be zombies.
If mankind"s charity and spirituality is necessary to save us from the unseen destruction of 2012, then my friends, WE ARE DOOOOOMED! While there are many Old Souls today, our planet is overloaded with the Newly Evolving and while this is not a judgement, they have no clue how to evolve into what COULD be their saving Grace. Suicide is rampant as they struggle with simple life choices and here is the real sadness as they are doomed to repeat that difficulty in another life in order to overcome the urge to stop the progress.
And so it is, all failed wars, all of man's failures will be honored in some very strange ways. It is said that if we do not learn from our past, we are doomed to repeat it, and so it is! We keep moving through the same circles, jumping through the same political HOOPS and expecting a different outcome. One only needs to look at a countries political structure to understand how truly, spiritually empty a nation is. "ONE NATION UNDER GOD", hummmmm, actually it is one nation under MANY Gods and fighting that all the way, contrary to what politicians say.
Well this has been more political than spiritual so I will stop this train of thought. I would hope that your life is Spirit-FULL, we all need to be more aware of our lives and our consequences and most of all to appreciate the evolution that we do have, to learn and grow with every beat of the heart as no matter what, soon your body will be empty too. What will your legacy be? Will people be curious about your life? Will they have no questions about WHO or WHAT you were? Will you have answered your own questions about who you are? Will you become a destination????? I wish for you everything you want for yourself and much, much more! Peace!