What more can we learn? That which is nature has a memory, the Pea has an absolute memory as do all growing things, short of mankind. What is the NATURE of Living? Rice has more than 50,000 genes, the lowly pea also has massive amounts of genetic material, it grows, learns and progresses all by itself. It plots the weather and the humidity, it knows the seasons so well that it will optimize its growth and production cycles so as to give out the best of itself.
Time runs differently for plants and humans. It has been recently discovered that plants have a neurobiology, they actually "think" without a brain, without guidance, they are self determined. That natural neurobiology creates synapses as the plant learns from the past to calculate present and future.Humans have a little more than 26,000 genes yet we are blessed or cursed, with a brain! We have yet to evolve beyond the Pea, makes "Pea Brained" take on a whole new meaning! Who knew???? So what's the big difference? EGO!!!!! Personality for human beings, is the driving force behind our decision making processes.
No matter how often our planet has been decimated, no matter the disaster or catastrophe, PLANTS RULE! They over grow our ancient civilizations, bury them in massive amounts of greenery and soil. In the deserts, their absence is noted by the ongoing winds of time that bury things in the sands of time until another planetary shift brings the humidity back to arid places then the BLOOM is on once again.
Finally in Cern, France, the Heggs Bosen Particle has been discovered. It is said to be the "GOD PARTICLE", the originator of all other particles, the one that started it all. I have to say, science has gone NUTS in trying to identify this particle, spending billions of of dollars for the Super Collider and the staff to man this unit. I still say so what!!!! As far as I can tell, this serves no purpose other than to soothe someones curiosity, to discover every knowable particle. Well, congratulations folks, NOW WHAT??? Will science prove there is or is not a God Source??? Steven Hawking has already declared there is no God and proved it to his satisfaction, so the God Particle discovered in France doesn't change his calculations, in fact, may reinforce them.
They are all dancing with the Quantum Entanglement (synchronicity), to explain the inexplicable scientifically. They recognize the four forces in the universe as 1. Gravity 2. Electromagnetic Energy 3. Strong Force and 4. Weak Force. However there are two other forces, Cause and Effect (Karma) that must be considered where humanity is concerned. The Natural Forces of the Universe DO apply to humanity, it is our Nurture that doesn't equate. There is NO formula to encompass the WHO of WHAT we are, we are beyond just our human condition, beyond our genetic predispositions.
Well, Planet Earth is dancing as well, dancing with past and present memory allowing the future to evolve and change as it will. She has memories so deep, power so great and it has been eons since she was truly appreciated for the power she holds over every living thing, living off the Earth through her bounty as she holds the secrets of the past and present closely to her. We have forgotten that she is the Mother, all indigenous peoples know this. I have spent tons of time with the Aborigines in Australia, with the Hopi, Navajo, Zuni and Hava Supai where the faith is strong and unshakable. Their legends and stories are the fabric of their faith, even though Christianity has crept into their lives, their Truth is unshakable as they still live upon the Mother through her good will. Our Mother, our Planet, is the center of our Universe and materialism has taken us from this "KNOWING", that is critical for our survival.
We haven't yet learned to "play nice", we are still a warring people and most fighting over whose God is the Biggest and Baddest. It is insanity! The bottleneck of humanity, the fact that we have all evolved from the original, one black African woman can only speak to this insanity. We are all genetically connected, we are fighting wars with our cousins, we are racist and bigoted, it is as if we are deeply asleep and no one can wake us from this dream. The Pea is NOT fighting with the Rice, the Corn Stalks allow for the weeds that can grow in their shadow, to share the wealth. My dandelions grow healthier than my lawn by this same principle, much to my dismay, but HATE them I do!
In my last posting "THE DANCE CALLED LIFE", I wrote about your partnership in the dance, well this is also that same line of thinking. Where do you fit in the overall picture? Does it require that you BELIEVE IN SOMETHING OR SOMEONE? As human beings, since the first to the last, it seems we are doomed to HAVE to have something other than ourselves to believe in, yet the ancients followed the stars and the planet to instill their beliefs. No better actually than us, just different, perhaps more valid than our multi-religiousness. When our beliefs lead us constantly to war, then isn't it time to change our beliefs? Can we evolve to something greater than a war culture? I think we can.
You are the greatest person who ever lived! Millions of years of evolution, perhaps tens of thousands of lifetimes, have brought you here, NOW! We have not yet out evolved the Pea, but with our conscious abilities, we can certainly LEARN to! We are more than our ethnicity, more than our humanity, we are DIVINE! Co-creators of the Universe we live in, able to dance to any tune! My oh my! We have untapped powers, unused brain function so why do we subjugate ourselves, limiting our growth with false labels and false beliefs. Believe what you will, but the Singularity is real.
Our time on this planet is very limited, if the seers of the future are any predictor of the upcoming events of 2012, we are in deep doo-doo! Mother Earth is dancing her ass off in her own unique way and we are merely observers in this dance, it is time to be participants! Pick your Partner, find your Path and score your own soundtrack. This is one dance that we ALL must do. Until next time, I wish you Peace and by the way, would you like to Dance??????